Flavor Bans Pave The Way For Iqos

If the IQOS heat-not-burn product is subject to the Master Settlement Agreement payments then may be we know the motivation for the flavor bans. IQOS is already FDA approved, ready to go, and I presume coming very soon to a C Store near you..  

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Do You Consider Philip Morris Iqos Smoking Or Vaping?

They mention that the do use tobacco but heated them at a consistent rate of 350 Celsius. Recently I went to the iqos store nearby my house and the staff told me that you do not need iqos if vaping is working for you,I ended up buying one just to experience and it tastes close to cigarette but milder taste and hit.I heard that vaping heat not more then 315 Celsius,and assume it is totally safer then IQOS.

I find that I am more satisfy with vaping,mod ones as I drank more water.Comparing IQOS vs Sub ohm vaping where there is lots of cloud which one is safer to health,and which one to pick if I were to quit nic?


Bt's Way Of Winning In The End?

I'm a 45yo New Zealander, and I have absolutely no axe to grind, except one:

I smoked for 25 years. Therefore the tobacco companies have had more than their fair share of my money, and more importantly my health.

Thanks to vaping, using RBAs and mods, and diying my own ejuices - I've been smoke-free for 20 months.

One company that looks like winning, with all the fake news and hysteria being dredged up in USA over vaping is Phillip Morris International. And I'm not talking about their cigarette products - but rather their IQOS product.

A Device That Heats Tobacco, But Doesn't Burn It, Can Now Be Sold in the U.S. Here's What to Know About IQOS

The FDA have already approved this product for sale in USA. And how does the IQOS work?

the FDA says the pen-like IQOS device heats, but does not burn, “tobacco-filled sticks” wrapped in paper, creating an aerosol that contains nicotine. Marlboro, an Altria brand, will make the tobacco sticks used inside the cartridge, which will come in menthol and unflavored versions.
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It's pretty much a cigarette, that goes into a device which 'heats' the tobacco, so you can inhale it.

Here's Why IQOS Could Completely Own the U.S. E-Cig Market | The Motley Fool

And how safe is it?

Comparison of Chemicals in Mainstream Smoke in Heat-not-burn Tobacco and Combustion Cigarettes. - PubMed - NCBI

There is little scientific data, however, of the hazards and toxicity of iQOS. In this study, we evaluated several harmful compounds (nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide (CO) and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs)) in the mainstream smoke and fillers of iQOS, and compared their concentrations with those from conventional combustion cigarettes.

The concentrations of nicotine in tobacco fillers and the mainstream smoke of iQOS were almost the same as those of conventional combustion cigarettes, while the concentration of TSNAs was one fifth and CO was one hundredth of those of conventional combustion cigarettes. These toxic compounds are not completely removed from the mainstream smoke of iQOS, making it necessary to consider the health effects and regulation of iQOS.
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iQOS may not be as harm-free as claimed, study finds

The University of California study found that, since the device could only be used for six-minutes before it needed to be recharged, it may cause some people to shorten the interval between puffs in order to make sure they did not waste any of the tobacco stick which could increase the possible toxic exposure.

But of greater concern was that the polymer filter melted slightly during use and released formaldehyde cyanohydrin, a toxic substance which could be fatal to humans. The compound is metabolised in the liver and broken down into formaldehyde and cyanide.

"This study has shown that the iQOS system may not be as harm-free as claimed and also emphasises the urgent need for further safety testing as the popularity and user base of this product is growing rapidly," the study concluded.

University of Otago public health and marketing Professor Janet Hoek said the findings led her to question whether it really was a "reduced harm" product as claimed by the manufacturers.

If users inhaled more frequently as it was suggested, it was likely they would "increase their nicotine intake and exposure to harmful compounds present in the inhaled aerosol", she said.

