First Decent Article Re Vape Crisis

Honestly, this USA Today is one of the first articles I've read where someone is actually talking to some of the people who have experienced first hand serious health issues from the underground and worthy of a read:

Vaping illnesses: Crisis mixes teens, black market THC, no regulation  

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Fda 30 Day Deadline?

Every day I scour Google News for new news articles about anything related to restricting e-cigarettes and I have probably read well over 300 articles in the past month... On a few articles (probably only 3 or so) they have spoken about a 30-day deadline for the FDA... But I cannot find any information on when that started and when it ends, if in fact it actually even exists. Does anyone have any information about this?

for example:
With the CDC no closer to identifying a sole culprit (or even culprits) behind the epidemic, and with the 30-day deadline for the FDA’s revision of its guidelines removing flavored e-cigarettes from the market rapidly approaching, here’s what we know so far about the three different tracks of the vaping health crisis, and what public health officials are doing to try to slow the trains down.
Click to expand...

There’s Not Just One Vape Crisis — There’s Three  

Potential Culprits In Mystery Lung Illnesses: Black-market Vaping Products

Finally an honest article on the vaping hysteria!
This is in today's Washington Post  

Trump Responds To One Vaping Crisis By Attacking Another

Finally an article that says it wasn't related to vaping nicotine

Trump responds to one vaping crisis by attacking another
A marijuana-related vaping disease outbreak gave the Trump administration the perfect opportunity to tackle another public health problem: teen e-cigarette use.

But the two aren’t directly related.  

Illinois (chicago) Residents Public Meeting - Call To Action - Casaa

IL – Public Meeting 09.23.19 – Mental Health Committee to Discuss a Response to “The Vaping Crisis” - CASAA

The Illinois General Assembly’s Mental Health Committee will hold a hearing on the subject of “Addressing the Vaping Crisis” on

Monday, September 23, 2019
2:00 PM
Michael A. Bilandic Building

C-600, 6th Floor

160 N LaSalle St

Chicago, IL 60601


The likely outcome of this meeting might be a recommendation that flavors other than tobacco be banned.

While this is a public meeting, many of the speakers are being selected in advance. If there is time left over, speaking will be limited to 2 – 3 minutes. Please be respectful and have your remarks prepared.

A witness slip is required whether you plan to speak or not, please submit a witness slip, here .

If you plan to speak, the witness slip is the only “sign up sheet” available.

Fill out the form with your contact information; under section III, select “Addressing the Vaping Crisis” from the drop down menu and click the “Opponent” radio dial; and specify written or oral testimony (Section IV).

Click Here to Send a Witness Slip
If you would like to have written testimony delivered to the committee, please send it to

Even if you do not plan to speak, your presence is important as it demonstrates the large numbers of people affected by this issue.

In addition to participating in this meeting, Illinois residents who vape and are not “sick from vaping” are being asked to fill out this survey from the IL Dept. of Public Health (IDPH). THIS SURVEY IS FOR ILLINOIS RESIDENTS ONLY! Do not encourage people outside of Illinois to participate by misrepresenting where they live.

Click Here to Take the IDPH Anonymous Survey

I will be there - hope to tell my story.
Illinois - ONLY - residents - if you haven't yet Please take the survey.
Can't make it or don't want to speak? Please send a witness slip.
Let's pack this place!  

Pmta Question

Does anyone know if this sept 9th pmta thing will effect diy and if it does will the liquid nicotine cost go up? I'm thinking I should buy the nic now n worry about rest of diy kit later as many questions surround this new regulation ..Anyone know will it effect diy? Cause my emails are loaded with pmta blowout sales from major online vape shops..if there wasn't a ban here in NY I'd stock up! NY not only has flav ban but nearly all out vape ban! The shops I used to get juice at won't even sell me coils anymore! And their actually allowed to sell me vaping hardware but find it easier to just write "we no longer ship to NY" So some shops will n some shops won't..I've really had to dig around to get coils etc..that's why I'm starting diy but this by ban effected that too! River supply won't sell me 1 thing,Liquid nicotine wholesalers aren't sure n keeps saying they,ll get back to me n never do,liquid barn seems like they will,Delosi will n nude nicotine will..oh n bull city will but they don't have the nic I need.I'm pretty set on river supply smooth salt nic,LNW doesn't mention smooth or hit,Delosi just emailed me and said they never heard of that and nude nic has armor salt smooth but a lot more expensive than river supply or LNW. I've researched a lot about it because if gonna be making 25-50 mg salt nic I wanna make sure its top quality,clear n not peppery at higher MG's.I've ordered EJUICE salt many times n can notice a difference in the quality n even the buzz I get from diff eliquids. So should I play it safe n get the nic now ( somehow) or do you guys think it might not effect future costs?? Big tobacco really has us over a barrel with VAPING as akot of politicians have stocks in tobacco n Bg tobacco is very powerful n seems to have alotta sway over the government, meanwhile they all know its much safer n literally a life saving product and is the most affective way to quit smoking while still feeling like your still smoking but with a million times better flavor,evaporation or lingering odors..its all about $$ as it always is.I've never smoked but lost nearly entire family to lung cancer from smoking so I have a very strong n passionate feeling about vaping..I enjoy it and its not the nic that causes these deadly respiratory conditions- its the tar n poisons left in the wake of combustible tobacco. But we all know this but they continue selling ciggs everywhere with lil to no hastle,alcohol too and their using teen vaping crisis as their reasons n flavors! It already has adult regulations,especially ordering online you need a credit card and most vaping adult items don't apply to teens nor do they even know how to use these apparatus. Get rid of the 10$ disposables packed with high mg salt nic n sugar..Boom prob solved, now leave us adults be n let us vape if we want cause teens are gonna do what they want anyway.. I'd rather they not vape but compared to drinking,smoking n drugs( which seems lately easier to get) I'd much rather they vape but their not 21 so who's at fault for that? So ban the entire vaping industry kills 2 birds 1 Stone (no more teens vaping n no more worthy adversary to smoking) I'm sick of the control system and its all coming to a head especially in the US- I won't get into politics but that "IS" what this is all about.Send our damn second stimulus checks n leave us adults to decide for ourselves to vape or not weather its on a 15$ pod or a 150$ mod or a 35$ pod mod..There's so much to choose from but might not have any juice to put in them if we keep going in this direction.There's enough people unemployed now without going after vaping too!!! It relieves my stress to vape just like ciggs do for many people n right now I'm pretty damn stressed! Thank u for any advice or helpful comments about decent nic salt purchase guys..sorry to rant  

