
I guess I'm old fashion because I do mouth to lung. I made this thread to see how many MTL vapers there are around here so if you are a MTL vaper make a post and say hello. Include a description of your hardware and the juices you are currently vaping if you like.  

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Mouth To Lung To Lung To Ear To Mouth

I enjoy vaping in the following way:

1. Mouth to lung
2. Lung to lung
3. Lung to mouth to lung back into mouth through left nostril
4. Mouth to right nostril back to mouth to lung to left nostril
5. Lung to mouth back to lung
6. Lung to lung to lung back to mouth through left nostril out right ear into mouth back to lung (personal fav)
What's your favorite inhale technique?  

The Invisible Vaping Community

With so many debates about public vaping raging here, I started to wonder how many people around us are stealthy vapers?

People who vape at home and in their cars, but not out in public.
People that vape with a stealthy setup indoors - around the corner, in the rest room.
People that go outside and vape with the smokers.
People that use small devices with less vapor.

It was common to see posts here about people never having seen another vaper out and about only a short time ago. Now that vaping is much more mainstream and available, I wonder how many people around us are stealth vapers, getting their nic fix right under our noses? Thousands of ego and evod setups are being sold every day, yet very rarely do I see another vaper, unless I'm in a vape shop.

My guess is that stealthy vapers make up more than 75% of all vapers. They just go unnoticed. They might be standing right next to you.

The Invisible Majority?  

What's The Best Coil To Get For Mouth To Lung Vaping, Voopoo Drag X.

At Element Vape, there are about 10 kinds of coils listed that fit the Voopoo drag x. I'm not sure which one to get but I like mouth to lung vaping so if someone could assist me, I'd appreciate it.

Also, if I am using the device for mouth to lung vaping, am I supposed to keep the air hole open, closed or halfway? Thank you in advance.  

Lower Nicotine When Doing Lung Hits?

So I've been mouth to lung vaping since I started vaping. Started at 24 mg with the Halo Triton and when I upgraded to the iStick and the Nautilus I lowered my nicotine down to 15 mg. It's been fine.......getting enough nicotine so I don't crave analogs, not getting too much nicotine so that I start feeling sick. Throat hit has been fine and not uncomfortable.

Yesterday I started doing lung hits with the iStick and the Nautilus and with the greater amount of vapor I can produce, I stepped the nicotine down to 12 mg since I also started to get a little lightheaded (I suppose with the greater amount of vapor I am also taking in more nicotine, even though nicotine absorption through the lungs is not supposed to be as good as through the mouth and nose). The juice that I am using is also a 70VG/30PG mix as compared to the 50/50 I was vaping before. However this morning I woke up with an irritated throat and the vape (even when switching back to mouth to lung) feels more harsh.

Do I need to step down the nicotine level even more to 6 mg? Is this normal when going from mouth to lung to direct lung hits? I'm not subohming, so I didn't expect that I would need to drop it down that much. I'm afraid that if I drop it down too much, then I'm going to have more cravings and will need to vape constantly.  

Help...does Certain E Juices Cause Mouth Sores

Im 13 days cigarette free, I know that can cause mouth sores/ulcers. But can certain juices cause them as well? Last time I quit for 3 weeks and never got them. Im vaping boss reserve, 6 nicotine and before that I was vaping unicorn milk. Both by cuttwood. Some one told me to switch PG and vg around so what is the PG and vg in what I'm currently vaping and what should I switch too?  

Lung Hits At 6mg-12mg Or Mouth To Lung At 30mg - Why Such Big Diff. ?

Hey all,

I've always vaped a high nic concentration. Probably since I started in somewhat of the early days 6 years ago at least and the equipment sucked so the high nic levels kinda offset the equipment. Vape 30mg.

I recently got an atty with a big airhole so I was able to go sub ohm at like
.5ohm at 20-30 watts at my normal 30mg+ nic. Holy **** - it kicked my ***!!! I had to drank a gallon of water after 1 in a half hits.

