Name Change

I noticed that ecigexpress changed their name to flavorjungle, what this means(if anything), I have no idea. If I had to guess I think they are going to sell nothing but flavors, no more nicotine.  

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Nicriv Now Riversupply

So they changed the name.. they got nicotine right on out of the name. It doesn't appear that the business model is changed in any significant way or at least not yet they still in their introduction mention nicotine and vaping but they literally say that they want a new name that's not going to hold them back from the future I wonder what that could possibly mean...hope it works.
I mean I guess this could have been in the works for many years to change the name or be completely unrelated to anything going on right now but it makes you think  

Using Nic Gum While Flying

I'm going to be taking an 8 hour flight next month and I've decided to abandon my idea of stealth vaping, as the rewards are just not worth the risk in my opinion, if something were to happen and if it was discovered. I don't want to be the subject of a news headline "Unruly vaper causes flight to be diverted. Flight boarded by seven sheriff deputies with a SWAT team standing by as backup."

Has anybody ever used nicotine gum before? I was thinking about getting a small pack of gum and using that instead. At least that is not forbidden. I've never tried nicotine gum before, but I noticed that it comes in 2 mg and 4 mg. I'm not sure how that relates to nicotine mg in e juice, but I'll just get a small pack of the 4 mg I guess.

Does anybody else use Nicotine gum sometimes, like when flying?  

Hey Everyone!! Some Juice Talk?

Hey guys, pretty new here only one previous post...
Was having problems with my K100 & Mini Nautilus combo for vaping, that's why I originally signed up!!
Talked about it with members & found my K100 was ultimately the problem, upgraded to a IPV Mini & I'm vaping like a king

& that's the issue so now I'm vaping about 6ml a day, I just smashed through a 15ml 12mg nicotine Cinnabun & 15ml 0mg nicotine Cinnabun.
(Mixing the two gives me great flavor & the right amount of nicotine hit)
So the point of this post was...

Where do you guys buy Juice?
( I usually buy from a local smoke shop about 10$ per 15ml )
Is that expensive ?
I've looked online & factoring shipping price I need to buy 3-4 bottles + to be saving money & I've bought online before, ( ordered 60$ in samples & the flavors were horrid in my opinion I guess that online vendor just isn't my taste ? )
So I'm just wondering is 10$ every 2-3 days the best I can do juice wise ?
Or are there some trusted online vendors you guys can agree on with good flavors & good prices?

I'm currently smoking from a local vendor I believe ( MadHatters )
& love there flavors.

Question About Adding Nicotine To Pre Made Juice.

Since I do all my vaping shopping online and will soon not be able to get eliquid containing nicotine by mail in the US, can one buy liquid nicotine now, store it and add it to pre made liquid? I know that I would have to probably use one of the apps out there to figure out how much to add to 30 or 60 mg of liquid to obtain a 3 mg amount. I don't even know if this is possible. I don't want to go the route of making my own since I have certain flavors I like from a couple of vendors and can probably not match these flavors doing it myself.
I have been vaping for 6 years now and am afraid that I will be forced back to smoking cigarettes when I run out of my current supply.  

Thank You New Hampshire

Living in Mass and have been getting juice by mail for years, then the ban, very lucky to have NH nearby.
Only problem is I had to change my vaping habits, never knew things had changed so much, nobody stocks higher PG than VG, in fact the stores don’t know what I’m talking about, was using a provari with a nautilus tank for years with higher PG, now had to go sub ohm with an Ageis with Ajax and Voppoo tanks to get some sort of hit, I also noticed many juices don’t even state the PG/VG on the bottle or should I say VG/PG as that switched as well.
Love the flavors now but miss the Provari, whole new learning experience for me.
Thank you New Hampshire or I would be screwed.  

Hepa Air Purifier Getting Saturated

Random question for you guys...

Changed my air purifier HEPA filters back in April as they were moldy, but not really wet. Maybe damp. Tonight I went to change the carbon filter and noticed some pooling at the bottom and when I took out the HEPA filters they were SOAKED. I cleaned it up as best as I could and put it back together. I plan on leaving the whole mess in the sun all day tomorrow to dry it out.

I'm guessing this is due to my increased presence and vaping in my bedroom. I guess what I'm asking is are your air purifiers getting wet and is there a better option out there? I'm looking at dehumidifiers and considering running both of them. Anyone using a dehumidifer with success?

It's obviously more humid in summer but I don't think I have big humidity issues as I'm in Denver (dry) with AC on. I think 50 ml a week is just too much for this thing.  

Chinese Retro Ecig Manufacturers That Sell Direct Retail?

Hi, all.

I already know about Trueman and BestEcig, but I was hoping some of you can let me know of other ecig manufacturers that sell retro gear like cigalikes (808, 801, 901, etc) and even eGo style batts, 11mm and 14mm, clearos, etc. These types of manufacturers usually sell the products they make unbranded - and therefore their prices are usually extremely low even though their are selling retail. I guess you can kinda call them "factory outlets".

I'm not interested in Alibaba, DHGate, etc sellers even if they are manufacturers. Has to be real manufacturers who have their own retail websites you can order from like the above mentioned companies.

Companies like Aspire, Kanger, iSmoka, etc don't count because they don't sell older stuff besides some small clearomizers.


Tax Hikes In Many States

Alright, so I was reading over a house bill that just passed here in Hawaii "with amendments"

Not exactly sure what the amendments are, so this could be irrelevant, but the concept still holds true.

The legislature imposes an 80% tax on "Tobacco Products" which they have conveniently bundled electronic cigarettes into.

So, what would stop a vape shop from selling all 0 nic juices, and adding nicotine as a separate purchase. For example, I buy a 30mL bottle of juice with zero nic, and then I buy enough nicotine concentrate to bump it up to say 6mg/ml

They sell me the juice for $15 (Hypothetical here) and sell me the nicotine for $1.00

So all that would get taxed is the nicotine because that's the only "Tobacco Product" (by their definition). So we only pay 80 cents in taxes rather than $12.80

If I ran a vape shop, this is what I'd be doing to prevent my customers from taking their business out of state, or worse going back to stinky sticks...

As far as I know, they would be hard pressed to define any of the electronic equipment as tobacco products, or juice without nicotine.

Is selling the nicotine as a separate purchase a viable strategy for defeating these ridiculous laws that are being proposed all over the country?  

Dedicated Atomizers To Select Flavors

Do you, or do you not, change atomizers between flavors. I myself do change atty's ESPECIALLY when switching between designer juices that I've paid close to $30 for a 30ml bottle. I am wondering if others do the same. If so, how do you store your used atty's and ensure they don't get mixed-up? Look forward to hearing from all of you!  

Any Non-smokers Have Testimonies About Vaping 0 Nicotine?

I simply just want to hear from people who have not smoked cigarettes and began vaping 0 nic. Please do not lecture me on why you think I shouldn't start. I have done my research (and actually have vaped e-cigs before so I know what it feels like) and would just like to know that there are others in the same boat as me. I enjoy the variety of flavors to choose from and getting to create vapor without the addiction of nicotine. Once again, I will not vape with nicotine.

Thank you!