Petition To Stop Flavor Ban.

We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

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Stop Donald Trump From Signing The Federal Flavor Ban Of E-cig Products

Stop Donald Trump from signing the federal flavor ban of e-cig products. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  

Canadian Federal Flavor Ban Announced

The Canadian federal government published guidance for the federal flavor ban in their latest Canada Gazette Part I (

The federal government is proposing a prohibition on all flavors other than Tobacco, Mint and Menthol.

They define "flavor" as anything that has a sensory attribute in inducing youth to vape - this means that if it smells like strawberries, it's banned. If it smells like cream, it's banned. If it smells like anything other than tobacco, mint or menthol, it is prohibited for sale in all of Canada.

There is still time to act.

Calgary MP Tom Kmiec has introduced a petition - If you are Canadian, please sign it!

You can find the petition at

After you fill in your information, they will send you an email with a confirmation link, you MUST press it for your entry to be entered.  

New Zealand Want To Join The Hysteria And Ban Flavoured E-liquids Now

I'm pretty disappointed with how this hysteria turns out. 3 months ago we just had a very good pro-vaping website from the government. And now the very same Ministry of Health is planning to propose legislation to ban all flavoured e-liquids except tobacco, mint and menthol

Currently, the vaping community and all vape stores in NZ are asking kiwi vapers to sign a petition to propose this plan. One example is this store
Oppose the flavour ban now! Keep your right to vape!

Unless there are some big guys in the government help us, I'm not sure if this petition really affects the outcome  

Petition The World Health Organization To Stop Lying About Vaping!

In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in order to promote policies to member countries with the aim of reducing tobacco use. Representatives of member countries meet every two years to discuss improvements and implementation of the FCTC. This meeting is known as the Conference of Parties (COP), and the ninth such meeting, COP 9, will occur between November 9-13, 2021.

The WHO is recommending extreme measures like high taxation, flavor bans, and outright prohibition as their preferred actions to curb the adoption of these safer nicotine products. To put a finer point on it, the WHO’s influence is being disproportionately leveled at low- and middle-income countries (LIMCs) which are home to more than 80% of the world’s population of people who smoke.



Help Supporting Ecig Movement In Indonesia

Hi guys,

I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Home of the 2nd largest smokers in the world.
Smoking is enjoyed by many under age children here. Many of them started smoking in the 6th grade.

You can watch the documentary of smoking in Indonesia here (by Vice News)

I have a couple of friends working in the media that says their boss are scared not to make positive news on ecig because it will make the tobacco company will not advertise on them anymore.

Right now, the tobacco giant is pushing hard on ecig. We can see all the negative news of ecig spreading in EVERY MEDIA NEWS in the country, on the newspaper, magazine, television, radio. The government even make an official public service advertisement on how bad ecig is and aired them everywhere.

The tobacco giant controls the media with their money. Tobacco advertising is still permittable in all media type here in Indonesia.

We have seen a lot of drop in ecig user in Indonesia since that negative movement. Many online/offline vape store here goes bankrupt because many people believe what the government are saying.

So right now, it comes to "The government want to ban ecig anytime soon", says all the media.

We would like to ask help from fellow friends here by signing the petition in as below:
Petition · Menteri Perdagangan Rachmat Gobel: Menghapus atau Membatalkan Larangan Rokok Elektrik/Vaporizer ·

Please dont write the comment in English though, we just need the supporters numbers to increase so we can bring this forward to the government.

Thank you

Note: If this thread is not where it is supposed to be, please kindly move to the appropriate sub-forum.  

National – Fda Citizen’s Petition – Pmta Delay

I'm new and don't know if anyone posted this yet - But it is important that everyone wanting to keep on vaping sign it - Here is a link to the pro vaping association where they make it easy to sign and submit online.

Support a Citizen’s Petition to FDA for delaying the PMTA deadline for certain small vapor manufacturers!
National – FDA Citizen’s Petition – PMTA Delay - CASAA  

Petition Needs Your Signature

lessifer petition has almost a thousand signatures

Petition · U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, President of the United States: Reject the FDA's Deeming of Vapor Products as Tobacco Products ·  

How Important Were Flavors To Help You To Quit Smoking?

I haven't come across any studies or polls that determine how important flavors are/were to help vapers to quit smoking and remain off cigarettes.

This video is a fantastic testimony on how important flavors are in vaping. It's in an MP4 format, so the link looks funny, but its safe to click on. Mark_Slis-Michigan_Testimony-2019-09-12.mp4

He shares that 99% of his customers choose a fruit or desert flavor. An 87 year old grandmother chose "Fruity COPYRIGHTDMCA Cereal". Yes, older people like flavors and demand "kid flavors".

Why You Don't Need an E-Liquid that Tastes Like Cigarettes

So I'm asking everyone in this community to voice their opinion on how important flavors were to get you off of cigarettes when you began vaping, and how important are they to you today to keep you from returning back to smoking? Will you be able to use just "tobacco" flavors if the FDA bans flavors?

Sign the Petition

Children Vaping Is A Parenting Issue, Not A Government Issue

Children Vaping is a Parenting Issue, NOT a Government Issue

I am so tired of the "What about the Children" crap I could scream.

I listened to some of the Round table talk with the President today at work.

I actually heard a woman exclaim WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN ...omg...

What's the matter with people that they can't parent their children and instead go crying to the government to DO SOMETHING ! ??
The school that let Juul in to talk with the kids...What the hell kind of school does that anyway ?
That really passed approval of the School Board ? THAT should be addressed.

Let's see...e-cigarettes are for 18 or older and kids are still getting them (just exactly like WE did with our cigarettes). HOW is raising the age to 21 going to magically stop that ?
ALL that is going to do is make it difficult for those smokers under 21 that need/want to stop smoking cigarettes.

Parents need to start paying attention to their children and what they are doing.
Get off the phones and iPads and act like a family.

I have a feeling many parents are going to be really surprised to find out that little kiddo's e-cig is really THC instead of nicotine.
How ya like THEM apples - huh ?

but...that's legal now so I guess it's just fine.

What a messed up world.
Yea...I'm a bit royally pissed.  

Kids Should Not Vape But Flavor Ban Will Not Stop Them, They'll Refill Cartridges

Flavor ban on flavored cartridges will do kids more harm than good. If a minor wants to vape, smoke cigs, drink, or other things that are against the law and harmful for them no one can stop them except the parents.

What's going to happen is kids will buy blackmarket refilled cartridges or refill their own. I've never used a Juul but it took me 1 minutes on youtube to find out how to refill a empty Juul cartridge.

Most cartridges can be refilled so banning them is really a joke

This ban will only push kids to worse things, that's sad.

The only reason the Feds/state/local government haVE been after vaping is "LOSS OF TAX REVENUE FROM SMOKERS QUITTING". If vaping was taxes as heavy as smoking the Gov. could care less about vape banning.