Nicotine Storage Temp And Alerting Musings

So I have a bit of nic stored in a relatively affordable freezer (Freezer Model: EdgeStar CMF151L-1 1.1 Cu. Ft. Medical Freezer with Lock) that is rated for minimum temperatures of -20°C (-4°F) under room-temperature conditions.

There are more expensive freezers available rated for "LOW" -40°C, and some rated "Ultra Low" -80°C. I'm wondering if the benefits of storage at those deep freeze temps are worth the heavy investment of a medical\pharma designed freezer as opposed to an inexpensive one like I'm currently using.
What are your thoughts?

Also, I don't like just trusting an appliance to do it's job and hoping I discover if it fails on a whim. Some come with audible alarms if a certain temp is reached but I'm not even on the same floor as the appliance and wouldn't hear it so I'm looking at monitoring and alerting so when a configurable temp is reached lets say 20°F I'll get a notification either by text on my phone, email, or a phone app.
Below are contenders I've found on Amazon but not thrilled with any of them along with the non Amazon solution I'm going with.
Note: sensors can vary in design meaning some can connect directly to the internet via your home's wireless router and others require a separate device (Gateway) which they communicate with, and the gateway connects to the internet via your wireless router.
*La Crosse Alerts Mobile 926-25101-GP Wireless Monitor System Set with Dry Probe (~$30)
Sensor is inserted from outside the freezer through door seal which I do not like.
*SensorPush Wireless Thermometer and Gateway (~$150)
Thumbs up for wireless sensor + free monitoring + separate device (gateway) for internet communications but the sensor uses a tiny coin battery. Looks like changing the sensor battery will be a regular routine.
*Temp Stick Wireless Remote Temperature & Humidity Sensor (~$150)
Thumbs up for wireless sensor that uses 2x AA batteries but it is also the gateway which looks like it will burn through batteries as well requiring regular battery replacement.
Monnit Wireless Temperature Sensor + Gateway + Basic Monitoring (~$325)
I'm going with the solution from "" because they obviously provide commercial solutions with lots of technology development and appear to have quality products.
I'll use a wireless sensor + gateway + free monitoring. They have different levels of monitoring but the basic level is free for one user account with one network and since I have one freezer with one gateway I have one network. However if I had multiple freezers all talking with one gateway it would still be one network.
**ALTA Wireless Temperature Sensor - AA Battery Powered (~$105)
The sensor is wireless running on 2x AA batteries but it only needs to talk to the gateway so the batteries should last a very long time between changes.
**ALTA Ethernet Gateway 4 (~$220)
Gateway plugged in to your wireless router that communicates to the internet.
**iMonnit Basic (Software) (Free)
Mobile app that provides...
Wireless Sensor Monitoring
Remote Monitoring Solutions
Online Remote Monitoring

What are your thoughts?

Thanks all, hope this thread is helpfull.  

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Watch Your Temp...

Hi All, I brought this topic up a long time ago and basically procrastinated about doing it until recently. With folks preparing for the future I thought it might be helpful to offer a recommendation for adding a temperature sensor to a freezer when storing NIC. With proposed taxes and impending mail restrictions, stored NIC is/will be a very important item since it will not be easily replaced. If it goes bad, then that's it.
I wanted a way to be alerted of failure and this is it.
Installation was easy. Just drilled a hole through the back of the freezer, inserted the sensor lead and plugged any extra space in the hole with "non-hardening duct seal compound" found at my local Home Depot.
The sensors communicate remotely with a WIFI gateway and will email me should the temperature rise above a specified temperature.
There are many to choose from, some are cheap and some not. I purchased a professional grade by "Monnit" because they have a longer range for communications between sensors and the gateway as well as brand recognition.
Pretty easy to setup and the monitoring service is free provided all sensors are on the same home network. I did a good amount of research and learned to just stay away from systems that don't use sensor leads but instead the whole sensor goes in the freezer. Basically the batteries fail within weeks instead of years.
Hope this is helpful.  

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thank you.  

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Then I have a blue samsung battery (Can't really read the writing) but I can see it says 25r on it. This one hits decent.

Then I have a green 2600 mAh battery. Its a beast. Hits like a champ and lasts long. I would like to find a similar battery to this one. Im guessing this is the Sony VTC 5.

I really want to find something that is just as good as the Green one.

Does anyone know where to find these or a similar battery that is 2600mAh 30 amp? If so, are there any deals going on online where I could get a good price? Id like to order some new batteries.

Thanks for the help all!

Edit. One more question. Anyone know the difference between the Amps on each of the batteries? Just from guessing id say the red is 20 amps, blue is 25, and the green is 30? Does that sound right?