The 8th Annual Unofficial Equipment Of The Year Poll

Here we go again ....
The basic idea behind this poll is everyone who participates is asked to name their favorite Mod (Power Source) and attachment (Juice Burner). This year I will be adding a third category for Pods.
Please limit yourself, if you can, to one or two of each. These are supposed to be your Favorite Set-Up.
Pictures are welcome !

For me personally, it's the REOS Grand with the RM2 Rebuildable Atomizer. My nail beaters have over six years and 500,000 miles in the dashboard of tractor trailers, and are still preforming well.

In the last year or so, I've also taken a liking to the Vapefly Galaxies, with the squonk pin.

Please feel free to discuss and/ or show off your favorite mods. I will be running a weekly tally, and together maybe we can help someone find their next great vaping gear !  

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Ecf Members Choice - Juice Of The Year: 2014

Hello again fellow vapers. It is that time. Time to pick your favorite e-liquids. This year will be very similar to last. DaBucs and myself will be running it again. We have decided to add some categories though. Last year had some great ideas to improve.
Rules: cast one (1) vote per category
No banter, or chit chat, keep this thread clean.
Make your vote based on the makers description. If it says it is a tobacco, but you taste cotton candy, put it in the tobacco category.
If you can please use the layout for your votes as it is below, it would be appreciated. So if you don't have a vote for beverage, keep it blank, but include the number.
Best unique is for anything without a category. Thanks for the votes. Any questions feel free to ask through PM.

1) Best Bakery/Dessert:
2) Best Tobacco:
3) Best Menthol:
4) Best Fruit:
5) Best Candy:
6) Best Coffee:
7) Best Beverage/Tea:
8) Best Unique:  

Back Again

I have been on and off for a few years, mostly off because hubby says the smell of some of my favorite juices is annoying. Well a short stay of me in the hospital changed his mind and he does not seem to mind the vaping as much out of me.

I feel like I looked down for a second and when I looked back up there is all kind of new stuff out there, the aspire esp, eleaf, etc. I switched from the store bought auto to the ego style battery (I always go passthrough) and had gotten up to Kanger t2 and protank for various types of juice. I am a basic person, I might be interested in getting into some of those higher powered mods later (the vapor production looks insane) but I basically want to just throw the tank on a battery and go. I like replacing the atomizers and am not sure I would want to build my own and such. Of the new stuff that has come out since the protank hit (was it a year or so ago?) what would you recommend to a basic vaper? I noticed ALL the ego batteries were out of stock at gotvapes so that got me thinking maybe the ego style battery may be on its way out. I was browsing some other equipment and I was looking at the Kanger IPOW 2 but like I said, I would rather not fiddle and I do want something that is a passthrough as well.

I do realize there is a lot of variability, and the reason the more customization and adjustable stuff has come out is because everyone has different tastes, but I really would like to hear what everyone thinks for getting back into vaping.  

Berserker Mtl Rda V2 Vs Vapefly Galaxies Mtl Rda, Bf

I was thinking of buying a MTL RDA that is a BF so I can squonk and use it on my Luna and other Squonkers. After some research I came across the Berserker MTL RDA V2 and the Vapefly Galaxies MTL RDA, both are BF. If the bans ever happen and go into effect I will be able to use 24mg juice as in Tribeca by Halo and still be able to use my Squonkers. In the past I had the Berserker MTL RTA. One thing that I didn't like about it was that sometimes no matter how I wicked it I would still get dry hits and I literally tried like five to ten times in a row and I'm experienced in building and wicking. Would I see these issues with the Berserker V2 BF? Which one of these do you recommend overall? Thank you very much for your time and have an amazing day  

Favorite Rda/sub-ohm Build???

Hey guys. I have been in the vaping scene for a little while now. Just curious to what everyone likes to sub-ohm with.

My favorites so far.

Mutation X V3- 24 gauge dual parallel 5/6 wrap
Mutation X V4- 20 gauge dual 5/6 wrap or dual 6/7 wrap
Turbo RDA- both of the above builds work well

I've had the dark horse, doge and doge v2, freakshow, and a few other RDA's and the 3 above have been my favorite....v3 was my favorite for a while until I tried the v4, its now my favorite, and its a tie between the v3 and turbo for 2nd and 3rd place.  

Share You're Go-to Everything!

Hi guys!

I'm genuinely curious what all you beautiful ECF members have ultimately figured out to be your general all-around favorite vape configurations that you've figured out. I know we all have different tastes and preferences, I just think it would be cool to see what others have settled on to be their ideal daily vape.

