Experience Using Different Vapes

Hi. I have a question that I'd love some feedback on, but it's not really conducive to googling. I started a trial run years ago with Blu, Vuse, and NJoy refillables. I participated in market research on the Juul cartridges, and switched to a refillable AIO unit (Aspire Breeze) a couple of years ago. I just finally made the plunge into box kits with a Smok Mag Grip.

Problem is, my experience so far is a bad one. I'm getting an almost overwhelming taste of the vape juice, which I initially thought might be due to higher wattage than I'm used to. I *seem* to be getting juice in the mouth though (strangely, it's somewhat tough to tell) - not hot pops of it, it just seems to be coating my tongue (and making me feel sick). I'm using 70/30 PG/VG, btw.

Does anyone else have experience with this happening, or with having a totally different experience between smaller wattage AIOs and more customizable setups?  

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Salty/sweet Taste All Vapes Flavors Why?

sup, thanks for reading . I'm vaping for 3 years now, never had problem until now. I taste saltiness on my tongue after vaping for more than 10 seconds. I thought it might be coil so I changed them all. Maybe juice so i tried different ones different flavor. same thing.

I vaped for 3 years just Pomango and Menthol. Never had that problem. Recently I got into DIY Mixing so i ordered 14 different flavors and started experimenting. Mostly Peach, Mango, sweet mango CAP, Green Apple, Pomegranate. never went over % than whats recommended. After sweet Mango flavor CAP 5% solo flavor it started. I thought maybe its the mango flavor so Itried others and same thing, even Menthol. So its definitely something with my taste. I tried to eat lollipop candy and its there but barely noticeable because of the sugar from lolipop. Hmmmm.... Is it because i started experimenting with other flavors and I have so called"Vapers tongue " thingy?

When first time I tried mango and green apple , OMG it was spectacular taste!!!after few weeks now just salt mix with touch of sweetness and a litlle flavor on my tongue and I do let it go thru my nose and stuff too , to get most out of vaping experience, menthol is the strongest from them all that stays but its not the same as it was few weeks ago.

anybody had same issue? I found the thread from 2011 the guy had same issue.

18 days vaping - all juices now tasting salty sweet, but not in a good way.

I do feel,menthol,peach and other fruits flavor for 3-6 sec just after 10 seconds it becomes kinda salty on my tongue and lets see, umm upper patella of the jaw you call it? yeah... and im loosing flavor, very frustrating....

anyone can explain that or had similar experience?


I Might Have To Quit Vaping After 5 Years

I have been vaping regularly as a smoking alternative (got me off 6yrs of cigs) for about 5 years. 3mg nic all the way with rda's, full kanthal fused claptons, CBP cotton, and usually 70/30 vg/pg juice.
Recently I had my gallbladder removed (26yr male..bs) and I've developed allergies for the first time in my life (also some serious bs). Ever since, vaping has been a burden to say the least. Something I once loved SO much now has me seriously contemplating quitting all together.
Every time I vape I feel incredibly sick. It makes my symptoms noticeably worse especially at night. It's like a solid minute or less after I put my vape down my dry cough gets way worse and more frequent, I get slightly nauseous, head and chest hurts, and just a over all weak/ill/flue like/just smoked a pack of cigs and some 70's ditch weed feeling.
This is really not fair because like I said I LOVE to vape, as most of us do. I used to be able to sub ohm chain vape pretty much any juice and never had a single problem. but finding juice I can tolerate is near impossible now and I can't keep wasting money on juice I can't use. Even juice I can tolerate isn't necessarily good and the way it makes me feel just isn't worth it anymore *cries quietly*..
I've gone from dual FC coils to a single FC, turned wattage way down (that's obviously not the issue) and even considered going 0mg but it's coming down to not being able to inhale at all..your boy got the Clinton curse over night and I'm so sad man.
Never thought it would happen like this. If I ever did quit I always thought it would be in my control but it's looking like that wont be the case at all. This might soon be the end for me boys and girls. Wish me luck. And if you pass me on the street, blow a cloud to my back please, as the smell and sight might break my already black and blue heart...or make me sick evidently
*quiet crying intensifies* lol :/

Disclaimer:: this is not to say vaping makes you sick in anyway because that's so not true. This is my own personal experience. That makes no sense to me whatsoever honestly..vaping saved my life and the lives of many many other smokers. This is not intended to put vaping in any sort of bad light at all.
I'm just curious if anyone knows what's going on, can relate in any way, or has any suggestions.  

