
Maybe you guys can help I vape 70 VG 30 pg juice and use I believe the 0.7 nautilius coils with a aspire tank and been noticing some leakage and spitfire but have my wattage set around 10.3 and 11.3. Never had a problem before but is it possible that I bought two bad 5 pack coils and that's the reason for the leaking and suture before that I never really seemed to have a problem?  

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Aspire Nautilus Mini Bvc W/larger Wicking Holes, Stock

*I posted this in the Aspire Forums, but wanted to get some Feedback from my fellow ECF members*

I bought a Aspire Nautilus Mini Premium Starter kit that came with the 1000mah VV+ battery a few months ago. It came with a 5 pack of 1.8 Ohm BVC coils. I have since bought 3, 5 packs of coils from 101Vape. They have all worked great, but 101Vape has ran out of stock.

I bought 2, 5 packs of 1.8 Ohm BVC coils from WORLDofVAPE. They came in the mail today and they also work (better) great, but they are not physically the same. They have the same markings and threading and post, but the wicking holes are 3 times larger. They are not in the middle, but run along the top of the threading. They say Aspire BVC 1.8 (3.3-6.0) CE and have the trash can picture on them. The packaging is exactly as the first 3 sets of 5 packs I have bought (including the pack that came with the kit). I have checked every security code and they all come back genuine.

Why do the BVC coils from World of Vape have larger intake holes on them? Are these a newer improved design? Did you start using different equipment or specifications to produce the BVC? Are these a different coil meant for a different tank? I would really like to know so that I can order the exact ones again in the future as I don't know when World of Vape will run out of stock. Any feedback would be great!  

Tfv12 Beast King Leaking


I am having a leakage problem with my TFV-12 Beast King. I have been using this tank for roughly 3 years and I have never had this issue shy of leaving it in the car when I run into the store or forgetting to grab it rushing into work. I tend to stick to the same juice at large chunks at a time. I have been vaping the same brand and flavors for the past year or so. I also stick with the same coils, either the T6 or T8. I have also used the same mid for 2 years. This is not just a subtle leak either, it is dumping tanks at a time through the air vents. I have replaced the o-rings all around just in case and still no luck. As much as I hate to think like this, the leakage began around the same time of the release of the TFV16. Has anyone else noticed this issue with their V12 or have any recommendations on a proper remedy.  

Help Selecting A New Tank?

Okay, so my partner and I have used the same Aspire Triton2 tanks for about 5 years now. They were never leak proof, but lately this problem has been getting worse and I am trying to see if the market has something better to offer. Other than the leaking problems, the Triton2 has been great. Here are some desired features that I hope to find in selecting a new rig: holds at least 3ml, long lasting coils that are affordable (around $3 ea), replaceable O rings would be nice, manufacturer that is not a fly-by-night, and hopefully leak-proof. Also I should note that I currently use 0.3ohm coils @ 38w and really have no need for very high wattage vapes.
If anyone knows of some tanks that fit the description above, I would be grateful for any suggestions on what to shop for.
Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Using A Different Coil For Aegis Mini Kit With Cerberus Tank

Hello, so i have been vaping with this new Aegis mini kit with a cerberus tank that i bought a couple of weeks ago. I have used up the 2 standard coils that were in the box, but for some reason in my country i am not able to find specific coils for aegis mini kits online (I live in Belgium). My question is if there are any other (more available) coils that i could use in my cerberus tank? I don't want to pay like $30 just to have them shipped from the UK to Belgium to be honest as they should be aroun $16 for a 5-pack. I noticed i could get "Geekvape Cerberus coils", would these fit my cerberus tank? Maybe a dumb question but you can't be sure enough.

Thank you in advance!  

Proper/preferred Wattage Bvc Aspire Coils

Hey guys just wanted to get some input on my BVC coils and could I possibly be vaping at too high of watts I like to vape around 13 watts on my ipow2 kanger battery, is this too much ?  

Aspire Atlantis 2 Question/problem

So I just picked up the Atlantis 2 today and I have a few questions/concerns.

First off:

What is a good wattage range for the .3 ohm coils ? Im guessing somewhere between 40-70w

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I put a 3mg juice in the tank and it's hitting like a 8mg or 10mg which is weird.

Anyone else having problems with it ? I'm using it on a 150w Sigelei  

Sub Ohm Tank Question

Hello everybody,
I have a question about Sub Ohm Tank. Does every sub ohm tank has the leaking problem? I tried some sub ohm tanks. It has leaking problem more or less.I ask some people, they told me that such big tank has the leaking problem, and we can't avoid it. Is that true?  

Not Sure What's Going On...

I've really been trying to get on this gaping train. I smoke less than a pack a day and have bought the eleaf mini along with the gs16s tank specifically for the mini. I have bought several juices from Vape Wild ITCVAPES Mt Baker Vapor and from my local smoke shops. I recently upgraded to the istick 30w and have kept my eleaf gs16s tank and I'm using it on the 30w. My problem is every time I attempt to vape for the day I wind up weepy coughing up phlegm and heavy chest. I don't understand it. I've done 50/50 juice higher pg juice higher vg juice 100% vg juice...what am I doing wrong?? Anyone with advice please help as I sincerely would like to put down the cancer sticks.  

Why Do Cotton Based Coils Hate Me?

I can only get about a 1-2 day life span out of coils that are organic cotton based. After 1-2 days, they start seeping a dark colored liquid into my tank and ruining the juice. This has happened in my Atlantis tank running Melo coils vaping at 32 watts and my Herakles tank running 55 watts. Keep in mind I vape about 7-10ml a day. Juices are 70VG/30PG or 80VG/20PG all at 3mg nic.

On the flip side, if I vape old school Atlantis coils at 32 watts on the same juices, I get a full week before this happens.

Any ideas on how to make cotton coils last longer?! For this reason, I can't wait to get my Lemo 2 in. I'll be able to rewick daily and not worry about cost.

The way things are going, I am losing so much money on coils it's nuts. See picture to see whats happening.

Oh yeah, this is happening on all kinds of juices I vape. Mt Baker Vapor, Vista Vapors, 4 Pillars, The Milk Man. Some are budget juices - others are premium. No matter what juice I use, it happens.

The BIGGEST killer is Zeus Juice with 80%PG, 20%VG. This juice kills a coil in one tank full. I'm guessing the sweeteners in that juice do it.

It's frustrating because I LOVE my Herakles tank running at 55W but if I have to replace the coil every 1-2 days, that's SO expensive.  

Destroying Atlantis Coils, What Am I Doing Wrong?

To keep it short, my coils are lasting a day on average. I vape a 12mg store bought Skittles flavor and occasionally mix it with 18mg Menthol juice between 25-30 watts. The coils taste burnt and get clogged with some black crud. I'm priming the coils with juice, doing the dry hits that's recommended, essentially everything by the book but I can't get any decent lifespan out of these coils. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!