Another Seemingly Misleading Article

@bombastinator I saw your article, and I got hit with a "breaking news" alert this afternoon.

Family issues vaping warning as man fights for life after collapsing outside Brisbane club | Daily Mail Online

Condolences to the affected and his family, I'm still not convinced that it was strictly PG/VG/Flavour vapes. I gave it a quick skim and didn't see any mention of what the liquid was, only the effect. Now those who know the Valley in Bris wouldn't be surprised if his vape was spiked in some way. What gets me is how it's taking the guy [affected] his condition and using it to push the anti-vape narrative.  

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News Article From Family Of Victim

'Breath is precious': The daughter of a woman who died from vaping speaks out

This article is ridiculous. The daughter blames e-cigarettes even though she admits her mother used illegal thc carts.  

Web Md Smoking Cessation

I just got an email from Web MD (I get them on various topics almost daily) dealing with smoking cessation. While the main article didn't mention e-cigarettes, there was a link to another article at the bottom of the page which did:

E-Cigarettes: Health and Safety Issues

Seemed fairly reasonable to me.  

Vape Pen Charger Explosion

Just watched a news video... "Vape pen charger explosion"
Vape pen charger explosion causes thousands of dollars worth of damage to California woman's home
The lady was charging a vape pen and the charger "explodes" causing a nearby paint can to shoot up into the ceiling. The fire dept guy says "those lithium ion batteries..." and so on. Now wait just a minute! Technically, it wasn't a "vape charger" and they showed the vape pen looked fine. Pens don't come with a charger, just a USB cord, so it was just a universal USB charger (like for phones, ect) and the pen battery didn't explode. Also, why did she have a paint can sitting next to it? Did she leave the vape pen on (might not matter)? Was the USB cord damaged (short)? Pens use a LiPo battery not Lithium Ion. I know I'm nitpicking, but all people will really "hear" is vape pen explodes... nobody really thinks things out. Could this have happened anyway while charging a phone or something else? Right after watching this, I see an article in the local paper telling people to stop vaping immediately because of the recent events (and they don't mention ANYTHING about the real cause!) Final thought: there was also a water bottle next to where the charger was... maybe she spilled water on the charger? I'm like Peter Falk in the old TV show Columbo... "but what got me thinking was..." Maybe I overthink things, but at least I do think (and ask questions)  

Oral Health Impacts Of Vaping

I had asked a while ago on here about the oral health impacts of vaping as I was concerned with how the dehydration caused by vaping would impact my gums. I never did get any solid answers and when visiting my dentist the other day I asked and they sent me the article linked below later that day. It turns out its the nicotine we need to worry about based on this article, i'm sure the dehydration isn't great either.

The take away from this article for me isn't that we should all stop vaping because its bad for our gums. Just that we should be aware of what vaping can do (especially excessive vaping) and take the proper steps to ensure it doesn't become a problem. If you aren't brushing your teeth as often as you should, and you aren't flossing while vaping excessively all day long there is a good chance you could run into issues with Periodontal Disease.

Oral Health Impacts of Vaping | Hawaii Family Dental Centers  

Vaping In Public - Post Media Blitz

So I'm walking across the parking lot yesterday, vaping with my trusty ProVari Ti3. The looks I was getting were unbelievable. You'd think I was dragging a puppy by its hind legs. The anti-vape media blitz has successfully achieved its intended purpose. One woman was watching the vapor plums, as though I were releasing cyanide into the atmosphere. A visible visceral reaction. It was quite funny, actually. I wouldn't be surprised if "they" elevate the daily rhetoric; by declaring vaping a public health hazard. I suppose we'll soon need to switch to something safe, like... oh, I don't know... cigarettes?  

Washington D.c To Prohibit Flavored Vapes

In an email from Innokin today, was a link to today's Vaping Weekly by Benedict Jones. In addition to more news about Canada's up-coming restrictions on most flavored vape products...the following was included, about Washington, DC:

"On Tuesday, June 15, The District of Columbia Council voted to prohibit the sale of flavoured vaping and tobacco products (including menthol cigarettes and cigars).

The bill will be voted on a second time Tuesday, June 29, but it is expected to pass this stage without significant change. After the second vote, the bill must be approved by the mayor, and pass a 30-day congressional review period before the law takes effect.