Thank You New Hampshire

Living in Mass and have been getting juice by mail for years, then the ban, very lucky to have NH nearby.
Only problem is I had to change my vaping habits, never knew things had changed so much, nobody stocks higher PG than VG, in fact the stores don’t know what I’m talking about, was using a provari with a nautilus tank for years with higher PG, now had to go sub ohm with an Ageis with Ajax and Voppoo tanks to get some sort of hit, I also noticed many juices don’t even state the PG/VG on the bottle or should I say VG/PG as that switched as well.
Love the flavors now but miss the Provari, whole new learning experience for me.
Thank you New Hampshire or I would be screwed.  

Nautilus Wattage ?

Hi guys

Another day another question...... What's the maximum wattage the Nautilus will vape safely at ? Last night i decided to purchase a ZNA 50 mod after reading a thread on these forums. I recently got a Alantis + Sub Ohm battery Valentines week, i'm definitely getting more into vaping with the Alantis a month in. More flavour more of a enjoyable experience all together.

I bought 0 mg Nicotine Apple juice for the Nautilus by mistake so re ordered etc the right strength. While i was waiting i just vaped on the Alantis, yesterday went back to the Nautilus and the experience wasn't really enticing.

I was thinking going with two Alantis tanks hence the reason why i decided last night to go ahead with the purchase of the ZNA 50. Now i'm wondering if the ZNA 50 will improve the Nautilus regarding flavour ?

I like my flavour being a menthol smoker, if not i should be able to use it with the Alantis and buy another tank and have two.

I use the Nautilus on a Vamo 5 that can only go up to 15 Watts. What's the maximum in wattage the Nautilus can do ?  

My Daily Juice Consumption Is Becoming Outrageous!

So....been vaping for 6 years.

For the last couple years I was using a Reo with an RBA at .5 ohms and was going through about 12-15ml a day. A friend of mine let me try his sub ohm tank a few weeks ago and I was hooked! The flavor was better than my Reo/RBA setup and the vapor was OMG.

Anyways, I've since bought a couple of sub ohm tanks with an IPV2 Mini, then graduated to a Goliath RTA with an SX Mini M Class. Using the Goliath with a .44 ohm dual coil at 30 watts on the SXM and I'm going through anywhere from 25-35ml a day! This just seem excessive....

Can anyone recommend an RTA that would use less juice but still give me a lot of airflow and flavor? I'm not all about the vapor, although I do enjoy it.

I'm guessing that if you want lots of airflow (I'm a direct lung inhale kinda guy) and a warm, full vape you pretty much have to vape at higher wattages/lower ohms and therefore use excessive amounts of juice...just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and has successfully cut down their juice consumption.

FYI, I DIY my juice so cost is not really an issue...I'm a bit concerned that using this much juice every day just can't be good for you.  

Basic Newbie Questions

Folks, I apologize for the newbie questions but trust me, I've spent a lot of time reading and still have some confusion - partly because I find contradictory information everywhere. I hate when people come on forums asking questions before doing their research but I've tried.

While I've been vaping for over a year, it's been with a Juul. (3rd party pods) My flavored pod horde is about to be exhausted so here I am.

What I'm looking for is something comparable to what my Juul with 3% pods gave me - smoothness (I do NOT want a harsh throat feel like many seem to be after), availability of nice flavors, no need for a lot of nicotine, no need for 'clouds'. I was using the 3% not really because of the lower nicotine but because it wasn't as harsh as the 5-6% pods.

