Funny Vaping Memes

A sense of humour goes a long way - share your funny memes

Here's some that I've made - apologies to those who've already seen them or are featured in them


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Getting Harassed For Vaping...

just feeling harrased for vaping in public. I have no choice but to vape in public since im basicly staying at a hospital right now in cali with .y husband. He has some health issues and we were flown down here. Anyways Im a very polite vaper or I try to be. I go where no one else is and o done blow it at people. Im not trying to force anything on anyone but people give me dirty looks and say "theres no smoking" say that in ur most annoying voice btw lol. Its funny sometimes people cough cus they dont see its vapor. So its kinda funny people are subconsciously choking on smoke thats not there. Best smelling smoke ive ever smelled! Anyway let me know if any of you have experienced this. Thanks for letting me vent a little.  

Who Is Your Favourite?

Who's you favourite in the YouTube vaping scene. Busardo is very knowledgeable but I love Rip Trippers - funny guy but very informative and never boring.  

A Funny

My daughter sent me this cause she said my vape was well bad  

Creating Good Fake News

I was just thinking of all the bad press vaping has received and how the news always reports the doom and gloom and most of it is not accurate. It would be sort of funny to reverse engineer fake news.

Did you hear about the blind vaper who regained his eyesight? Did you hear about the wheelchair bound man who could walk again after he started vaping? Did you know vaping regrows hair in balding men?. Did you know vaping reduces wrinkles?


Did Anyone See....

....this weeks episode of The Simpsons?

If you vape you will end up with a hole in your throat, like smoking?
Vaping is marketed to children?

While I realize The Simpsons, like South Park, often make light of current debates, I got the feeling they were more grandstanding their position on Vaping.

That may be my last Simpsons episode. Given that the show isn't really funny great loss.  

Please Go To The Cdc Twitter And Leave Real, Truthful Replies!

Please anyone who can, please go to the CDC Twitter and leave a tweet under EVERY vaping lie they are telling! We need to FLOOD them with knowledge! These people know NOTHING!

Funny how these deaths started when big tobacco came out with their products. Lets not forget legal pot states flooding other states with illegal THC vaping pods/tanks! I refuse to let them screw us!

Thank you for your help.



This is so funny. I wonder where the fire button is. It would be great if the tail acted like a trigger. It seems to have a removable drip tip, but you might be limited on ones with wider bases.....  

Vaping In Public - Post Media Blitz

So I'm walking across the parking lot yesterday, vaping with my trusty ProVari Ti3. The looks I was getting were unbelievable. You'd think I was dragging a puppy by its hind legs. The anti-vape media blitz has successfully achieved its intended purpose. One woman was watching the vapor plums, as though I were releasing cyanide into the atmosphere. A visible visceral reaction. It was quite funny, actually. I wouldn't be surprised if "they" elevate the daily rhetoric; by declaring vaping a public health hazard. I suppose we'll soon need to switch to something safe, like... oh, I don't know... cigarettes?  

Oh Crap!!! Set Off Hotel Smoke Alarm.

I stay in hotels almost weekly and this has never happened before. I think the ac fan blew the vape at the smoke alarm. Call from front desk, hotel security at the door the whole 9 yards. According to them it's smoking and I'll get a fee. In 2 years of vaping this is a first. I had no clue I would set off the alarm. Wish me luck. I really don't think my company will pay an acting stupid fee. The funny part is I'm not a cloud chaser. I'm using a Kayfun v4 at 12 watts.  

Atlantis Occ New Coil Funny Taste

Just replaced my atlantis coil that the guy said was updated with organic cotton. Let it become saturated. Now im tasting sorta rubber burn flavor, is the new one a dud?