Labor Day Sale... Moji And Mojo For $1

I don't really like these little auto-fire devices, but for $1 each I'm willing to try them. Is this for real? I did notice one of the little Smok devices like this has had lots of issues with the auto-fire getting stuck on. Is that why these are on sale? Or is this part of the regs coming... no more auto-fire allowed (actually that's not a bad idea, but I'm still willing to take my chances) I have no backup, and the one I had I dropped while at my son's house. I need something temporary so I can keep my main device at home. I like the Moji... use my own juices (what VG/PG ratio is best? I can Mix my own DIY)  

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Uwell Caliburn Auto Fire Delay And Airflow Problems

I got myself second Caliburn and from the start I feel that auto firing is not as fast as my first one, just like a second or so behind. If I use the button it seems to be OK.

Also, it feels more airy. I check the same pod on both devices and first one seems to have a bit more restrictive airflow. Or, due to late auto firing, I am inhaling first clean air instead of vape, and thus, the feeling of less restrictive airflow.

And lastly, which is not a problem, but it is not feeling OK, second Caliburn pod latching thing feels more loose, where on the first, when I push pod into the slot, I can feel and hear distinctive click, on the second, just a very little bump and very shallow click.

Would first, auto fire delay constitute good grounds for warranty replacement? I got it less than a week ago.

Any thoughts?  

Very Tempted To Get The Sx Mini M Class, Not Sure If It's Right For Me Though.

Right now I have a few box mods, the IPv3, SIG 150w and the Snow wolf 200w. I'm using the Snow wolf 200w and honestly I'm not happy with it. I've had the button stick a few times causing it to auto fire and I'm noticing an almost one second delay from when I hit the fire button to when an actual vape starts to kick in (very slow fire up time, and I'm only running dual twisted 26g) on top of that I really dislike that I have to hit the fire button to see how much volts I'm using. I know the SX M class is one of the best out right now, but the fact it's a single battery concerns me because I typically vape between .12-.20 ohms and usually 60-80w (but since getting the derringer it's been 60). I really like the hot, dense flavorful vapes and I wanna make sure if I get the SX M class it'll be able to deliver that.  

Well It Happened_ Alarm Rang A Hole In My Heart

i have no idea how it even computed that was what the sound was_ i've been sitting for the last 5 minutes waiting to hear sirens coming from the fire station down the street; no idea if smoke detectors in Germany have an auto-call or will warn my landlord (he has presence detectors for some parts of the house which send him notifications, either by phone or email)

i've been vaping inside the studio for 4 months now, why now? this wasn't even the heaviest day, nor the closest i've vaped to the loud ........ [i've talked abt this before and know it happens random, sometimes just from MTL, just rant... venting really]

the first one to say relax... have a vape am-na bite'em in the nose!

should, i be doing something other than turning it off and airing the room out?  

Smok Infinix Not Pulling

I own the SMOK Infinix for more than 3 months now. I change the cotton myself for the pod and started having issues with the device.

After 2 months it would fire a while after pulling. Fixed by cleaning the inside of the device and removing the paper cover on the sensor. Worked perfectly.

Now, few days ago, I noticed I had to pull harder for the device to activate.

And now, literally an hour ago it would stop pulling. Isolated the airflow for a tighter pull worked for couple of minutes, now it just stopped. After some blows from the charging port it would do the infinite firing bug and that's the only way I can get a hit. Please help.

P.s I did clean the inside of the device again as much as I could. It gets a really good connection, just won't fire.  

Aspire Breeze Auto Firing..

So do any knows if aspire figure out why the device is auto firing on it’s own. If not I been sitting and trying to figure out why? I been reading a lot and seeing people saying it’s a button malfunction, but I been messing with it. I seen that the air draw switch on top of the device goes inside air hole under the tank which controls the draw to auto activate was tilt and had juice around it. So I clean it and I reposition the switch back to the center. Mash it down to see if the auto draw react and it did and now it’s working properly. It could of been just me or aspire just didn’t understand there own device.. ‍♂️  

Smok Xpro M65 Problems

I've got a couple of these little mods and both have the same problem. They continue to fire after the button is released. When it happens the display changes to the power on/off and keeps firing until the unit restarts (presumably after the 15 second cut off?). I can only think that the mod is registering 3 presses when I fire which triggers the screen change, and there is a bug which stops the release of the fire button registering. Anyone experienced this? Any fix? I'm surprised it's happening with two units so it must be happening to someone else!  

Problem With Device

Hey guys.. i been vaping for a while and not had this hapen before.. i am using a Hugo Vapor Rader and ot has been working with no problems until today... when i go to use it, when i try to fire, it says high atomizer the first time i push fire button followed by low battery (have tried multiple sets) when i press again. If i persevere and keep attempting to fire it works fine as if there were no problem until the next time i go to use the device when the process repeats.. i have taken the tank apart and cleaned and put back but the issue continues.. anyone have any ideas on what is wrong/what i should do?  

Dont Buy Smoke Xpro's

Me and a neibour got smoke Xpro's, me the M45 and he got the M65, just aboute a week after we used them they both start auto fire and not recocnizing any atomizer .... just gone nuts. We both used the Subtank Mini with the 0.5 OCC so it couldnt be our fault. They say (SMOKE does) thet this hapens sometimes ... but rly we had 2 and both are broken ... and he have no idea how to fix them. We sented tickets to Fasttech no respponse yet ... in Romania smoke has no deallership so they have no idea what to do ... local shops sell them but if we dont got them from theyre place they wount eaven look at them. Pretty cool, ... back to normal smokes.  

Uwell Nunchaku Auto Discharging Problem


My Nunchaku (1) have auto-discharging problem. In 4-5 days the battery is down, without use. Have you notice that or it's a specific problem of my mod ?
ps. the mod is new and I'v testing with two different battery


My Smok 22 Vape Pen Fire Button Is Jammed Please Help

hi my smok 22 vape pen button is jammed in so the top bit is fully pushing in and the bottom is fully not pushed in. it’s not firing or anything when i don’t want it to so that’s good but it also won’t fire at all. idk how to add images