I guess my question is what type juice and coil resistance should I be looking for? I purchased a Smok NFix and like the device but I seem to be getting a tad bit of juice in my mouth regardless of what wattage I set it to. (I've tried multiple .8 Ohm coils and 3mg juice labeled for "subohm" use) I also seem to be getting a lot more nicotine than I'm used to.

I've also tried a Novo 2 and occasionally get that juice in my mouth but not nearly as often. I also seem to be getting a lot more nicotine than I'm used to.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong.

Another thing I'm confused about is the wide range of nicotine strengths - 3% on up to 55+%? I must be missing something because the 3% seems to be killing me, again I must be doing something wrong.

Suggestions for what I should be looking at to find something comparable to the 3% Juul?


As I Stumble Through The Vaping Experience

Three and 1 half years ago a cancerous tumor was found in the upper lobe of my right lung. The 1/2 pack of cigarettes I had in my pocket were thrown away when I left the doctors office right after the discovery. I have not put one in my mouth since. I had surgery to remove the lobe.
Being seriously addicted to nicotine I asked my vaping daughter to get me started. She came up with some pencil batteries and a Kanger Protank Mini II. I replaced it many times during the last 3+ years with the same tank only "upgrading" to Eleaf Istick batteries. I worked my way down to .2% nicotine juice. I drilled out the air holes in the Protank to get more air flow. Battery life was minimal and refills on juice were frequent, vape clouds were small. I only went to 1 or 2 vape shops through the years not knowing what questions to ask for help with equipment, I just continued with the same set up. The neighbors daughter had an outfit that produced billows of vapor and a dandy looking outfit to do it with. I asked her what the brand was.... she didn't know and there was no writing on the unit.
I've came here looking for help but not knowing what questions to ask. I just looked.
The other day I was reading the GeekVape board and found someone asking for recommendations for an outfit. Most of the posters suggested an Aegis Cerberus 100W unit. I decided to order one. I have some 18650 batteries laying around. It came yesterday. I fired it up, made some adjustments and WOW what a hit. Seems to be a dandy outfit, sturdy and well made........ I ordered another one last night.

BTW I visit and Oncologist regularly and so far I'm cancer free.  

What To Replace The Juul With?

I began vaping in 2013. It was a basic setup: Ego Twist with a couple of Vivi Nova tanks.
It took some trial and error but found a couple of juices that I liked and stuck with them. Started
at 18 mg and settled on 12 mg nicotine level. The Ego was nothing special, but it seemed to work well at the time as I quit smoking for an entire year with it. As time wore on, I began getting to get more and more burnt / dry hits. Seemed to be happening all the time. Went through countless coils and it became such an issue that I finally got tired of messing with it and quit vaping. Went back to cigarettes. Looking back, I believe I was using a High VG or possibly Max VG liquid which may have been the cause. Desperate to get off cigarettes again I tried again last year. Bought several starter kits including Innokin IO and Innokin Endura T22. Did not like either of these. Just seemed to give me a headache even after just a couple of puffs. I tried both with 12mg and 6mg. Did not notice much of a difference. I just did not get the satisfaction I remember from years earlier. So gave up on vaping again and went back to analogs.

It is now 2019 and I am really sick and tired of smoking cigarettes. I hate them but can’t stop.
Along comes the JUUL, I decided to give it a shot and just figured it would not work.
At first I did not like it. Seemed WAY to strong at 5%. Stuck with it for a week and thought - hey this is not bad. Mainly was using Virginia and every once in a while a Mango pod was nice (Maybe ½ to 1 full pod a day). I was still smoking a couple of cigs in the morning but after that I would use the JUUL the rest of the day. It was by no means great but good enough. I would constantly struggle to get a decent hit off of it though. There always seemed to be air bubbles in the pods causing a problem or I had to pull the pod out and put it back in just to get it to hit decently. Like I said just good enough. After about 6 months or I started have stomach issues. Mainly really bad gas and thought it might be due to the higher nic level in the 5% pods. So I dropped down to 3% for a month or so and noticed no difference. Finally decided to quit the JUUL altogether to see if it made any difference. Within a week everything went away and was back to normal. No more JULL for me. I am guessing something in the Nicsalts didn’t agree with me. I never had this issue with freebase nicotine.