She said those who had tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking were better off considering e-cigarettes.
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Just my


India Is Banning All E-cigarettes

India bans e-cigarettes over youth vaping fears - CNN

Sitharaman added that the ban would cover e-cigarette production, manufacturing, import, export, transport, sale, distribution, storage and advertisement. It includes all forms of ENDS, heat-not-burn products and e-hookah devices, according to a press release.

People who violate the ban once could face up to one year in prison or a fine of 100,000 rupees ($1,400) or both. For subsequent offenses, the penalty would be five years imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 rupees ($7,000). Storing e-cigarettes would also be punishable with up to six months in prison and a 50,000-rupee ($700) fine. ​

More links ...
India bans vaping All You Didn't Know About E-Cigarettes. Nirmala Sitharaman's Explainer India bans e-cigarettes as vaping backlash grows Jeez they really take 'tough on crime' stance to a new level. Don't get caught with hardware if traveling to India (or taking a connecting flight from India). Btw, that's 1.4 Billion people removed from Juul and iQOS market.  

Is It Really Possible To Quit "ordinary Smoking" By Iqos?

I am just wondering if you can really stop smoking with one of the the closed pod systems of Big-T.
Is anybody here who has quit smoking with IQOS (or something similar), or do you know such one?  

State Bans Already In Place

I know that there are threads covering bans in individual states, but I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread which covers all state bans.

So far, I know of the temporary, but complete ban, in Massachusetts, and a flavor ban announced in Michigan, Washington state, and Rhode Island. The New York ban is not in effect yet, but will be on October 4, I believe. Not sure about the other three states.

If there are more states which I'm not aware of, please list them.

New York Bans Sale of Flavored E-cigarettes, the First State in the U.S. to Do So

Rhode Island Governor Bans Sales Of Flavored Vaping Products


Michigan's flavored vaping ban in effect: Here are the new rules  


Some of y'all may remember me, some not so fondly, but that's okay. I used to be a very frequent and outspoken contributor here.

I haven't posted in awhile. Mainly because I fell off the wagon big time after 5 years of vaping and felt like a hypocrite posting on these forums.

I've tried new vaping products in the interim and just haven't been able to stay away from the cancer sticks.

That changed for me yesterday after trying the Iqos device.

I tried one, bought one and haven't had an analog since.

For those wondering about these, especially those who are looking for that missing something with nicotine salts, WTA etc, give these a try.

They are basically a miniature dry herb vaporizer for tobacco.

You get that same instant rush from a cigarette, those same missing chemicals, and a very similar hand and mouth feel.

No harshness or coughing like from vaping either. And the taste is PHENOMENAL. I'm not a fan of tobacco flavors....have never smoked for the taste.... but this is the fullest, cleanest tobacco flavor I've ever experienced.

And the best part is, since nothing is burning like a cigarette, there's a big reduction in tar and harmful chemicals.

I will try to post a video review in the next few days if anyone is interested.

This is a game changer for me, even bigger than that first kr808 I tried over a decade ago....and if keeps someone else off of cigarettes, I think it's worth posting here  


I received a real piece of junk mail today. It informed us the first IQOS Store in the USA is open in Atlanta makes me proud to be a Georgian.........Not Today, Not Today ... #Ashamed #MarlboroSucks #WeVapeWeVote  

Smoking Iqos, The Atomizer Is Off, Can't Charge It, What Should I Do?

I am trying to charge it, but all in vain, it isn't charging. I tried about 4 different USB's. None of those I tried worked. It is charging the Stick, that's it.
If anybody knows what to do let me know.  

Vaping Completely Banned @ Texas A&m University

Guess I may as well go back to cigars and start making payments on a coffin box.

Texas A&M System bans vaping on all campuses  

Heat Not Burn On Amazon?!?

So I wonder what the logic is behind Amazon being okay with selling those heat not burn devices but not an e-cigarette I mean I understand they're not wanting to sell Ejuice like an actual tobacco products and instead only sell the separate components without the nicotine but wouldn't the heat not burn device be considered an ends device as well or is there some subtle difference that I'm not really understanding