Propylene Glycol-the New Villain Of The Day-

Posted again due to my mouth-breather mistake (I just call it PG)-

I just saw a shill doc on a shill news station slamming vaping with bogus claims that went unquestioned by the IQ deprived talking head. The "doc" was naming propylene glycol as though it were a health hazard, probably because the name scares people.

I'm telling everyone I know that this hit on vaping is exactly that- an orchestrated Hit. This PG thing's going to come up sooner or later. I'm wondering if any here have more info on what PG is and if there's ANY health hazard to it. I want to have all the facts I can ready.


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Tinidazole Antibiotic And Propylene Glycol

I have just had a root canal on a tooth and was prescribed Tinidazole Antibiotic tablets.
Being the paranoid person I am with any drug I did a search for known side effects.
Alcohol is the big no no for the first 72 hours after finishing taking the course the other being Propylene glycol

I just thought I would post it just in case anyone else is prescribed these tablets and vapes juice containing Propylene glycol. I did vape and had no issues other than my awful tooth pain but I have posted the link below for anyone interested. Well slightly.

Tinidazole (Oral Route) Precautions - Mayo Clinic  

Anti Vaping Propaganda Is A Serious Health Hazard !

Anti Vaping Propaganda is a serious Health Hazard !

Scaring smokers from switching to a less harmful alternative.

Preaching to the choir but...
Yea, that.

I'm fed up with the BS headlines of lies...this one is much better.  

Many People Said Like This,

if there is no nicotine, is ecig harmless! right?

but actually that's a definitely wrong info and concept.

e-liquid made by Vegetable glycerin , Propylene glycol , flavor , (nicotine)

so it's not vapor!

you should remind this and also one of ecig's prorperty is absorbing water in your throat thus

u need to drink sufficient water to protect throat.

then if you vape around people, the e-cig smoke can harm other people.

so vapers need to beware these fact well.  

Epilepsy And Vaping?

Hello good folks of ECF, I'm having a bit of an issue finding out Epilepsy and Vaping.

What I'm trying to find out is if anyone has any experience with at all?

As I'm finding some information that Propylene Glycol can aggravate Epilepsy and increase fits, so I just need to find out more information from the community.

As at worst I'm thinking that 100% VG liquids and flavourings would have to be used?

And thank you folks in advance, as this is an unusual question. But a very valid one.

Hopefully folks will be able to give some insight into this and help create a useful thread.  

Vaping In Public - Post Media Blitz

So I'm walking across the parking lot yesterday, vaping with my trusty ProVari Ti3. The looks I was getting were unbelievable. You'd think I was dragging a puppy by its hind legs. The anti-vape media blitz has successfully achieved its intended purpose. One woman was watching the vapor plums, as though I were releasing cyanide into the atmosphere. A visible visceral reaction. It was quite funny, actually. I wouldn't be surprised if "they" elevate the daily rhetoric; by declaring vaping a public health hazard. I suppose we'll soon need to switch to something safe, like... oh, I don't know... cigarettes?  

Morning Erections Since Vaping (and Also Mouth Taping)

Earlier thread I mentioned I'm 32 days into no combustibles and only three puffs of e-cig. Was smoking a pack a day for 15 years on and off prior.

About a week into this 32 day streak I have had morning erections just about every morning. Have not had that in a long time. I'm also doing something called mouth taping which one benefit can be
"increase your intake of nitric oxide, which is crucial for brain function, cardiovascular health, and overall blood oxygen levels"

And we all know heart health can promote better and stronger erections. I absolutely know stopping combustibles is helping in this area. I am curious if the same is true by going to -e-cigs. I did a search and it seems to be the case but I figured I'd ask again. Which would mean that the nicotine may not be the issue regarding erection health and it's just the other stuff about smoking?

And maybe the combination of mouth taping and 32 days without a combustable have made the health down there quicker and better?

More info on mouth taping here
Mouth Taping: Does It Treat Snoring or Sleep Apnea?  

