What Is This All About?

First Juul is running radio ads. Now Blu is running radio ads. If vaping is so dangerous, how is it that BT can advertise these products on FM radio? Havent been any commercial advertising for tobacco products in many years now. Something is fishy here . And now im confused (NOT).  

Similar Content

1st Tv Ad On Phony War On Vaping, Lawyers Advertizing Call Them To Sue Vaping

Last night I seen the 1st TV commercial where a Lawyer is saying. If Vaping has caused you health problems call us. This is ridiculous, the people dying and getting sick from Vaping is caused from the Drugs they add to the juice.

I am so upset that the NEWS MEDIA is running this every day and they fail to add that in a resent poll of these deaths, illnesis, etc. 75% of the people admit they add THC to the juice and 25% admitting THC is all they vape with.

If the GOV. was getting tax revenue from all Vaping products you would have no GOV WAR ON VAPING. Its all about the FEDS loosing tax dollars and Tobacco companies loss of sales.  

Juul Banned In China?

Juul’s Valuation Is Going Up in Smoke After China Terminates Sales

Mere days after launching in the world's largest tobacco market, Juul, a leading e-cigarette producer, had its sales terminated in China; meanwhile, stock estimates have been reduced to little more than vapor, with the firm's $38 billion valuation slowly evaporating.

Just last week the popular vaporizer launched a range of its products on two of China's major e-commerce markets, JD.com, and the Alibaba-backed Tmall. However, things quickly came to a halt after Juul's products were removed from the markets, seemingly without explanation.​

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Help Supporting Ecig Movement In Indonesia

Hi guys,

I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Home of the 2nd largest smokers in the world.
Smoking is enjoyed by many under age children here. Many of them started smoking in the 6th grade.

You can watch the documentary of smoking in Indonesia here (by Vice News)

I have a couple of friends working in the media that says their boss are scared not to make positive news on ecig because it will make the tobacco company will not advertise on them anymore.

Right now, the tobacco giant is pushing hard on ecig. We can see all the negative news of ecig spreading in EVERY MEDIA NEWS in the country, on the newspaper, magazine, television, radio. The government even make an official public service advertisement on how bad ecig is and aired them everywhere.

The tobacco giant controls the media with their money. Tobacco advertising is still permittable in all media type here in Indonesia.

We have seen a lot of drop in ecig user in Indonesia since that negative movement. Many online/offline vape store here goes bankrupt because many people believe what the government are saying.

So right now, it comes to "The government want to ban ecig anytime soon", says all the media.

We would like to ask help from fellow friends here by signing the petition in change.org as below:
Petition · Menteri Perdagangan Rachmat Gobel: Menghapus atau Membatalkan Larangan Rokok Elektrik/Vaporizer · Change.org

Please dont write the comment in English though, we just need the supporters numbers to increase so we can bring this forward to the government.

Thank you

Note: If this thread is not where it is supposed to be, please kindly move to the appropriate sub-forum.  

What Would You Say?

You have your local radio or TV personality thrusting a microphone in your face asking you why you're a vaper, or why you might defend vaping.
You'll get 3 to 5 seconds to make your point. If it takes longer than that you won't get airtime. Trust me.

What would you say in that 3 to 5 seconds?  

Which Popular E-cigarette Manufacturers Submit Application To Fda?

Vaping companies are required by the FDA to provide a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA), which will include scientific data to show a product is appropriate for public consumption. Manufacturers have until Sept. 9 to submit their application, failing which their products will be pulled from the market. Once an application is submitted, companies can keep selling their products for a year from the date of deadline, without official approval, or until a negative action is taken by the FDA.

It seems juul has applied, any other brands?  

Washington D.c To Prohibit Flavored Vapes

In an email from Innokin today, was a link to today's Vaping Weekly by Benedict Jones. In addition to more news about Canada's up-coming restrictions on most flavored vape products...the following was included, about Washington, DC:

"On Tuesday, June 15, The District of Columbia Council voted to prohibit the sale of flavoured vaping and tobacco products (including menthol cigarettes and cigars).

The bill will be voted on a second time Tuesday, June 29, but it is expected to pass this stage without significant change. After the second vote, the bill must be approved by the mayor, and pass a 30-day congressional review period before the law takes effect.

The bill also covers synthetic nicotine products, which have, at times, been suggested as a way of side-stepping legislation which restricts “tobacco products” in the U.S. Since synthetic nicotine products are covered by the bill, it would appear that other next-generation nicotine products, such as pouches, will be affected by the flavour ban."

So, little by little it continues....  

What Is 50 X 40 Million?

Sounds like other States had better Get In line Quick if they want their piece of the Pie.

Juul Will Pay North Carolina $40 Million To Settle A Landmark Suit Over Teen Vaping

Oh wait... Some Already have.

Attorney General Becerra and Los Angeles Leaders Announce Lawsuit Against JUUL for Deceptive Marketing Practices Targeting Underage Californians and Endangering Users of Its Vaping Products

And the AG who brought this Suit against JUUL is Now the Secretary of US Health and Human Services. Which oversees the FDA. That same FDA that is Evaluating JUUL's PMTA Application.

When it Rains it Pours.  

Coincidence? I Think Not!

Today, I attached my first tank of Madtown Vapor's Banana Rama to my mod.

Just as I hit it, Cruel Summer by Bananarama came on the radio.

Coincidence? I think NOT!  

Fui; No Online Sales After

tomorrow in Massachusetts I was told by Gary at MVS during the 4 month ban of vape gear while investigating why people in the US have gotten very sick or died from vaping NON VAPING related marijuana oil products.

So find your friends out of state or get online tonight to order your coils and juices.

Maybe the investigation should be why people in other countries haven’t been getting sick and why this is JUST happening now after a couple of decades of people vaping e juice. Could be something to do with the government and politicians trading in a multi billion dollar industry and let’s not forget the lobbyists errr donors.

And yes I emailed and called my knee jerk reacting guv Baker to express my embarrassment that one of the states with the highest quality Universities aren’t asking for FACTS.

Big Tobacco (and Pharm) and the governments reason of losing $7 billion dollars to people switching from known carcinogenic cigarettes to less harmful vaping products.

As more bans get put into place and more people get sick or die from contaminated black market ejuice and THC products.

Just as planned so they can point their fingers and scream - we told you it was dangerous!!  

Trump Calls For Ending Fda Authority For Regulating Tobacco (and E-cigs)

Trump calls for ending FDA authority for regulating tobacco

Should Congress get onboard with this?

President Trump has proposed removing the Food and Drug Administration's responsibility for tobacco regulation in his latest budget request, a task likely to be met with backlash from tobacco control advocates.

The budget request, released Monday, calls for creating an entirely new agency nested under the Department of Health and Human Services to regulate tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.

Dimitris Agrafiotis (Vaping Greek) -- "double sided...at least we have some laws in place to protect us now. an independent body would have more power so depends on who is running it and the administration if it is good or bad... could be very bad."