The bill also covers synthetic nicotine products, which have, at times, been suggested as a way of side-stepping legislation which restricts “tobacco products” in the U.S. Since synthetic nicotine products are covered by the bill, it would appear that other next-generation nicotine products, such as pouches, will be affected by the flavour ban."

So, little by little it continues....  

Daily Vaping Habits?

Hi there!
I'm Distruzio and I'm a newb around these parts. I've only been vaping for 6 months but I'm all in for sure. It allows me to satisfy my nic addiction while indoors and spend some quality time with my family (which were the factors pressing me to quit smoking - health and safety were secondary to family obligations). Plus, at this point in my Vaping journey I've found that not only has vaping become necessary for my daily life its become a hobby as well (I've been restricted to 2 coil wraps a day by the wife because I was becoming obsessive with getting the perfect setup... which is understandable ).

After 6 months, however, I've found that certain vaping "habits" have crept into my daily routine.

In the mornings, that first vape we all crave absolutely has to my cappuccino flavored and 24mg/nic alongside my coffee. I walk my son to the bus stop and, for that, I switch to the fruit loops 12mg/nic. For work breaks I tend to drift back and forth from key lime pie to lemon meringue pie at 18mg nic. And after work its back to fruit loops but at 6mg/nic and 95%vg to relax the days woes away.

Aside from the morning cup of joe alongside my cappuccino, i never touch my Aspire Atlantis V2 (which stays filled with that flavor alone). I drip all day. Even in the car which is... hazardous (thus my plan to purchase an egrip Wednesday).

This is a ritual of mine. What about you? Do you switch up devices, juices, nic and vg levels throughout the day like i do? Or do you stick with a single ADV?  

An Even More Positive Outlook For Vaping In The Uk

Just received a newsletter from Innokin a short while ago. As part of it, they linked to the following Vape News article. I found it really interesting and thought others would also. The UK has already had a totally opposite view toward vaping than the powers-that-be have had here in the US. Now, the potential outlook for the future of "vaping" in the UK is even more positive.

Vaping Weekly: UK MPs Call for Progressive Approach to Vaping  

Quit Vaping For 2 Month, Made A Less Happier Person

I "successfully" quit vaping for 2 month. It actually wasn't that bad, I was able to fill the void with music/gum/walks. Right now I have 0 physical temptation to vape.

But there has been many stressful situations and I feel without the vape it made everything harder. To me, it's not that I had to have it, but it was something enjoyed. And taking it away made life a little less fun. It's like saying you can never eat candy or drink coffee again.

The only reason I quit was for the health benefits. I heard vaping can cause COPD but then I also hear it's a lot less harmful than smoking. But here's the thing that really demotivates one from quitting vaping:

We are not sure how harmful is it (if at all)

There are many other things bad for us in life, like air pollution, asbestos, etc. Is it worth giving up something that you enjoy for a marginal health benefit? I vape at a low wattage so I don't think I'm getting lots of formaldehydes.
I'm really thinking about going back to vaping. I think I'll vape a few more years and if news comes out by then that vaping is truly really bad, then I'll quit...

I don't know... it's not like we are going to live forever even if we don't vape/smoke/do anything unhealthy...  

I Have To Stop Reading The News

I really have to stop reading the news.
Every single day there is a new article bashing and smearing vaping as a viable, healthy alternative to smoking the 'stink sticks' (I coined that yesterday, patent pending).
Anyway, it absolutely infuriates me when I read these one-sided articles that is backed by little to no research. Not to mention that these articles are most likely written with some sort of bias. Whether it be BT, BP or the numerous anti-smoking groups, very seldom do they actually ask anyone who knows anything about vaping and the initiative of the hobby/lifestyle and they sure don't interview actual vapers or want to hear the numerous stories of how vaping has saved so many lives.
They say they don't want to 'normalize or glamorize' smoking because it will make it more attractive to kids.
Well, you know what? The more you tell kids NOT to do something, the more they WILL do it. I know, I have 2 of them.
As a former smoker and now around 6 months smoke free, I detest smoking cigarettes. But having said that, I would rather see a kid puffing on a vape than on a Stink Stick.
So, yes, I can see the need for regulations, but the vaping industry does a good job with self-regulation and reputable businesses do not sell to minors.
But, kids will be kids and they will find a way to get their hands on cigarettes just like they do with alcohol.
Let's discuss and vape on!