I Have To Stop Reading The News

I really have to stop reading the news.
Every single day there is a new article bashing and smearing vaping as a viable, healthy alternative to smoking the 'stink sticks' (I coined that yesterday, patent pending).
Anyway, it absolutely infuriates me when I read these one-sided articles that is backed by little to no research. Not to mention that these articles are most likely written with some sort of bias. Whether it be BT, BP or the numerous anti-smoking groups, very seldom do they actually ask anyone who knows anything about vaping and the initiative of the hobby/lifestyle and they sure don't interview actual vapers or want to hear the numerous stories of how vaping has saved so many lives.
They say they don't want to 'normalize or glamorize' smoking because it will make it more attractive to kids.
Well, you know what? The more you tell kids NOT to do something, the more they WILL do it. I know, I have 2 of them.
As a former smoker and now around 6 months smoke free, I detest smoking cigarettes. But having said that, I would rather see a kid puffing on a vape than on a Stink Stick.
So, yes, I can see the need for regulations, but the vaping industry does a good job with self-regulation and reputable businesses do not sell to minors.
But, kids will be kids and they will find a way to get their hands on cigarettes just like they do with alcohol.
Let's discuss and vape on!  

Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

I apologize in advance if this is a question that has been discussed a lot, but the problem is that what I’ve read doesn’t seem to make sense: We know from experience that vaping PG/VG based juices are safe to vape, so I don’t wanna talk about that. However, when I read (in articles as well as here in the forum) that they have been vaping THC , I have to say that this kind of stuff has been consumed in vaporized form for quite a while now, probably since before people started vaping PG/VG. So it doesn’t make sense to me that all of sudden, vaping THC is killing people.
Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

The Fda Is Why People Are Getting Hurt

I haven't posted since May 2018 but now it's time.

I hate to say it, but I saw these health issues coming when they decided to go to war against teen vaping and ramped up regs, including making it very difficult for minors to obtain legal and semi-regulated nic products. I support changes to do this but there are unintended consequences the FDA should have been prepared for...and they weren't. The Black Market.

As investigations continue into the causes of these terrible health issues, which incidentally appear to have started after the last round of regs to prevent teen vaping, we will learn more about the common denominator in these cases. I suspect that counterfeit, low quality juices and pods are making their way to the streets...basically where kids can access it. Adults can just go to a shop or online, kids deal these pods in schools. I know because my son is a 10th grader and tells me all about it. Additionally, it wouldn't surprise me if China was the source of some of the counterfeits...they are masters at stealing IP without regard and quickly flooding the market with cheap alternatives and a history of poor safety standards (poison in dog food, dangerous baby products, etc.)...they have been doing it for years.

Unfortunately there has never been much wisdom in Washington DC and they are control freaks that want to dictate how we live our lives. Once a new reg is in place, it's often hard to unwind. However, in this case, I think it will end OK as long as they wait to see the evidence of what is causing this and start cracking down on the black market, the source of the illnesses IMO, although they should have started BEFORE the regs went into place.

There's going to be a bumpy road ahead to get to the destination but I think this will work itself out with an eventual solution that will reduce access for kids while giving adults the choices they need. Meanwhile, I have a few RTAs, plenty of different wire types and gauges to twist my claptons and lots of TFA melon flavors and 1mg nic 90/10 VG/PG...none of this stuff is going away soon so I'm not freaking out


Oral Health Impacts Of Vaping

I had asked a while ago on here about the oral health impacts of vaping as I was concerned with how the dehydration caused by vaping would impact my gums. I never did get any solid answers and when visiting my dentist the other day I asked and they sent me the article linked below later that day. It turns out its the nicotine we need to worry about based on this article, i'm sure the dehydration isn't great either.

The take away from this article for me isn't that we should all stop vaping because its bad for our gums. Just that we should be aware of what vaping can do (especially excessive vaping) and take the proper steps to ensure it doesn't become a problem. If you aren't brushing your teeth as often as you should, and you aren't flossing while vaping excessively all day long there is a good chance you could run into issues with Periodontal Disease.

Oral Health Impacts of Vaping | Hawaii Family Dental Centers  

Getting Harassed For Vaping...

just feeling harrased for vaping in public. I have no choice but to vape in public since im basicly staying at a hospital right now in cali with .y husband. He has some health issues and we were flown down here. Anyways Im a very polite vaper or I try to be. I go where no one else is and o done blow it at people. Im not trying to force anything on anyone but people give me dirty looks and say "theres no smoking" say that in ur most annoying voice btw lol. Its funny sometimes people cough cus they dont see its vapor. So its kinda funny people are subconsciously choking on smoke thats not there. Best smelling smoke ive ever smelled! Anyway let me know if any of you have experienced this. Thanks for letting me vent a little.