
Got the idea for this question reading another post.

Did anyone have sleep issues when switching from cigs to vaping? My sleep has been horrible the past few months (quit in May) but I honestly don't know if its a quitting symptom or ifs its unrelated.  

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My Update After 5 Months Of Vaping

Hi all, it's been 5 months I quit smoking and switched to vaping, I want to thank you all for helping with my questions during my early days and suggesting me a good kit. Here is how I feel now.

As we are hearing lot of vaping related sickness issues I was in a dilemma for last 2 months if this is really gonna hurt me or I am fine. I get small pain on left front rib cage side when I vape recently. I am not sure if I am over thinking about news and that's causing me doubts.

And also i used to sleep fine for first 4 months of vaping, for last 1 month I did not get a good sound sleep. Is this anything to do with vaping or am I stressed about some job/other issues.

As always thanks for your suggestions.  


So I'm trying to quit smoking, it's only been a few days now but ever since I started vaping I haven't been sleeping.. at all.. maybe 2-3 hours a night. I believe it's because I used to have a smoke before I go to bed then I'd be headrocked to sleep.

does anyone have any tips for me. I don't want to smoke but I feel like that's the only way I'll be able to sleep.  

Smelling Smoke After Years Of Vaping (follow Up From 2016 Post)

I posted this in 2016 in this thread: Starting to smell smoke after years of vaping?

Some of the replies freaked me out and the phantom smoke smell went away eventually though I don't know exactly how. I received some questions from other people so I thought I should follow up on what happened in my situation.

About three years ago I ended up going to the doctor because I couldn't sleep and was referred to a sleep specialist and found out I had sleep apnea. I had a week on their sleep monitor and was told I stopped breathing hundreds (or thousands? can't remember, but a lot!) of times a night and could suffocate and die at any time. Then they wanted me to buy a cpap machine and be hooked up to this thing for the rest of my life, like a pod in The Matrix, and pay for all these supplies regularly. After a week on the cpap machine I was almost suffocated by the machine multiple times and I woke up gasping for air, either because I knocked the mask loose in my sleep or because they said they had to adjust settings over the internet.

I knew the cpap wasn't going to work for me so I took it all back and never went back to the doctor (I was "only" out the $1000 or so for all the testing and what not). From reading about sleep apnea and my own logic, it made sense if I was overweight that my nasal passages and throat could be enlarged also and could be causing my breathing problems. I totally changed my diet and never ate fast food or processed food again and had to cut back to 1500-1700 calories a day to lose about 2-6 lbs of weight a week. I lost almost half of my body weight over the course of 1.5 years and my sleep apnea went away. Over that period I also switched up my vaping hardware and juice so I don't know when the phantom smoke smell disappeared, but it did, and luckily I didn't have brain cancer or anything else some people suggested.

I know weight isn't the only thing that causes sleep apnea, but in my case it did. Now I actually get REM sleep and when I get to bed on time, I'm fully rested. From what the doctors told me, before all this I was being woken constantly trying to breath. I was tired 24 hours a day no matter how much "sleep" I got and would fall asleep just sitting down for a few minutes anywhere. Sometimes I had to pull off the road for a 10 minute nap or risk falling asleep while driving. Driving long distances was misery. Now when I think back I can only describe those years as a walking dream. That's what it felt like being deprived of sleep for years.

It's hard to believe that obstructed breathing wouldn't have contributed to the sense of smell, but it was either that or just switching up my vaping. I believe the weight had something to do with it.  

Trouble Vaping After 4 Years

Hi all-
I haven't posted in a long while. I am in need of some suggestions as to what could be going in with me all of the sudden with my vaping.

Within the past two months I have a very hard time breathing when vaping. I was just thinking at first that I was getting sick or something. Then, I stopped for a few days completely and I felt better so I started again. The evening of the first day back to vaping, I laid in bed trying to go to sleep feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest and that my throat was closing up. It was very scary. So scary that I have now been to the pulmonologist as well as the cardiologist (because the chest heaviness was bad). My lungs are clear and heart is in good condition. Soooooo....I went and purchased a ZERO nicotine juice thinking that maybe it was the nicotine. NOPE.....that didn't work either, I have used my e-cig only on the past two Saturdays and it has zero nicotine liquid in it and I still have the same problem after the day of vaping. I feel like I am struggling to breath. It is horrible. It takes a day or so to subside. I really enjoy my vape. I quit analogs on April 9, 2011 and have been vaping every since. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could possibly be? Maybe I should try just VG Juices....would that make a difference? Please help....any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!  

