My Vape Cartridge Went Through The Washer

I accidentally washed my vape cartridge. It was up to 2 ml though I think it was less then half full. My dad is worried it will ruin the washing machine. Could it?  

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Vape Battery Not Working


I bought a new vape cartridge but it won’t work with the battery I have. The battery is charged and just flashes blue when it’s screwed in and pressed.

Do I need to buy a new battery?
Any info would be awesome. You can see the battery and cartridge in the photos.  

Cartridge Based Vaporizer

Always looking for a good cartridge based vaporizer for my dad. We've tried Blu, Blu tank, Njoy and found they did provide decent throat hit, however, the flavor isn't very smooth and the juice is very spicy when it leaks. Last week I bought a FIN, it's a cartridge based vapor in ego form. The vapor amount is even smaller than the blu tank, and I found the output power is only about 3 watts and the resistance is rather high (3+ ohms), very disappointed.

My question is, other than above products, is there any other cartridge based vaporizers that you would recommend? Thank you!  

Journey Of A Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs To Your Lungs

Looks to me like these guys tracked down the true story of what's happened with the bad cartos that are causing all the trouble for vaping. Certainly the CDC knows all about this and chooses to ignore it.

Journey of a Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs to Your Lungs  

Journey Of A Tainted Vape Cartridge

Journey of a Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China's Labs to Your Lungs

I thought this was an eye-opening read, especially the part dealing with the Bao'An District of Shenzhen, China and a region near LA's Skid Row known as the Toy District. Also a nice breakdown on the THC distillates like Honey Cut, etc.

As you know, we legal nicotine vapers are really paying the price for the sins of others and the whole "kids and flavors" thing is just icing on a camel dung cake.


Messed Myself Up Vaping Wrong?

Hey E-Cigarrete community, I recently started vaping THC with a friend about 6 months ago, never had a problem until we got a new cartridge about 4 days ago, i vaped with him and it was fine however i brought a pen home with me with my new cartridge which i verified online to make sure it was legit, but i believe i might have vaped wrong as i hit it 3 times which i've never done before, i spent the entire day feeling good, this was on monday but on tuesday i woke up with a slight discomfort in my chest and pretty bad acid reflux, i wasn't in pain but definitely in discomfort, the discomfort just went away today my lungs are fine and i didn't experience any difficulties breathing, i read online that it's possible i got a heartburn from it, any recommendations, opinions on this? i have to mention the THC concentration on the previous cartridge was of 63% this one is 87% i'm not sure if this would be the cause of it, but any advice would be great as i'm a bit worried because of what i experienced.  

Desert Island Vape

Imagine you are shipwrecked on a desert island. A single create is washed up with you, and it's full of vape supplies. Hurrah!

The catch is it only holds one model of mod, one model of vaporiser (whether a tank, or RBD, etc..), and only one juice!

Temporarily suspend your disbelief, and you have power to charge the unit, infinate spare atty's, coils, wire, cotton, etc.. and 10 gallons of the single juice.

So what's your desert island vape?  

Kids Should Not Vape But Flavor Ban Will Not Stop Them, They'll Refill Cartridges

Flavor ban on flavored cartridges will do kids more harm than good. If a minor wants to vape, smoke cigs, drink, or other things that are against the law and harmful for them no one can stop them except the parents.

What's going to happen is kids will buy blackmarket refilled cartridges or refill their own. I've never used a Juul but it took me 1 minutes on youtube to find out how to refill a empty Juul cartridge.

Most cartridges can be refilled so banning them is really a joke

This ban will only push kids to worse things, that's sad.

The only reason the Feds/state/local government haVE been after vaping is "LOSS OF TAX REVENUE FROM SMOKERS QUITTING". If vaping was taxes as heavy as smoking the Gov. could care less about vape banning.  

Ban The Pods!

Seeing it already... little plastic pods, in parking lots and the park, the new cigarette butt of the new Age.

Vapors used to be the good guys... the ones who didn't leave their nasty cigarette butts all over the ground.

There's a bipartisan Bill working it's way around the Senate to ban pods and cartridge e-cigarettes and I hope it becomes law!
Teenagers love the easy convenience of the pods. Eradicating them, forcing adults to buy box mods (the horror! For their refillable tanks wouldn't be the end of the world.

Limiting vape sales to vape shops was a good idea. Eliminating gas station and convenience store sales was a good idea too.

Putting reputable e liquid manufacturers out of business? Not so much... maybe a modest sin tax on e-liquid wouldn't be a bad idea. If we're lining govt pockets with revenue, maybe they'd leave us in peace....  

Washed The Coil?

Hey guys I’ve been enjoying vaping for a few months now and I’m loving it.
I’ve learnt how to fix some leaks and backspits so I am happy with that .
But I have washed one of my coil cleaning it under tap water and left it to air out for a week cuz I used another coil at this time.

I’m not getting much juice and the cotton in the coil is quite hard. So I’m sucking mostly Heat vape
But it’s not terrible or anything?

What should I do ?

Kind regards  

Eleaf Istick Power

I accidentally locked the up and down buttons by pressing both of them simultaneously for 2 seconds, I have tried unlocking them by doing the same thing like the instruction manual calls for. It doesn’t work, no “unlock” pops up or anything. You can hold them as long as you like and...nothing.

I have since figured something might be wrong with it as I am almost positive I’m doing it correctly. Now I have tried getting the reset button to work in hopes of the up and down buttons being unlocked upon reset. I hold the reset button for 5 seconds and I’ve tried the method of the combo with the fire button and reset as well as the up arrow and reset and the screen goes blank and turns back on but never says reset and the settings are still the same as before.

My next idea is plugging it into my computer in hopes of an update fixing this but other than that I am out of ideas. The device is stuck on 20 watts which is too high for the cartridge I’ve got on it. Does anybody have any ideas, please help me out.