So share that yoda-like wisdom that you've discovered so far! I guess to guide in a general direction I mean you're favorite:
-mods (or battery power)
-coils & wicks
-settings (wattage, temperature, volts, ohms, regulated/unregulated, whatever's pertinent)
-Favorite E-liquid(s)
-Anything else for the setup you go to work with, sleep with, wake up with ETC.

I think we could all learn from each-other by sharing the cream of our crops per se! And if you have pics, post'em if you got'em!!!  

Who Voops? Resurrection Thread

Somebody started this thread 2 years ago. I figure it is time for a resurrection thread. The year is now 2015 and Vaping has come along way and I'm sure there are more people Vooping now then in 2013. So how many people Voop now? I myslef like to Voop at home and sometimes I even Voop in my customers restrooms as well A good Voop is so relaxing I can't describe it but it is like that feeling you get after you go to the barber and you get a hair cut and a shave. Something about it just makes you feel good. I have a Heatvape Invader Mini just for special occasions since it is water resistant. Nothing like a nickel build and your favorite juice while you are having a Voop  

Anyone Have A Favorite Device Of All Time?

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I Think I Found My Final Set Up...for Now


So I started vaping 5 or 6 years ago. Started with on of those ego pens and some kinda weird atomizer I don't even see around anymore and gave up on it within a month.

About 2 months ago I started again when my buddy gave me his old vv pen(not sure of brand) and his Nautilus (sp?) tank. I liked the flavor much more but it still wasn't cutting it. So I went to my local b&m and ended up with an egrip. Now, that sucker is what got it all started for me.
Within a week, I got the rba and started reading tutorials and safety tips for days upon days. Built my first coil on it and fell in love with rebuilding.

Anyways, I'm getting off subject lol. So I went with the egrip and upgraded to an istick 50 watt with a freak show RDA. Was buildimg on that thing daily, not for bad reasons besides addiction to building lol.
I used that for a while. Then i thought I wanted more power so I then upgraded to a sigelei 150. Using a lemo and magma exclusively. My favorite RTA and RDA.

Last week I was shopping around online and found a rogue RDA for 5 bucks and a kbox for like 12-15 bucks. Went ahead and ordered 3 of each because I figured if I didn't like em I could sale or give them to friends.

Well it turns out that this new 20 dollar set up is now my absolute favorite and don't see myself needing any of the other equipment anymore. Cept the lemo for drives and what not.

I just wish I would have realized this earlier.
Got a picture of it for you, next to can for size reference.
Not sure why the pic is sideways like that but tilting your head makes it look normal ha.  

A Tale Of Two Old Setups...


maybe I was bored. Maybe to much doom and gloom on all the bans of new gear and the shipping of it. I started to think - why not have some fun with some of the stuff I already have?

Cases in point - the two rigs in the picture above. I believe that all the hardware (mods and tanks) are over 5 years old. The setup on the left has a bit of a story about it.

Sitting on my desk is a few old tube mods that I wonder what it would be like to use again. I found a old (I think KFv3) tank laying around, built a very low mass 2ohm coil in it, filled it up and went and tried it out on my old 15W tube mods. Sadly not a one of them liked the KFv3 and would register the 2ohm coil. So what to do? I had a old Evic that surely could be put into power mode. While I was not to surprised that it all works (I've actually refilled the tank a few times and replaced the battery once) the vape is more restrictive than I tend to like and be it the build (or the 10W power mode) I don't really like the flavor of the unflavored juice with this. Another negative is that while it is top fill, there is no juice flow control so the atomizer get flooded each time the tank is refilled. While I could (and have) used it in a pinch, I can get 1-2 tank fills on a single 3000mah battery.

The setup on the right represents some historical firsts for me. Years ago when I first got into rebuilding a Lemo2 was one of three tanks I bought when I started. It was also my first top fill tank. Sitting under it is my first ever Dicodes mod (a #6). This mod is setup in TC mode with 380F temperature setting and 23W.

Be it the better tank or the use of TC mode, the setup on the right provides a good vape. The 26650 has enough mah to easily allow me to vape the tank dry (takes me most of the day) and since years ago I got Dicodes very over priced charger, I just drop the mod in the charger at the end of the day and its ready for more vaping in a few hours.

So, anyone else putting to use or having some fun with +5 year old vaping gear? How do you like it?


Latest Trend

Hi, i've been off the scene for the last year since i quit while on squonk mod.

Recently i'm looking at revisiting vaping only to find out that squonk mods are no longer easy to find.

Could anyone help to enlighten me on what latest trend and technology with similar convenience of refillable tank, rechargable batteries and self rewiring atomizers out there replacing the last one i was happy to use?