Bt Is Not Trying To Kill Vaping

Why not?
Simple. Money.

Smoking rates are reducing year after year. The cessation methods vary plus more smokers are dying than new smokers being created. Vaping is a new stream of users to continue sales after cessation.

Next factor is margins. In Toronto Canada, a pack of cigarettes is $10-15 depending on size, brNd and store. BT probably gets no more than $2 of that when you back out retailer markup and insane taxation.

A BT pod, the Vype ( Vuse in the US) sells pods for $6.50 each (2 pack for $13) which does not have several hundred percent excise and sin taxes. Only sales tax which was not added here. BT is probably taking $3-4 of that $6.50.

So why would they kill vaping?  

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7 Things E-cig Policy Makers Need To Know

Got this from the world wide web and wanted to share it here.

Apologies if it's already been shared. It's a handy list for reference as well as informative.

E-CIGARETTE POLICY BRIEF: Seven Things Policy Makers Need to Know

All references are hyperlinked to official WHO and government reports, and peer-reviewed studies

The death toll from smoking is enormous

8 million people die every year from smoking-related diseases (WHO), including 480,000 in the USA (CDC) 1.1 billion people smoke worldwide (WHO), including 34 million in the USA (CDC) In the USA, smoking is now concentrated among low-income and LGBTQ people, people living with mental illnesses, and indigenous peoples (American Lung Association)

→ Tobacco smoking is, by far, the world’s leading cause of preventable cancer, heart and lung disease

Harm reduction can reduce that death toll

There is growing independent consensus that e-cigarettes are safer than smoking (35+ official public statements) There is strong evidence that smokers who switch to e-cigarettes have lower risk of cancer, heart & lung disease When not in tobacco smoke, nicotine itself does not cause cancer, heart or lung disease (CDC and IARC/WHO) → Other examples of harm reduction include seat belts, bicycle helmets, parachutes, methadone and condoms

Safer nicotine alternatives help smokers quit

Big pharma nicotine patches & gum (NRTs) cause neither addiction nor cancer, heart or lung disease (FDA; CDC) NRTs increase quit success from 5% (cold turkey) to 9% (on average, smokers try and fail 30 times before quitting) E-cigarettes are two times more effective than NRTs (Cochrane review of 50 peer-reviewed studies worldwide) Many adult vapers “quit by accident” with e-cigarettes (online survey); NRTs only benefit those who want to quit 92% of US all vapers are ADULTS; 4.3 million US adults have quit smoking completely with nicotine vapes (CDC) The adult cessation total may be 5.4 million because 26% of those who quit with e-cigarettes later quit vaping 2.1 million UK smokers (UK government) and 7.5 million EU smokers (Eurobarometer) have quit with e-cigarettes ‘Flavors’ are up to 2.3 times more effective for smoking cessation than tobacco flavor (Yale study) (UK study) 80% of US adult vapers prefer fruit, dessert or candy flavors that don’t remind them of smoking (FDA submission) → Forcing ex-smokers to vape tobacco flavor is like forcing recovering alcoholics to drink rum-flavored club soda

Teen vaping is undesirable, but not a crisis

In the UK, which promotes nicotine vaping for adult smokers, teen “current use” by never-smokers is just 1% US high school “current use” of vaping products dropped 29% between 2019 and March 2020 (CDC/NYTS) By March 2020, only 1 in 20 US high school students vaped daily (4.4%, but 53% of that may be THC not nicotine) US youth & young adult vaping dropped another 32% during the pandemic (JAMA survey up to November 2020) If both surveys are combined, just 1 in 10 US high school-age teens are now “current users” (13%) → If this assumption is correct, then US teen past 30-day ever-use is now lower than it was in 2015 (6 years ago)

Proposed policy “cures” are worse than the “disease”

Proposed policies to reduce teen vaping include higher taxes, ‘flavor’ bans, online sales bans and shipping bans E-cigarette taxes have caused cigarette sales to increase in 8 US states (National Bureau of Economic Research) E-cigarette taxes “increase prenatal smoking and lower smoking cessation during pregnancy” in female smokers Ecig flavor bans increased cigarette sales in San Francisco; Washington; Rhode Island; New York; and Nova Scotia Online sales and mail shipment bans reduce adult access, so are also very likely to strengthen cigarette sales → Higher taxes, ‘flavor’ bans, and online/mail bans protect big tobacco’s main cash cow: deadly cigarettes

Unintended consequences and logical inconsistencies

Probable outcome of ‘flavor’ bans: Teen vapers will switch to THC vaping or to cigarette smoking; many adult vapers will relapse to smoking; fewer smokers will quit; an illicit market (with no age-checks) will arise