Because Of The Lockdown

I have been using 9-10ml of juice a day as I have nothing to do all day while vaping is what I enjoy.I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t satisfy my vaping needs,I mean right before I sleep,vaping would most probably be the last thing I do and then I drink a cup of water.The thing is,when I wake up my throat is extremely dry,which has been for the past week.Today I felt some phlegm in my throat(it’s been two month since I last felt sick).I am not worried for the short term,I am just thinking if my throat is always dry,when I wake up,would I develop throat cancer in the future?

I hope I can get back to work and keep myself busy so that I am not chain vaping...  

Two Months Today.

It's been two months today since I stubbed out my last analogue cigarette and totally switched to vaping. You can say I quit cold turkey. I have had a couple of puffs here and there to see whether I really was missing something and convinced myself I absolutely did not. Today I can't understand how I spent 45 years of my life consuming such horrible, stinky stuff.

Have I saved money? No, not at all. It will be a year at least before I get into the black, and that is if I stop buying anything, which is very unlikely. It's become a hobby now and I'm enjoying myself thoroughly.

Has my life improved? Immensely! I had reached a point where the least little head cold turned into bronchitis almost instantly. I had four bouts of bronchitis this last autumn and winter. Since I switched to vaping I did catch another cold but it stayed that way - just a light head cold. For the past couple of years I needed to take an anti-tussive at bedtime because that dry, irritating, smokers cough would not let me sleep at night. No more now... I'm free. But there have been other improvements I never even imagined. I suffer considerably form arthritis. For the past 20 years at least I have had to take painkillers in the morning to ease the stiffness and be able to function... probably because I slept so poorly and tossed and turned all night. No more. I now sleep well, wake up refreshed and almost totally pain free. Apart from the side effects of medication I'm saving money there too even though I am not taking it into account.

And I have learned so much... physics and chemistry - ohms law and coils, resistance and watts and volts and amps, batteries and safety. And proper lab procedure in my DIY juice experiments.

And of course coming to this forum and meeting such a host of lovely, generous and knowledgeable people, to say nothing of the wit and humour.

It's been an epiphany and such a joy! I smile a lot more now.  

When Do You...

Plan to quit ecigs?

honestly i think ecigs with some willpower paved the way for me in quitting regular cigs.... I was on half a pack to a pack a day.... But now ecigs came into the picture made quitting that much easier, even though i feel healthier vaping than smoking... This thing gota have a side effect sooner or later...

i plan to quit ecigs by vaping less and less... As of now its becoming like my third arm, i have to have it everywhere... When battery is low or when i cant use it... Its like worse than having no battery on my phone...

So main question : when are u planning to quit  

One Month In So Far And Not A Single Problem

I smoked my last analog cig exactly one month ago today, when a vape kit arrived in the mail.

I still have more than one pound of unopened tobacco lying around in a drawer somewhere, just to remind myself of the past, and to prove that I don't desire it at all, even when it's in close proximity.

This post is perhaps a little bit boring, because I don't really have any issues to report. Everything is working out great with vaping, I haven't had any cravings at all for analog cigs, not once. I was a 2 pack per day smoker for 30 years.

I'm currently at 18 mg Nic, and I'm in no big rush to step down, but eventually, in maybe a few months time, I will step down to 12 and keep it at that level for a few months. I eventually plan to be 100% nicotine free.

Quitting analogs and switching to vaping is one of the easiest things that I've ever done. The only thing that I regret is that I didn't do it a few years ago.  

Im Back! 5 Years Ago I Was 1 Year Tobacco Free, I Ruined It.

I had quit, FINALLY, after 15 years of a pack or more a day smoking. What an accomplishment! Something i would be proud of for an entire year. The benefits I had seen were amazing! I could HIKE again, 3000ft elevation gain in 3 miles! Wow! Something i had not done since i was 13. Well, there I was... Camping with some friends.

I knew I should have brought my backups, I KNEW IT! All i had was two 18650's, my mini mech which took 1 and an RDA... It was only a matter of time before something went wrong. I did not bring the tools to rebuild the atomizer. I had no charger for my batteries- and we would be here for a week. What the hell was I thinking?

The trip was a blast, we did a TON of fishing, nights were spent with our group of party-goers by the campfire. We drank ALOT and we shared our stories.. In the back of my mind, i knew... I was going to be without nicotine at some point in this trip. WHY, Why did i not come prepared. Something SO IMPORTANT to me and i did not bring what i needed.

