A Replacement For My Spinner Ii's.

Maybe this isn't the right thread so I apologize if it isn't. I've been using Vision Spinners for the past six years. Yep. Six years off cigarettes. I can't find Vapros Spinners anymore and am looking for a replacement. I like the pen style batteries and have tried a couple of replacements: The Aspire CF and EVOD. Not cutting it for me. Just not getting that throat hit.

Yeah, I'm old school but I like the feel of the pen style in my hand. Any suggestions? Money isn't a factor.  

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Need To Update My Spinner And Protank


I am currently using two different Vision Spinners (900mah and 1600mah). Both are variable voltage. I have paired the spinners with the Kanger2 Mini protank.

I vape at about 4.3v. I use 1.8ohm or 2.2ohm coils. I have been happy with the result so far.

I am not interested in a big old MOD or anything. I like the pen-like style.

I bought an Aerotank Mini that turned out to be a clone and it didn't work. Maybe it came with a bad clone coil? I don't know.

Any suggestions on updating the mini protank 2 and the Spinner? There are just way too many products and I have no clue where to start. The short life of the Kanger colils has been pretty annoying. I read they have better coils now for the Protank 3.

Anyway, thanks for any input on this!  

Obsess Much?

Just sat down this morning and had a quick look at where all my money's been going for the past few months.
Previously, I had smoking down to ~5 a day. Used to get them all from abroad, so roughly £5 for 20 at most. 40/week so £10/week and £520 in a year.

My current ecig spend:
£30 for first ecig
£25 for a Vision Spinner Battery
£15 for replacement tanks
£40 replacement coils (standard coils, then unicoils)
£100+ - Totally Wicked liquids
£50 - iStick
£25 - Subtank mini
£70 - mixing kit and concentrates
£50 - e-sheesha + cartomisers
£50 - premium liquids

£455+ (and that's just about 6 months, started in October)

I know that most if it was invested in the kit, and now that I have my ideal setup I hopefully won't be making those expensive purchases anymore on tanks and batteries. The DIY kit has enough to keep me going, now it's just buying concentrates that I need for recipes. I would have saved a lot more if I'd got the quality kit early on, but at the time I was new to it and wasn't sure if it's something I'd pursue.

It's probably not even that much in comparison what others spend, but I still feel like I've spent way more money than I should have.
Anyone in the same boat?  

I Slipped And Went Backwards In Vaping.

After six or seven years I am back where I started. Back to my mechanical mods, Rocket and Kayfun rebuildables (have about 12 of each) with the only changes being changed over to nic salts in them. Wife vaping eco's and Vision spinners now when we go out. Have coils coming out my ying yang that I rebuilt years ago. Used to love my mechanical with kayfun in my tool bag with a 4 inch curved drip tip. Would have it sitting by a furnace or fireplace and customers would always ask me what the torch is for. LOL We will see all this old school leads to this time. CHEERS!  

What To Do Next?

So me and my wife are using cheap chinese Evods for a year now.

We feel they dont last very long (bad quality) and that the taste could be better.

What would be the best upgrade for us? We love the simple style of evod. Also find the small form factor nice...
Or do we need to look at better coils ( if those even exist) or better clearomizers.

please help.

the Netherlands  

What Should I Upgrade To?

I'm currently using a Vision Spinner battery with a few ProTank mini 3's (Which look quite nice together infact - so long as the battery matches the tank). I'm wondering what I should upgrade too.. I'm not really looking to get into mechanical modding yet as I'm not made of money. I'm more or less looking for a better battery with a better lifespan, I'm having loads of problems with my vision spinner and I'm looking for something that could replace that.. Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks!

Edit; I found this: Aspire Premium Starter Kit [VE754-B1] - £49.95 : Vape Escape and was wondering what your guys opinions are on it  

Replacement For Breeze Nxt

Hi All,

It's been years since I logged into the forum.

