Nicriv Now Riversupply

So they changed the name.. they got nicotine right on out of the name. It doesn't appear that the business model is changed in any significant way or at least not yet they still in their introduction mention nicotine and vaping but they literally say that they want a new name that's not going to hold them back from the future I wonder what that could possibly mean...hope it works.
I mean I guess this could have been in the works for many years to change the name or be completely unrelated to anything going on right now but it makes you think  

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Just A Quick Rant

Was all set to play cards with friends tonight. A tradition in our group for over 20 years now. For at least the last 8 years, I'd be vaping at the table. Occasionally a (liberal) friend would want to have a discussion on the politics of vaping. That usually didn't end well. Kinda easy to win a discussion when you're holding a winning hand (metaphorically speaking).

We change off on who hosts, and everywhere we've ever played, I've always been allowed to vape, at the table. Tonight, I asked the host (just to be sure) if he is okay with me vaping. He said, he'd prefer I didn't. We discussed it a short while, and while I could possibly still enjoy myself with the updated policy (literally changed as of today), I decided it's not worth it. Part of me is lashing out at the societal changes of late.

Literally nothing (at all) has changed with vaping nicotine in the last 3+ months, yet as most of you all know, we are now in a societal phase where people truly believe both vaping (nic) is harmful to the user (as in you might die tonight) and harmful to all those around the vaper.

Given how idiotic society has become with 'knowledge of smoking,' I'm quite certain we will be in this phase indefinitely, or for a very long while. Probably won't be too long that we have statistics saying 300,000 people die annually from vaping related diseases. Sad if anyone reading this falls in line with that false information.  

Name Change

I noticed that ecigexpress changed their name to flavorjungle, what this means(if anything), I have no idea. If I had to guess I think they are going to sell nothing but flavors, no more nicotine.  

Glad I Started When I Did

I joined ECF back in August of 2017. I was sixty-five years old and had been smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day for 40+ years. I began vaping at the same time win the hope I could at least cut down. I dual used for months, continually cutting back on cigarettes. I smoked my last cigarette on May 11, 2018 - I am coming up on my three year anniversary. When I began, I vaped 24mg nicotine. Now I alternate between 3mg and zero nic.

Given how incredibly positive vaping has been for me, I am in shock at recent events. I was down to two working mods. I have ordered four mods, some tanks and a bunch of coils. I am still able to buy some eliquids where I live - but many of my favorites from Halo have been discontinued. I still have some outstanding hardware orders that I hope get delivered.

The treatment of vaping in the media has been a one sided disgrace, and propaganda works. Over the years when I have mentioned to people that I quit by vaping, they respond, ‘so you quit smoking by picking up a habit that is even more dangerous’.

I am set for at least a year. Fortunately I have kicked my addiction to nicotine - I recently vaped zero nic for a month. If I was just starting out, it would truly be panic time, and I would go back to cigarettes for sure. I suspect that many will do just that. Happy I started when I did.  

What's The Reasoning For Vaping 0mg Nic Juice? ... I Don't Get It

I was in a bar / restaurant a couple of days ago and noticed another person vaping (guy looked to be in his late 60s). The guy was using what looked like a non-adjustable EGO style stick battery with what looked like an 'old-school' Kanger T3 clearomizer on top.

I struck up a conversation with him for just a moment and asked him what type of juice he was vaping ... The guy never told me the brand or flavor, but said it was 0mg Nic when I asked him.

That was basically the end of our conversation.

My question to you folks is this .... Why would anyone keep vaping if they had no nicotine in there juice? For me, the reason I vape in the first place is to keep off cigarettes. I am obviously addicted to nicotine, and have replaced the nicotine from cigarettes for the nicotine found in my juice.

If I could wean myself completely off nicotine, I think at that point I would just give up on vaping altogether. Someday I would like to be nicotine free, but for now, I just can't see it in my future.

BTW .... I have not smoked a cigarette for 15 months, but I am still vaping on my fairly strong 16mg Nic DIY juice.  

Nicotine Strength For Sub-ohm Vaping

Hi I have a question about nicotine strength in my juice for sub-ohm vaping: I've only started vaping my tfv12 prince smok tank 4 days ago, so total newbie- used to do only mtl before that. I'm currently using Q4 coils, 0.4 ohm, vaping at 50-60 Watts: quite happy with a cooler vape, I tried them at 70-90 but slightly too warm for me, maybe in the future it will change.
Majority of the sites and youtube videos that I came across where sub-ohm vaping was discussed said that the maximum nicotine strength used when sub-ohm vaping should be 6mg/ml. So I've mixed a few juices, 70/30 vg/pg, ranging from 3-6mg nic. I noticed that I'm chain-vaping with very little nicotine hit. But i kept nicotine cravings sattisfied with my mtl device used simultanously.
Today however, I wanted to check something. I've mixed some 65/35 VG/PG liquid for my gf's smok nord pod a few days ago, with nicotine at approx. 11.5mg/ml, so I popped it into my prince tank to try it. Expected to choke on it but no- it vapes great at 60 Watts, tastes good (carnival sherbet concentrate + a little bit of strawberry cream concentrate added) nicotine hit: I can feel it, but unless I go crazy it doesn't make me nic sick.

Is this normal? Why do people recommend going max 6mg nic for sub-ohm vaping? Is it because they aren't recent ex-smokers or they never were smokers, and just use low nic liquids at their stage of vaping? Thanks  

Trouble Vaping After 4 Years

Hi all-
I haven't posted in a long while. I am in need of some suggestions as to what could be going in with me all of the sudden with my vaping.

