How To Go About Being A Reviewer?

I've been vaping for a bit and I'm interested in becoming a reviewer.
I bought some juices and asked the manager if he'd mind if I did a YouTube video on the juice. I've done the video and now I'm just waiting. Can someone steer me in the right direction. Thanks in advance  

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Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

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Completely Disgusted By A Vapor Review Video I Just Saw (your Thoughts)

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Awesome Experience At Vape Shop.

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We decided to go over and check them out, all the while keeping our expectations low.

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No prob.

Less than 20 minutes later we had our mods back in our hands with latest bells and whistles. We asked the guy how much, and he shook our hand and said, "have a nice day!".

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. So my friend and I bought $75 worth or juice instead.

My only issue with the place is I wish they were closer.


Back Again

I have been on and off for a few years, mostly off because hubby says the smell of some of my favorite juices is annoying. Well a short stay of me in the hospital changed his mind and he does not seem to mind the vaping as much out of me.

I feel like I looked down for a second and when I looked back up there is all kind of new stuff out there, the aspire esp, eleaf, etc. I switched from the store bought auto to the ego style battery (I always go passthrough) and had gotten up to Kanger t2 and protank for various types of juice. I am a basic person, I might be interested in getting into some of those higher powered mods later (the vapor production looks insane) but I basically want to just throw the tank on a battery and go. I like replacing the atomizers and am not sure I would want to build my own and such. Of the new stuff that has come out since the protank hit (was it a year or so ago?) what would you recommend to a basic vaper? I noticed ALL the ego batteries were out of stock at gotvapes so that got me thinking maybe the ego style battery may be on its way out. I was browsing some other equipment and I was looking at the Kanger IPOW 2 but like I said, I would rather not fiddle and I do want something that is a passthrough as well.

I do realize there is a lot of variability, and the reason the more customization and adjustable stuff has come out is because everyone has different tastes, but I really would like to hear what everyone thinks for getting back into vaping.  

Safety Concern About A Video From A Famous Youtuber

I just got done watching a video from Twisted420 who is supposed to be a reputable vape personality.

The video was a review of the 200w Snow Wolf mod box with temperature control. In the video, Twisted420 was vaping it at ~574 F degrees not to mention when he maxed the temp out at ~662 F. Basically boasting about it being the most powerful temp control mod on the market.

From my understanding, Glycerol (VG) decomposes into acrolein at ~535 F (~280 C). Acrolein is an aldehyde that is a decomposition product of glycerol. Acrolien is one of the main connections between cigarettes and lung cancer.

Anybody buying this for high wattage temp control should be aware of this. For even your biggest cloud producing kanthal builds don't heat as high as twisted420 was vaping. So far the people I see using this device in my vape groups are vaping at these very high temps.

Sent from my HTC One M8 Harman/Kardon edition  

Ohio Vape Rally

I attended the vape rally in Columbus, Ohio this morning. Approximately 300 - 400 vapers attended from all over the state of Ohio, from Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, and Colorado. I am rejuvenated and optimistic again.

I was interviewed by WTBN10 TV Columbus for 10 - 15 minutes. If they run any part of it I will post it here later. The reporter said the station is going to run a special segment on vaping. The reporter seemed to be genuinely interested and seemed like he had done some homework on the subject. He even asked a couple of times was there anything that you would like to add that we hadn't covered.

Thank you to Jeff Kathman for providing the video.


What Happened To Zamplebox's Youtube?

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Save The Children!!!!!!!!11

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