1st Tv Ad On Phony War On Vaping, Lawyers Advertizing Call Them To Sue Vaping

Last night I seen the 1st TV commercial where a Lawyer is saying. If Vaping has caused you health problems call us. This is ridiculous, the people dying and getting sick from Vaping is caused from the Drugs they add to the juice.

I am so upset that the NEWS MEDIA is running this every day and they fail to add that in a resent poll of these deaths, illnesis, etc. 75% of the people admit they add THC to the juice and 25% admitting THC is all they vape with.

If the GOV. was getting tax revenue from all Vaping products you would have no GOV WAR ON VAPING. Its all about the FEDS loosing tax dollars and Tobacco companies loss of sales.  

Pg Free/100% Vg Disposable?

Hey everyone,
I am very new to vaping since I just quit smoking cigarettes. I have been buying disposable vapes and have one refillable pod system that I haven't been using much. But I recently came to the conclusion that I have a sensitivity to propylene glycol, which is in every disposable vape I have found so far. It has made my lymph nodes very swollen and sometimes I feel like there's a lump in my throat that won't go away except on days I don't vape as much. Before realizing it was the PG, I had a doctor's appointment to examine me to see if it was cancer or something serious, and I even had a dentist appointment to rule out tooth abscess/infection too just to be sure.
Long story short, I was wondering if anyone knew of a disposable vape brand that does not have any PG in it. I don't even care about the flavor at this point.
If these don't exist, does anyone have a recommendation for a good PG free vape juice?
Thanks in advanced!  

Quit Vaping For 2 Month, Made A Less Happier Person

I "successfully" quit vaping for 2 month. It actually wasn't that bad, I was able to fill the void with music/gum/walks. Right now I have 0 physical temptation to vape.

But there has been many stressful situations and I feel without the vape it made everything harder. To me, it's not that I had to have it, but it was something enjoyed. And taking it away made life a little less fun. It's like saying you can never eat candy or drink coffee again.

The only reason I quit was for the health benefits. I heard vaping can cause COPD but then I also hear it's a lot less harmful than smoking. But here's the thing that really demotivates one from quitting vaping:

We are not sure how harmful is it (if at all)

There are many other things bad for us in life, like air pollution, asbestos, etc. Is it worth giving up something that you enjoy for a marginal health benefit? I vape at a low wattage so I don't think I'm getting lots of formaldehydes.
I'm really thinking about going back to vaping. I think I'll vape a few more years and if news comes out by then that vaping is truly really bad, then I'll quit...

I don't know... it's not like we are going to live forever even if we don't vape/smoke/do anything unhealthy...  

So Attached To Vaping... After The Ban Is In Effect... I Dunno

So I heard that the ban in New York will take effect even after the small delay. I'm wondering how I will be able to cope soon. Vaping for me does great things as it keeps me off cigarettes. But one major thing it also does for me is that it lowers my stress level and it relaxes me. Being that I have vaping I have no need to try other things that can be complicated. Someone once told me that my vape is like my pacifier because I always have it in my mouth and I turn to it whenever I am stressed and have anxiety. Truthfully it's terrible that I will be forced to use my pods because Juul couldn't keep their products out of corner stores and leave them for vape shops. When these kids have health issues they blame it on vaping when their parents ask them how it happened and they wanted a high out of school. Even though there is something called deep breathing and vaping isn't done that way I know it cools me off. Many times I was stressed and sweating because, I started to vape and it had it that I was finally able to feel the temperature of the air outside. People need to understand that going with this ban is All Or Nothing thinking, things one is told in therapy to avoid. Now that "it affected a minority" people take it away completely from those who are benefiting from it. Those who are banning - please use common sense - vaping is a lot safer than cigarettes and people are constantly dying from smoke. Vaping was the best thing that has possibly happened in a really long time. Tobbaco plants had a misconception that it was supposed to be smoked until technology introduced a safe method. If it was vaped from the beginning of time people would have lived much longer lives and more people would be born. Those who are cracking down please take this into account.