I've been happy with the Aspire Breeze series for years. The Breeze NXT perfect for me. It's small with a decent battery life relative to my use case. I vape unflavored salts mixed with PG and the coil lasts me for months. I'm not a fan of the big mods that blow tons of vape as I vape incognito.

The Breeze NXT has been discontinued. What's a good replacement for it?


Should I Upgraded To Something Better.

So hi guys I been vaping since April loven it so I'm looking get something different i got the ego c twist with aspire bdc clearomizer. What should I get next I was looking to get the vision spinner 2 and istick eleaf 30w or should i just get the istick eleaf 30w or 50w. I wanted to get the vision spinner 2 from fasttech with couple of other things but I'm going to get both.  

Stumped On A New Ecig Type

My mother in law just came home with a new Ecig. She is fairly old, yet insists, no matter how how many people tell her, that Cigarette sized ecigs are NOT economical in the long run. Don't even try to make suggestions, she's really stubborn.

Anyways, she's been off of Cigarettes for a while, and has been using an EGO/Stardust combination for almost 2 years. She said her battery wasn't holding a charge, and decided to pickup a new ecig. She bought something called a Mistic brand ecig...but it has a tank on the end of it. The whole unit is about the size of a normal cigalike. However, the end is a mini tank system. I tried it, and little vapor comes out of it.. which she says is fine. I will say, the products looks nice.

It seems it has a very small battery in it with a smaller than a mini protank II style general configuration for the atomizer. I doubt the thing holds a mil, and I doubt the battery is over 100MaH. The unit screws off the battery, and then the coil and wick unscrews out of the tank. It reveals a setup similar to a mini protank, where the chimney goes into the coil. The coil is TINY. I tried peeking down to see if I can see the coils, but I couldn't. I can't find any sort of specs about the product, type of connector (It's smaller than a 510), battery size/capacity, or even where to buy replacement coils. On the box, there is a website... MysticVapors.com is up for sale!!, but even that site is vague on anything about it and only sells the starter kits. Is there any information about the device anyone knows about? Its a cigalike size with a tank. Can replacement coils be bought? any gotcha's (besides incredibly low amount of vapor) A link to the exact item she bought is HERE. I feel she's just wasted money, but if I tell her that, she just gets all huffy.

Thank you in advance.  

Pissed. - My Turtleship V3 Firing Pin Broke And The Store Wont Find A Replacement. Please Help

I paid $250 bux for a full set up a while back, and the little inner copper firing pin contact broke, right where the thread screw into the bottom button. I got the broken piece out of the button threads, but I need a new copper contact pin. I went to the store and they said they don't have it, and they cant contact the manufacturer.

I am so irritated at the customer service there. I have spent well over a couple grand on crap from them over the years and they basically told me "oh well, that sucks, buy a new one"

Im hoping that someone on here can either help point me in the right direction of someone to talk to that makes the Turtleship V3 Mod, or someone that might have a replacement part. It cant be more than a couple bucks for the little piece. I would of expected them to contact the manufacturer and just give me the replacement pin for free.

Once I have the money I am going to buy something like a hexohm or similar 100w box mod, but until then, I need to fix this, and plus I want to have it as a back up for if my boxmod goes out and needs to be fixed. Given that, I have a seperate question on who you guys think has the best customer service and warranty for box mods? What are the "flagship" devices on the market with all the bells and whistles and most reliable / durable build design?

Thanks a lot for any help you guys can offer as far as being able to get my mech mod fixed. Id have to just throw 200 bux in the trash.

Help! :/  

Provari Battery

I hope I am posting this in the correct place! I have not vaped much over the last couple of years. I tried to start up again only to find I need new batteries. I own 3 Provari's that I purchased back around 2010-2011. I think the are model V2. I used to buy my batteries from pro-vape, but they are no longer in business as some of you know.

I used AW, IMR 18490, 3.7V, 1100 mAh(4.1W) as recommended.

Does anyone know if these are still available and where?? If not can someone help me with a SAFE replacement? I am pretty ignorant in this area and would greatly appreciate the help!
Thank you!!!