The same organizations that claim teen vaping is a gateway to tobacco smoking, also claim tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes repel teens (i.e., banning ‘flavored’ nicotine vapes will reduce teen vaping)

→ Definitions differ: adult current use = daily or regular use; teen current use = past 30-day ever-use

Full context of adult products that teens use, but should not use

US teens are more likely to smoke pot or use illegal drugs than to be “current users” of e-cigarettes (NIDA MTF) US teens are 2X more likely to binge drink than vape “frequently”; 3X more likely to binge drink than vape daily US teen binge drinking causes 3,500 deaths and 119,000 ER visits/year (CDC); US policy response? Age-checks US teen “current smoking” rates dropped 3X faster than historical trends after 2012 (NIDA MTF) → Teens should not vape, smoke, drink or use cannabis (and adults should try to avoid irrational moral panics)  

In A Predicament

I have a few dollars invested in vaping (subohm set ups) . I was out town for the past two months working and I ran out of juice and all I had accessible to purchase were those little vype pods and I was quite impressed with the nicotine satisfaction I received from it , but now I'm back home and I've got ample everything I need but I find myself going back to my left over vype pod . So now I'm confused do I need to switch vaping style or equipment ,I don't feel like reinvesting in all new stuff my girlfriend will kill me. Did that happen to anyone else ? How did you handle it? Thank you  

Stunning Facts

I smoked for over 50 years and it got to the point where I could barely breathe. I knew I had to quit but I also knew I had no will power to do so. Then 6 years ago I tried vaping and it literally saved my life. I still got my nicotine fix and could finally breathe easier and I was not inhaling all those harmful chemicals. I know taking anything into your lungs is harmful but vaping really is the lesser of two evils. And speaking of evils look at these statistics:
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year
68,557 people died in 2018 of an opioid overdose
in 2017, 39,773 people in the US lost their lives at the point of a gun
In 2016, 10,497 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes
30,000 deaths were the result of domestic abuse world wide in 2018.
There are 2,200 alcohol poisoning deaths in the US each year.
so in the last year 631,027 died of unnatural causes, extrapolated over six years that is 3,786,162 deaths
1978 to 1995 a total of 37 Americans were killed by falling vending machines
There have been six confirmed deaths connected to vaping across the US
of these two were from lithium batteries exploding and not the vaping itself
and two were from people experimenting by adding dangerous chemicals to their e-cigarettes.
So in reality only two people died due to vaping.
and you pick vaping as a just cause. Really? where are your values and priorities?
more people die each year from choking or acts of stupidity than vaping.
Of all these causes you could get behind why are you picking the least dangerous and offensive one? I think it's time people learned to pick their battles.
so, 480,000 deaths by cigarettes and why doesn't the government care? Here's why, because for every smoker that dies a new smoker starts. And tobacco is such a cash cow the government doesn't want it to disappear. In Canada the average taxes on a carton of cigarettes is 65%, in the US the taxes are around 45%. That's a lot of free cash. But, if people switch to vaping there are no taxes associated with it. There are no health concerns, it is purely greed.
Here is the thing about statistics: you can make up anything you want or manipulate the facts to get your point of view across. Why? Because they can't be verified. So all the government does is use scare tactics and people are gullible enough to believe it. They have no scientific proof to back up their claims, it is all BS.
Vaping is a much safer alternative to smoking, so why don't they shut down the tobacco industry? MONEY!! MONEY!! MONEY!!
I will defend vaping over cigarettes forever.  

Vapers Are Fed Up

So, I think there has been a lot of back and forth as to whether vaping is really safer than cigarettes. We as Vapers know that it is safer because we have done the research. But I think in the eyes of smokers and non-smokers, they really don't know if it is safer. Sometimes it even has me questioning whether vaping is healthier. But then my sanity takes over.

This post was sparked by watching a video from Grimm Green just now. The first person I've ever seen to finally say that vaping is 95% safer than smoking. And quit with all the Bull Shi it, listening to anyone who tells you otherwise.

It's a shame that only vapers know it's safer. Everyone else can't be bothered to do the research. They just listen to all the mainstream BS! "Yea, vaping is just as bad, people are dying cause of vaping." "Yea, they're banning vape mail because it's the same thing as tobacco."  

Let's Be Honest, Smoking Cigarettes Is Far Cheaper Than Vaping!

I am new here and I am surely not the type to stir the pot, but something is bothering me. I see all these members with banners at the bottom explaining how much money they have saved thus far by not smoking, and vaping instead? I just have to shake my head and wonder what planet they come from.