Within the past two months I have a very hard time breathing when vaping. I was just thinking at first that I was getting sick or something. Then, I stopped for a few days completely and I felt better so I started again. The evening of the first day back to vaping, I laid in bed trying to go to sleep feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest and that my throat was closing up. It was very scary. So scary that I have now been to the pulmonologist as well as the cardiologist (because the chest heaviness was bad). My lungs are clear and heart is in good condition. Soooooo....I went and purchased a ZERO nicotine juice thinking that maybe it was the nicotine. NOPE.....that didn't work either, I have used my e-cig only on the past two Saturdays and it has zero nicotine liquid in it and I still have the same problem after the day of vaping. I feel like I am struggling to breath. It is horrible. It takes a day or so to subside. I really enjoy my vape. I quit analogs on April 9, 2011 and have been vaping every since. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could possibly be? Maybe I should try just VG Juices....would that make a difference? Please help....any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!  

Will The New Postal Ban Effect Liquid Nicotine On Its Own?

I have been mixing my own Juice for the last 1-2 years since my state (NJ) banned all flavored E-juice sales. None of my favorite sellers would ship to me anymore.

I did not stock up. I did not know this postal ban was a thing until 2 hours ago when I noticed the wholesaler I purchase from removed most of its products. Even if I did, the stuff will only last me about 2 years. With the way things are, these kinds of laws rarely get reversed once enacted. I thought the 21 age for buying tobacco products would never catch on and be repealed, but look where we are now. No matter how many angry letters you send or how many signatures you get, nothing will happen.

And so, I am left thinking about what I can and can not get in the future. VG and PG will always be around in bulk as it is not only used for vape juice. The flavoring is the same flavoring used for brewing and baking, so no issue there. The liquid nicotine, specifically the extract and not the salt, is where I question the future availability (the salt is almost definitely out of the question).

Are there any other uses for liquid nicotine or is this it for DYI?

Edit: Apparently VG and PG will also be banned, at least by UPS (link below). I guess nicotine solution is also out of the question there.

UPS: Shipping Tobacco - United States.  

Miss Vaping...

I quit smoking to start vaping and have never once missed smoking. A little over a month ago I quit vaping all together after two years of slowly working my nicotine level down from 36mg to 0mg.

I quit vaping at zero milligrams of nicotine and never experienced nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

I guess these would all be good things except for the fact that I miss vaping. Multiple times a day since I quit the thought of having a vape pops in my head and just as soon as it does this weird feeling of loss follows as I realize I no longer vape. I would think by now these feeling would have subsided but they have not.

I wouldn't think much of it but since quitting I have gained 10lbs, have little to no energy, find myself easily frustrated and worst of all have found myself drinking a lot more than normal (which is probably why I gained 10lbs anyway). A huge part of me just wants to go back to vaping.

I guess my question is, Did anyone else quit vaping and experience weird side effects from quitting? If so, how long did it take you to feel normal again?  

Suddenly Intolerant To Liquid Nicotine? I Can't Believe It

Hi guys! First of all sorry for my bad english. I started to vape at February and I love it, thanks to the e-cig I don't want a tobacco cigarette anymore. By the way, for some reason, about 15 days ago I realized that e-liquid nicotine gives me agitation and jittery that I've never had before. Sure, nicotine is a stimulant like coffeine but as we know it's a relaxant, too. And this stimulant/relaxant combo is what I've had with tobacco cigarettes and with vaping until 15 days ago. To be sure that (liquid) nicotine is the culprit, I've tried everything. With nic free e-liquid I have no agitation, even though I become a little sad because actually I can't stay without nicotine for a whole day. You may say: "reduce the nic dosage" and that's what I did, but unfortunately even with 1.5 mg/ml I have this issue And I don't vape too much. So I decided to do another test: for one day I smoked tobacco cigarettes. Guess what? No agitation and jittery. This is so weird, I can't believe it! Because I can expect it if I vape too much at high nic dosage, but I vape at only 3 mg/ml and not too much. And as I said before even with 1.5 mg/ml. I started to vape at February with 9 mg/ml, then I gradually lowered the dose without any problem (until 15 days ago). Also, I've tried different nicotine e-liquids but nothing has changed. Now I don't know what to think other than I suddenly become intolerant to liquid nicotine, even though I don't have nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach problems and other symptoms that make me think: "you're intolerant for sure". What do you think guys? Is there something that I can do? I don't want stop vaping, especially because I don't want to smoke again Thank you so much in advance guys.  

U Of M Study Shows Youth Vaping Nearly Doubled In 2018

Heard a brief mention of this on the radio this morning.

Marijuana use for college students at 35-year high, University of Michigan study shows
By Martin Slagter |

ANN ARBOR, MI - Marijuana use among college students reached a 35-year high in 2018, according to the University of Michigan’s annual Monitoring the Future national survey.
The study also indicated a significant increase in vaping marijuana between 2017 - increasing from 10.7% in 2017 to 20.2% in 2018. The 9.4% increase was among the greatest one-year increases for any substance since the Monitoring the Future Panel began more than 40 years ago.

There also was a significant increase in the 30-day prevalence of vaping marijuana among college students, which increased from 5.2% to 10.9% from 2017 to 2018, representing one of the largest one-year proportional increases for any substance over the past four decades.

Vaping nicotine also increased significantly across all ages groups, as well, from 2017 to 2018. The 30-day prevalence of vaping was up among eighth graders (3.5% to 6.1%); 10th graders (8.2% to 16.1%); 11% to 20.9% for 12th graders; 6.1% to 15.5% for college students and 6.5% to 10.6% for all young adults.

The increase among college students was among the greatest one-year increases the survey has seen in the past 40 years.

The full report is available here.