Article: Which States Have The Highest Vaping Rates

Which States Vape, Use E-Cigarettes the Most?  

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National Save Vaping Day

Monday 7th October

On Monday, October 7th, asking vape shops, online retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and other entities that want to see vaping survive to donate some, or even all, of their profits for the day to the AVA and CASAA. Additionally, we are asking you around the United States to support small vape businesses around the United States on October 7th by shopping at businesses participating.  

State Bans Already In Place

I know that there are threads covering bans in individual states, but I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread which covers all state bans.

So far, I know of the temporary, but complete ban, in Massachusetts, and a flavor ban announced in Michigan, Washington state, and Rhode Island. The New York ban is not in effect yet, but will be on October 4, I believe. Not sure about the other three states.

If there are more states which I'm not aware of, please list them.

New York Bans Sale of Flavored E-cigarettes, the First State in the U.S. to Do So

Rhode Island Governor Bans Sales Of Flavored Vaping Products

Michigan's flavored vaping ban in effect: Here are the new rules  

Please Go To The Cdc Twitter And Leave Real, Truthful Replies!

Please anyone who can, please go to the CDC Twitter and leave a tweet under EVERY vaping lie they are telling! We need to FLOOD them with knowledge! These people know NOTHING!

Funny how these deaths started when big tobacco came out with their products. Lets not forget legal pot states flooding other states with illegal THC vaping pods/tanks! I refuse to let them screw us!

Thank you for your help.


California Vaping Ban

In surprise move, California governor proposes ban on vaping, similar to Trump's planned policy

The Democratic governor of California launched a plan Monday that is eerily similar to a plan devised one week ago by Republican President Donald Trump. Both plans aim to eradicate widespread usage of flavored e-cigarettes, or vaping, by underage citizens.​

More links ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom takes executive action on vaping and e-cigarettes  

Fui; No Online Sales After

tomorrow in Massachusetts I was told by Gary at MVS during the 4 month ban of vape gear while investigating why people in the US have gotten very sick or died from vaping NON VAPING related marijuana oil products.

So find your friends out of state or get online tonight to order your coils and juices.

Maybe the investigation should be why people in other countries haven’t been getting sick and why this is JUST happening now after a couple of decades of people vaping e juice. Could be something to do with the government and politicians trading in a multi billion dollar industry and let’s not forget the lobbyists errr donors.

And yes I emailed and called my knee jerk reacting guv Baker to express my embarrassment that one of the states with the highest quality Universities aren’t asking for FACTS.

Big Tobacco (and Pharm) and the governments reason of losing $7 billion dollars to people switching from known carcinogenic cigarettes to less harmful vaping products.

As more bans get put into place and more people get sick or die from contaminated black market ejuice and THC products.

Just as planned so they can point their fingers and scream - we told you it was dangerous!!  

Fast Tech Us Scan Taking Longer?

Are items coming from FastTech taking longer to be scanned in as having arrived in the United States? I saw on my app that it left China on the 16th of March and it hasn't been scanned into the United States yet usually FastTech takes two weeks to get to my house. So I'm just wondering is that normal for right now is it taking longer for the United States actually scan things in?  

Vaporflask V3 Clone

Hello, I am thinking of getting a Vaporflask v3 but before spending 300.00 I would like to try a clone
does anyone know where i can order one from the United States Ive seen some but they ship from China
and I am kinda nervous about putting my credit card info to a company that is outside the United States
thank you  

News Article From Family Of Victim

'Breath is precious': The daughter of a woman who died from vaping speaks out

This article is ridiculous. The daughter blames e-cigarettes even though she admits her mother used illegal thc carts.  

Been Out Of The Game For A Bit...

Hello everyone,
I'm currently living in Japan and feel like I missed the train on what batteries people are buying now since I can't find VTCs anymore.
I'll be moving back to the states soon, but I thought I'd ask anyways. I have yet to go to a vape shop and I'm a little skeptical because I've heard the crowd is weird in the vaping community. BUT, who am I to judge anyone.
I appreciate any help.  

Vaping Use Prompts Trump Administration To Weigh Flavored E-cigarettes Ban

Trump Administration Weighs Ban on Flavored E-Cigarettes

Sitting in the Oval Office with Alex M. Azar II, the secretary of Health and Human Services, and Dr. Ned Sharpless, the acting Food and Drug Administration commissioner, President Trump acknowledged that there was a vaping problem, and said, “We’re going to have to do something about it.”

Mr. Azar said that the F.D.A. would outline a plan within the coming weeks for removing most flavored e-cigarettes that are not tobacco products from the market.

Pressure also began to mount as Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, decided to step in by announcing a $160 million push to ban flavored e-cigarettes. Long an opponent of traditional smoking, the former mayor said his organization, Bloomberg Philanthropies, would seek prohibitions of flavored e-cigarettes in at least 20 cities and states.

From left, Dr. Norman Sharpless, the acting F.D.A. commissioner, Melania Trump, President Trump and Alex M. Azar II, the health and human services secretary, discussing flavored e-cigarettes in the Oval Office on Wednesday.