Ten years ago I purchased a top of the line cigarette injector for $25. That same injector costs $35 right now, and it has been highly improved. I can buy top quality bulk tobacco wholesale on the internet, top quality filtered cigarette tubes, and produce world class cigarettes for just about $1.25 per pack. A few years ago it was less than a $1.00 per pack. These are first class top quality cigarettes, better than anything you can buy in any store. You can make them in any style or strength you like, regular or menthol.

A fumble fingered klutz with no practice can pump out one cigarette every 30 seconds, I can do 5 or 6 per minute, and I am kind of a klutz myself! I know poor people and rich people who make cigarettes this same way. Who still buys cigarettes in stores for $5 to $10 per pack? Seriously, who does that? Certainly not anyone with an IQ above 75.

Don't tell me it would have been to difficult for you to do, because messing with Mods, and e-juice, and batteries is far more time consuming and difficult than pumping out cigarettes on a tube injector. So my former habit cost me $1.25 per day for a pack. I can already tell that I will be burning far more than $1.25 in e-juice daily.

All I am saying is that vaping is more expensive than smoking for anyone with common sense, so stop bragging about how much money you saved, that is disingenuous. Brag about why you are doing it for your health.  

Ex Smokers. Do You Plan To Keep Vaping?

I used to smoke half a pack a day and now I'm quit. I'm vaping 12mg now. I used to do 24. Granted I do sub ohm now. My main question is do you ex smokers ever plan on cutting down to zero nic if you haven't already. Do you ever plan on quitting altogether? Vaping for me has become a hobby and here's second part of my question. Do you consider vaping a successful quit of smoking? Many say not enough studies to say whether it's safe. But I think it's like saying if you smoke it's like souping up sports cars and street racing. Sure it's fun but super dangerous. Vaping is like souping up your car but instead going to car shows and drives. Much safer and a healthy hobby.  

Pharma Vaporizer And The Billionaires

Pharma Vaporizer Brings Big Billionaire Names

Gates and Bloomberg
"Donating money to anti-vaping efforts while simultaneously investing in a pharmaceutical grade smoking cessation “vaporizer” that is completely in its own category – Pharma – could appear suspicious. Hale won’t need PMTA approval, because it will not be a tobacco product, but will require FDA approval as a drug."

As e-cigarettes come under fire, Hava Health readies a vape pen to help people quit smoking

By contrast, Hava Health is pitching a smoking cessation tool. “We have a patented design,” says Israel. “What we do is we separate nicotine from the other compounds. We reduce the nicotine as we leave the other oils the same. Over time we reduce the nicotine and increase the clean oils and we get them to zero percent.”

Reduce nicotine percentage downward. Umm, I think we've been doing that already with open system vaping. I bet it won't be as cheap as my diy.


Do You Plan To Quit Someday?

Hello fellow vapers.
Here is a topic I was thinking of lately and I wanted to ask your opinion/plans.

Generally speaking, e-cigs were invented in order to help smokers switch from smoking regular cigs to something much less harmful and eventually help people quit this (one of the worst) habit of smoking / adding nicotine to your system.

Ideal plan was to give a smoker something similar (as a process) with enough nicotine to satisfy his needs but without all that sh@t that cigs contain.
After some time this ex-smoker was suppose to start lowering amounts of nicotine in his e-juice up until he is OK with 0 mg. nic vaping.
And eventually quit vaping as well, eliminating the habit.

In reality, I'd say about 80% of ex-smokers who became vapers don't even plan to quit vaping, they have their preferred nic. level and they keep on vaping it year after year being happy about it.

So what's your opinion on that? Do you also plan to keep on vaping or you might quit it in the future?  

Fell Off The Wagon

I quit for about a year and started to smoke one of my wife's cigarettes once in a while. Then it turned into once a week, then once a day, then twice a day, then I went and bought a pack, then went up to over a pack a day.

I think it's because I lowered my nic level, because it started happening shortly after that. I recently raised it back up, and have been weeping myself back off the cigarettes again. I'm down to less than a pack a day now.

I did it before so I can do it again.  

In To The Lions Mouth. Need Advocay Info

I am supper pressed for time. I have just found out about a town meeting taking place at 5:00 tonight and the BOH is trying to ban flavored Ciggs amongst other things. So far they have lumped vaping in with ciggs in almost all town by-laws. I am going to go and try and see that vaping is separated from the tobacco regulations and that flavored E-juice is not banned along with it. What I would like specifically is some hard numbers on the effectiveness of vaping for tobacco cessation, numbers of ex smokers who are vaping Etc. I will check back in about a half hour and the meeting is in two and a half hours so give me some direct info (numbers,stats) that I can quickly digest and regurgitate.