So, am now looking for a device to replace the JULL that does not use nicsalts and was hoping to get some recommendations. I do not need a big mod device to blow clouds or anything like that.
I want something very simple that hits well and does not burn. I am open to anything really as long as it works. I do prefer MTL style and have heard good things about the Joyetech AIO as well as the SMOK infinix devices. I am really open to anything that will work well. Prefer something small, easy to use and that fits in my pocket. Also, I prefer tobacco flavors and am planning to try out the Blacknote stuff which is a 50/50 PG/VG mix so looking for a device suited to that. Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!  

Tried Sub-ohming And Maybe It's Not For Me. Interested In Your Thoughts.

My main go-to setups these days are Nautilus tanks (both sizes) with 1.8ohm BVC's on mini boxes like Eleaf iStick and Heatvape Defender, but since I got the Defender and it can go down to 0.5ohm with it's 25 watts I decided to give it a go.

So I recently purchased a 22mm Peakomizer 2 Mega tank with Aspire Atlantis 0.5ohm coil and just recently tried it out around 25 watts with my favorite 70/30 vanilla flavor juice.

Now maybe this is partly to do with the tank I bought but even on the tightest airflow setting I feel like it's just too much. It seems to kind of force me to do deep straight-to-lung hits and I'm just not into the experience. I like mouth-to-lung hits focused on flavor more than anything else and I don't typically inhale too deep, for more of a smooth creamy vape. But this experience was more like harsher throaty big airy inhale and I didn't dig it.

After literally just 30 minutes of checking it out I went right back to my Nautty's with 1.8 ohm BVC's between 7.5 to 10 watts and that's a happy place for me, so I'm probably going to sell the barely touched Peakomizer 2 tank and brand new Atlantis .5 coils (looking forward to getting access to Classifieds section here soon).

But still I'm interested in other vaper's thoughts on this. I'm curious to know if sub-ohming is mainly geared toward heavy lung hits and the airy experience I had or if there are ways to do it / certain gear to use so that it's a similar experience to what I'm used to.

As always, I'm just really curious to read the opinions and experiences of others. It helps me learn something new every day!  

Vaping Questions, Mouth Problems

Hello, I have been vaping for years, at 1.8 nic strength. I have some questions.

First of all I think I've made a problem by vaping on (all kangertech devices and coils), at .5 ohms, but I only vape at 20-24 watts. Is this wrong? Anything higher is way too hot, and I just don't enjoy it. I've bought a smok mag and other devices that wont fire under anything 50 watts and it was way too strong so I never use it.

Also, over the past 6 months I've developed some mouth sores I'm pretty sure it is
Tobacco Stomatitis
I know this is from vaping or smoking, the heat I guess is causing this. I've told my dr. about this he never really looked (I was in for something different than this), he replied try to vape point it downwards towards my tongue and I have been doing this for months, but to no avail with the mouth sores going away.

I can't quick vaping. I tried for a few days and I smoked more cigarettes than I ever did. It was actually hotter I noticed. I still smoke cigarettes when I drive, just a weird habit and at work on breaks. I vape all day at work when my boss isn't around.

I'm going to stick to just the unflavored e juice from now on. I'm also cutting the strength back. I also tried cutting it before with 0% percent e juice and to no avail my mouth sores are still there.

Sorry for the diatribe but I just have a few questions.

Does smoking at 22 watts and sometimes below with sub ohm coils, is this bad? I've been doing it for years now. The problem is I bought a ton and I find it hard to find coils now over 1 ohm. It seems all they sell not days is .5 coils. And I've tried nickel and and they just burn in a day, even with the settings they are supposed to be at, so I'm really at a loss as to what to do.

Also has anyone else experienced the tobacco stomatitis as I have?