Just commented on an appalling Ted Talk. Hope you guys are with me against this garbage.
Link at the bottom of the post. Pls hit that link and comment there as well. Our voice matter, even tho that useless video will accumulate additional views.
Clearer picture he
Video link >here<
I was researching some things on the computer and came across a box mod called the Moxie by Avail Vapor. Avail is a local shop near where I live. I found this video that came up and behold it is a review. It isn't a review by Twisted, Rip or anybody else you wanna add. The video is done by what appears to be a 12 to 13 year old kid. I didn't even find this video cute. What is a 13 year old kid doing with a troll rda and a box mod? I mean come on vaping is supposed to be for 18 and older. People like this are giving vaping a bad reputation. I posted a link to the video. If you get a chance watch a few minutes or seconds and tell me what your thoughts are
Hello and happy new year!
I have a problem with vaping, and it’s getting frustrating. But I can’t figure out where is the problem:
Is it my mod?
Is it my wicking?
Are my vaping preferences simply out of the ordinary?
can I post a video here showing exactly my problem, and also my built? (It will be easier than explaining in words...)
(Idk if I can attach big files here, maybe link? YouTube or cloud file download link?).
the nautilus mini for me was a godsend, simple, repeatable, no playing around etc etc.. Well all of a sudden I have noticed the coils are different in there actions, real muted taste, very hard draw and generally last me about 2 days before they are useless. I happened upon a youtube video that mentioned they have changed the wick material, any truth to this? If so I need to change to something else because these coils are garbage comparatively speaking to the old ones.
Okay - I found it very interesting that with all the recent hoopla, hysterics and diatribe & condemnation of E-Cigarettes and "Vaping" (inclusive) on all major Media oulets - that one of the local 3 PBS Stations here in South Florida - WLRN (out of Miami) has actually been showing a very good older educational/documentary program from BBC that I saw a couple of years ago :
"E-Cigarettes: Miracle Or Menace" (2016):
Can't embed video here - So here is the link to video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5875ke
(BTW: It is also shown on Netflix: Netflix)
AND - Then online there was a repeat of CBS Sunday Mornings Report last year:
"Clearing the air on e-cigarettes" (Oct 2018)
Besides Canada's Networks: CBC News - 5th Estate:
"Investigating e-cigarettes: a less harmful way to smoke?" (2016)
Also, there is an excellent documentary (mixed languages - sub-titles) :
"Beyond The Cloud - Documentary film about vaping" (2016)
AND - IMHO - While these maybe older videos, i do believe they are still relevant. SO - I hope this info will be enlightening and open the conversation to the general public and "You", your Family & Friends that keep asking you if is Ok / or that "You" NEED to Stop, and can be especially helpful about what "Vaping" is and is not when and if Ya' are ever confronted by others. That is if they are willing to watch and learn . . . Just Sayin' . . .
Very interesting, in my opinion. They are at FlavourArt.
The video was redone and back up. If you'd like to view it, go to pbusardo's youtube channel. I'm not going to link it here, because there are a few curse words sprinkled in there and I don't want to break any forum rules.
It is called:
Saw this video online and was wondering what you guys thought about it. I know second hand vapor is safe so does that make this video ok?
I haven't come across any studies or polls that determine how important flavors are/were to help vapers to quit smoking and remain off cigarettes.
This video is a fantastic testimony on how important flavors are in vaping. It's in an MP4 format, so the link looks funny, but its safe to click on. Mark_Slis-Michigan_Testimony-2019-09-12.mp4
He shares that 99% of his customers choose a fruit or desert flavor. An 87 year old grandmother chose "Fruity COPYRIGHTDMCA Cereal". Yes, older people like flavors and demand "kid flavors".
Why You Don't Need an E-Liquid that Tastes Like Cigarettes
So I'm asking everyone in this community to voice their opinion on how important flavors were to get you off of cigarettes when you began vaping, and how important are they to you today to keep you from returning back to smoking? Will you be able to use just "tobacco" flavors if the FDA bans flavors?
Sign the Petition
They went from making fun videos to a live show only on Wednesdays. Their views went down to a few hundred per video also.
Hello fellow vapers,
I just wanted to say that i (we?) will be attending a demonstration for vapers this friday. Against all the weird little rules that they keep making up here in Europe. If you are in the neighborhood come and join us! Lets hope that the guys in the towers can hear us.
if not.. well..
(dutch link)
29 mei info- 29 mei info
My apologies for asking about this yet again. I was provided a link to a website that tracks your shipment in much greater detail than the canada post website. I have once again lost the website and cant seem to find it on the forum. Can someone post it here?