What Will Become Of Ecf In The Aftermath Of A Ban?

What will become of ECF in the aftermath? If flavors are banned and refillables get banned as well, would discussions about such subjects be allowed to continue? Where would the forum go from there?... monetizing the site might also be more difficult. I would hate to lose such a valuable resource.  

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Menthol And Mint Being Banned Too!?

Does anyone know if mint and menthol are considered flavors, for the purpose of the upcoming ban. I always thought they weren't but on the radio today, I thought I heard it say that they will be banned too.  

So Now What?

Our wonderful governor banned everything and I need some stuff, cotton and pods. Anyone shipping to a banned state?  

I Am Not Brophmantooth Or A Scammer

I dont know why people say that I am as I cannot get onto VU cause I'm banned but please, hear me out. I have never scammed anyone. Hell I got sent $100 this weekend by mistake on PayPal and I returned it to the person. I can show proof of that. I did business with multiple people before I was banned and had nothing but 100% positive feedback. Jinxd from VU sent me $10 to send him an rta, i wasnt able to ship it cause i couldnt get his address from the messages. I paid him back and can prove that too. I traded MANY times with gadget, once for an authentic mod worth over $100. Did not scam him.
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Best. One. Ever......

Being a contrary and passionate advocate for vaping i often ask establishments who have banned the use of vapourisers why they feel the need for a ban. For the usual answers (they look like cigarettes, we don't know what's in them etc) i will always (politely) try and educate. Often i will point out the flaws in their reasoning before excepting their rules. I know i sound like a zealot but that's just me...
I was out on a building site today and i asked why vapourisers were not allowed. The answer i received dumbfounded me. ' We don't allow them because non users could become addicted to the vapour'. . . How in hells name can i respond to that ?  

Vapes Not Allowed On Ebay

Anyone else notice that eBay banned all things vape related?

Tobacco and e-cigarettes policy  

Can Diy With Flavors Truly Be Banned?

I’m concerned about this probable federal flavor ban. Does a complete disservice to adults like me who are former long-term smokers & vape as an alternative.

Can the ability to get ingredients for DIY juice be taken away from us, from a legal perspective?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk  

Kids Are Not My Problem, Who Will Think Of The Adults?

If people under a certain age are not allowed to purchase vape items, then what's the issue?

Just don't sell to any minors, and handle it like alcohol and tobacco. Go after any stores or vendors that break these rules and that sells to any minor and hit them with hefty fines or prosecution. Problem solved.

I reject the idiotic, false and unscientific argument that certain types of flavors are only suitable for kids. An adult is not allowed to like fruit flavors or desert flavors or any other type of flavor?

Do adults suddenly lose their sense of taste when they age, and they'll be content vaping poor tobacco imitation flavors and menthol for the rest of their lives?

I'm an adult, and my favorite flavors are custard type flavors. Just because I used to smoke, that doesn't mean that I should have to vape and like tobacco flavors. You don't ban all sorts of flavors and deny adults who are ex-smokers the opportunity to continue to be smoke free, just because they were lucky enough to have found and switched to vaping.

Sorry if I sound cynical, but so what if a handful of people have reportedly died because they were foolish enough to use blackmarket counterfeit items? Items that have zero to do with nic based vaping I should add.

How many millions of people die from tobacco related diseases?

Millions is a lot more than a handful last I checked, and the only thing that banning vaping and vaping related items will accomplish is to ensure that many more people will be added to the list of the dead as many will return to cigs and many current cig smokers will never make the switch to vaping, as the politicians seek to deny people the opportunity to stay off of cigs.

If they ever find a cure for cancer, I wouldn't be surprised if they ban that too, because 7 people happened to get some ill side effects from it.  

The Future Of E Figs ?

I hate saying this and I really do but who thinks E Cigerrettes will eventually get banned ? I mean they are very effective and have to be considered the first real threat to government taxes. I've kinda got the feeling already that vapers feel that this only can last so long.

Be interested in hearing your thoughts, but we saving a fortune compared to analogues and governments are losing billions in the process.  

Canadian Federal Flavor Ban Announced

The Canadian federal government published guidance for the federal flavor ban in their latest Canada Gazette Part I (https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2021/2021-06-19/html/reg2-eng.html)

The federal government is proposing a prohibition on all flavors other than Tobacco, Mint and Menthol.

They define "flavor" as anything that has a sensory attribute in inducing youth to vape - this means that if it smells like strawberries, it's banned. If it smells like cream, it's banned. If it smells like anything other than tobacco, mint or menthol, it is prohibited for sale in all of Canada.

There is still time to act.

Calgary MP Tom Kmiec has introduced a petition - If you are Canadian, please sign it!

You can find the petition at https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3362

After you fill in your information, they will send you an email with a confirmation link, you MUST press it for your entry to be entered.  

Will Flavours Be Banned In New York In July 2020?

I read e.g. this article:
To Fight Vaping, New York City Bans Nearly All Flavored E-Cigarettes
Now I am a little confused.
I am visiting NYC in July 2020 and now I don't know if I can bring my flavoured e-liquid for personal use (perhaps 50ml with 2mg nic). Will vaping flavours in the streets of NYC be banned in July 2020? Is there already a final decision on this topic? I just want to make sure in advance. I'd take a tabacco flavour or unflavored liquid instead of mango when there will be a flavour ban.
Is here someone who knows more about the flavor ban in NY, perhaps also in Washingtin D.C. and Boston, where plan to travel for a daytrip?