Busardo And Dimitris Discuss The Attack On Nicotine Vaping

Very interesting, in my opinion. They are at FlavourArt.

The video was redone and back up. If you'd like to view it, go to pbusardo's youtube channel. I'm not going to link it here, because there are a few curse words sprinkled in there and I don't want to break any forum rules.

It is called:

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Vaping With Physics, Youtube Channel I'm Starting(started)

So I started this youtube channel Vaping with Physics where I explain the physics of vaping. I figured I would let people know on here if anyone is interested, as the channel is brand new and no one knows about it yet. I'm starting basic with defining the typical electrical terms you hear. So far I have done a video on voltage and one on current/resistance. I plan on doing circuits next, specifically the difference between parallel and series and how that affects vaping. I also did a review of the hero box from drip club just to add some variety. Now i'm not a Phd so I won't be going TOO deep into things, also I want to keep it math friendly for people who aren't already into science anyway. I'm still an undergrad (one more year) but I have a pretty good understanding of most of the stuff, at least to qualify making youtube videos I would think. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea and if you have any suggestions for topics to discuss. I also am still getting used to recording myself talk so I will improve over time with that hopefully. Right now it kind of just feels like I'm talking out loud to myself lol. Anyway check it out if you'd like: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOUjfyixErMVk77nmvGqHSA  

I'll Be Making A New Youtube Channel For Vaping, What Would You Like To See?

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Vape Programs And Schedules

I know a few but I dont know a bunch. Here is what i remember

Grim Green; Monday build Tuesday News Thursday Vlog Youtube I watch

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There is a new show called the 510 connection i havent seen, and a Pete Busardo show sometime i guess .

Any vape shows you watch?  

Ended Innokin Coolfire Giveaway - 15 Kits Up For Grabs!

Giveaways are back, with a great chance to win from our good friends at Innokin!

As before we're lucky to have the vaping legends @Dimitris and @pbusardo on hand to answer all your questions!

Enter the giveaway simply by posting in this thread and ask Phil & Dimitris a question about the CoolFire Z80, Zenith II, MTL Vaping, or anything else vape related that you have been dying to ask or would be useful for the vaping community here at ECF.

10 winners can choose either one of two options for their prizes;

Option 1
1 pcs Coolfire Z80 kit + 1 pcs Zlide tank

Option 2
1 pcs Coolfire Z50 kit + 1 pcs Zenith II tank

Colours will be chosen at random.

But wait!! There are also 5 Extra ECF Thread Grand Prizes:

1pcs Coolfire Z80 kit + 1 pcs Zenith II tank + 1 pack of Z-Coil + 1pcs Innokin hat

The 5 Grand prize packs will be given to 5 participants who ask the best, most interesting questions below, as chosen personally by Phil and Dimitris.

Winners must be of legal vaping age, only one prize per person, and this giveaway will run from July 9th to 15th.

Good luck & thank you for your support!


Cold Steel Mod: Bad Vaping Experience - Can’t Figure Why

Hello and happy new year!

I have a problem with vaping, and it’s getting frustrating. But I can’t figure out where is the problem:
Is it my mod?
Is it my wicking?
Are my vaping preferences simply out of the ordinary?

can I post a video here showing exactly my problem, and also my built? (It will be easier than explaining in words...)
(Idk if I can attach big files here, maybe link? YouTube or cloud file download link?).  

Do You Plan To Quit Someday?

Hello fellow vapers.
Here is a topic I was thinking of lately and I wanted to ask your opinion/plans.

Generally speaking, e-cigs were invented in order to help smokers switch from smoking regular cigs to something much less harmful and eventually help people quit this (one of the worst) habit of smoking / adding nicotine to your system.

Ideal plan was to give a smoker something similar (as a process) with enough nicotine to satisfy his needs but without all that sh@t that cigs contain.
After some time this ex-smoker was suppose to start lowering amounts of nicotine in his e-juice up until he is OK with 0 mg. nic vaping.
And eventually quit vaping as well, eliminating the habit.

In reality, I'd say about 80% of ex-smokers who became vapers don't even plan to quit vaping, they have their preferred nic. level and they keep on vaping it year after year being happy about it.

So what's your opinion on that? Do you also plan to keep on vaping or you might quit it in the future?  

How To Go About Being A Reviewer?

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I bought some juices and asked the manager if he'd mind if I did a YouTube video on the juice. I've done the video and now I'm just waiting. Can someone steer me in the right direction. Thanks in advance  

Subtank Sub Ohm Vaping Overated

I have had nothing but a bad experience with using the new subtank nano.
I dont get why anyone would want to vape in this manner. My opinion is that it is to intense in flavor. It feels dreadful every lungfull. It feels like im just taking in raw ejuice every hit. The whole purpose for vaping is to deliver nicotine in a pleasant flavorful manner with just the right balance of flavor to make it interesting and enjoyable.
from my experience so far its been a really unhealthy nauseating experience and it annoys me greatly that this is the direction vaping is focusing.
It needs to be dialed down a notch and brought back into reality.
The aerotank mega and the nautilus mini I believe need just a little bit more tweaking but not by alot in my opinion. Its all about consistent wicking to be able handle say around 5 volts with no dry burn. Thats the sweet spot we should be aiming for. Just want a nice smooth punch not a revolting guzzling of ejuice effect. Your just making it way too complex In order to get a good vape.
again just my opinion.
I vaped initially at 12mg 50 50 and first drag I actually saw black spots and was dizzy. Then dialed down to 6mg to 70pg 30 still impossable to enjoy finaly 3mg 65pg 35vg and nope gave up its so wrong I just couldn't take it any more.
A real shame indeed. Dont believe all the hype.  

Xtar Vc2s Charger Question

Hey guys,

I finally updated my charger a few days ago (I think before I had the VP2) or something like that. Quick question on something I'm noticing that seems a bit odd to me.

When I charge (for example 18650's), a battery that's fully charged in channel 1...it flashes FULL/0.00 mA, I remove the battery. A few minutes later, I'll put the battery back in the same bay, and all of a sudden there are a few hundred mA's that show up on the screen that need to be charged back into the battery and it takes a few minutes for channel 1 to recognize the battery is fully charged and flash FULL/0.00mA again (although it does show above that's fully charged at 4.2v).

If I take that same battery and do the same test but this time in channel 2, within a few seconds it recognizes that the battery is fully charged and flashes FULL/0.00mA. So it seems channel 1 is not working as well as channel 2 is, when it comes to recognizing information from the battery.

Is this normal for this charger or do I have a defective charger?  

New Ca Ads Coming Out Against Vaping

This is in the media general news section, thought I would link it here http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...nch-new-attack-against-vaping-march-23-a.html