Then it happened. I was on my second battery- three days into the trip. The vape was becoming very weak, I was almost done. I fought hard to conserve, only vaping a puff or two every hour or so. I still needed SOME nicotine. It was about 8PM, time for another puff... Only.. Nothing. "OK" i said. "I can still do this, I dont need it". It had been an hour since my last puff and honestly, I did need it.

9 O'clock rolled around, we were hanging out around the fire drinking... everyone was smoking and I had nothing to occupy my hands. I was desperate. "I can go lay down, maybe if I go to sleep, wake up early and pack up- I can make it home and this will all be over". I laid down... Restless. The next thirty minutes felt like 10 hours, I did NEED it.

I will just go hang out some more, forget about it. I climbed out of the tent and rejoined the group around 10, seems like no one was tired. I knew i couldn't sleep. The alcohol was starting to loosen my grasp on priorities... Ok, just one drag, something to get me by. I looked at my buddy smoking and decided I would ask.. "hey man, let me hit your cig". Huge mistake! "Here, just have one" he said. Ok, what harm would a couple drags do? I lit the cig, inhaled deeply and noticed a few things.

The first drag was very weird. It tasted very bad, completely like chemicals. It was so satisfying though! I smoked that cigarette and enjoyed it, every moment. The campground we were at had a store that was open until 11, and guess what.. I needed nicotine. They sold cigs. The rest was history. I regretted that to this day. I had messed up, so bad. I had so much under my belt, so much accomplished- i was a loser that day.

Its been 5 years since then. My lungs have gotten so bad. I smoked 2 packs a day, marb 100's. I cough in my sleep and when i wake up. I vomit sometimes from how bad it is. Sometimes, i have a hard time breathing- something new and unfamiliar... I know why though. These past 6 months have been bad. It was time to make a change.

I proposed something to my wife; who does not smoke and never has. She loves sugar, if she could quit that... something i did 7 years ago... Then i would quit smoking. DEAL! She was onboard. Two weeks have passed, she has quit sweet creamer in her coffe, candy, chocolate, sweet tea, everything. She did it. Ok, My turn.

I went out tonight about 6 hours ago and bought a new vape. I have not smoked since i bought it! I can do this, I know I can! She is already proud of me, and I am too. Its time to quit once and for all, and I know i can do this... Here's to believing!  

I Am Soooo Excited....that I Just Can't Hide It...

I am enjoying vaping soooooooooooooooo much..

I know most of people here are veterans and won't be Soo excited ofc anymore

But first attempt on vaping was in 2014 and for many reasons didn't go well and I was back to cigs...ew

Anyways... now it's being 4.5 months vaping
I started with a drop in coils atomizer and now I use rebuildable also and make my my own e juice ofc and blah blah.blah....

Vaping is soooooo good.....never going back to cigs eeeeeever....actually cigs seem sooo bad now and I hat a hit to remind me what a nasty thing I was smoking all those years....ew

The benefits of vaping are more that u think and u only realise when u start it...

Besides health benefits...that ok some may say vaping is now sooo risk free but I don't care even if was same bad as cigs...even tho I am sure it's not

My sense of taste and smell is much better now....

I can adjust my nicontine levels and lower it and now I have less cravings...(I was crazy smoker)

My hands or facial hair don't smell and they don't get a yellow colour from cig smoke that I had to pull off my skin to remove ...(I was always with a cig on my hand)

Clothes don't smell and I don't feel bad to hug my niece now

My car don't smell kitchen don't smell cigs...(I used to smoke to kitchen)

My mouth hygiene and gums is better now confirmed by dentist also...already only 4.5months vaping!!!

I sleep better and wake up better no cough or hard breathing...

In my case I used to skip brushing my teeth sometimes cause in my opinion it would ruin my smoking experience but with vaping I tend to want to brush my teeth after every meal if I can cause I enjoy vaping taste more

I still drink coffee but water is a great match with vaping for me cause it reset the flavour in mouth so I drink less coffees and beverages...
with cigs I was always drinking loooot of coffee or some kind of beverage usually unhealthy cause it used to match with horrible taste of burned paper and tobacco lol

If I needed my nicotine I used to roll a cig and then I was smoking it all ofc...even tho I wanted just a few puffs...with vaping I can take my puff aaaanytime I want as much as I want...

The cost is less even tho some may spend a looooooooooot money hhahaha but if u are a casual vaper is cheaper ....but even if was the same or more still worth it....

P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it