Do any of you guys notice such a big difference in nicotine amounts when switching vaping styles. When I mouth to lung I only take in maybe a quarter of the actual vapor that's produced- but I use like 30mg+ of nic. But I really like the throat hit the high nic amounts provide.

What are your experiences ? Am I crazy with having to use 30mg+ for my normal mouth to lung vaping style.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk  

Old Vaper With Newbie Question

Hi all. Been vaping over ten years now, this Forum was tremendously helpful to me when I got started but haven't been back for awhile. I need help on a new setup. Ive been vaping on 510 dual coil cartomizers, double punched, in a tank for years now but the carts are almost impossible to get now. I am a mouth to lung vaper and use a 40W box mod at 7.7W with a 1.5 or 2 ohm cart. Started at 24 mg juice but down to 4 mg.
I am technologically challenged so hopefully I got all that right.
Anyway, can anyone recommend a setup for me to replace my precious carts? There are SO MANY options it's hard to pick.  

Cough Too Much... Should I Change To 100% Vg?

Hi guys, i started vaping a couple of weeks ago, i quit smoking like 5 years ago, i tried a cigarette after i quit maybe once in a while probably 1 every year , and i never coughed, well i started vaping and i noticed if i do lung hits i cough, if i do mouth to lung hit i cough, if i do mouth hits i barely cough but still do sometimes, so does that means im allergic to PG and i should switch to 100% VG? or could be im still not used to vaping?

Please tell me based on your experience...


Vaping And Music

First off I wanna start by saying this post isn’t made to bad mouth vaping in any way and I must say I am really going to miss doing it

Just to give some context I have been vaping for around 7 years and I make rap music

As the years have gone by I have began to notice the shortness of breath taking effect very slowly but I feel due to what I do, it is a lot more apparent than the average user and the average user would probably not be effected by this at all.

I used to be able to go a very long period of time without breathing flawlessly, compared to now where I can barley mutter 4 sentences without a huge pain in my lungs , coughing and becoming light headed due to straining

I used to work in a vape shop so I am very informed on about almost everything to do with the stuff

I have tried many different variants of PG/VG , many different devices , flavours , nicotine and no nicotine and nothing has ever taken away the effect and I can only imagine it will get worse and worse so I have decided to quit

I made this post to see if anyone else who deals with vocal work has experienced similar effects over a long period of time

I still think vaping is an amazing alt and everyone should make the switch  

What To Expect With Salts?

I’m a long time vaper. I have been vaping 83/27 PG/VG juice with 12-16 mg nic. I use an avacado tank with dual Clapton coils at .3 ohms and around 50-60 watts. With this config I can get my most desirable lung hit but only with certain juices and I tend to chain vape. Whenever the shop is out of my regular juice I’m always Leary picking something new because a lot of times even at the same nic level I don’t get the satisfying lung hit I crave and end up with a sore throat from hitting it so often. Soo... I moved to Hawaii and my system is all screwed up. The juices here are all 50/50 so super watery, the juice is also double the price, I burn through it twice as fast, the lung hit is barely there, and it pops and crackles really loud which drives my wife nuts and has cuased many arguments about my “stupid crack pipe”. So in an effort to make my wife happier, spend less money, and maybe vape less I decided to venture into the salts realm.

I started with a geek bar to test the waters and lung hit was phenomenal! But at $20 a pop and only lasting a day that just wasn’t going to work. So after much research I just picked up a SMOK NORD 2 and some 48mg juice. I set it for 50 watts and took my first drag. Good god almighty! One hit and I caught a buzz. I have NEVER caught a buzz from a vape before. After some messing around I dialed it down to 25 watts and so far seems like the sweet spot and I don’t have the urge to chain vape... so success? I don’t know yet? It’s for sure a lot quieter and 1/4 the size of my tank MOD. Does going from chain vaping 16mg to 48 salt nic seem excessive or about right? I may try the 24mg juice when this one is out but any other suggestions? I’m a little worried I’m going to give myself nic poisoning after that first drag lol