Ohio Vape Rally

I attended the vape rally in Columbus, Ohio this morning. Approximately 300 - 400 vapers attended from all over the state of Ohio, from Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, and Colorado. I am rejuvenated and optimistic again.

I was interviewed by WTBN10 TV Columbus for 10 - 15 minutes. If they run any part of it I will post it here later. The reporter said the station is going to run a special segment on vaping. The reporter seemed to be genuinely interested and seemed like he had done some homework on the subject. He even asked a couple of times was there anything that you would like to add that we hadn't covered.

Thank you to Jeff Kathman for providing the video.


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Vape Rally Dc 2019 Live


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Other times, I can barely see
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Peace and Love To You All  

Washington Dc Rally

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Whe The Ellipse @ 1450 Pennsylvania Ave NW  

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And you?