I’ve Been Out Of The Loop!

Hi friends, I’ve been busy with work and I haven’t been able to keep up with vaping news. Also, I felt kind of sad with all the stuff that was going on.

How are states reacting to the ban? Is that still going on? I’m not sure if I dreamt it or it actually happen, but I think I watched a video about how they were getting rid of the ban? And there’s going to be like a protest or something?

Sorry if the question doesn’t belong here  

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Will I Become An Outlaw?

Greetings from TX, fellow vapers!

I’m pretty sure this question has been asked before, and I apologize beforehand if it has.

We all know about the proposed flavor ban, that’s a given. And it’s not a matter of ‘IF’, but more a matter of ‘WHEN’.

Sales of flavors will become illegal, but what about usage? If I’m vaping in public, will I be subjected to prosecution for ‘Possession of a banned Substance’, or is the ban restricted to sales only?

I’m so thoroughly dismayed and disgusted with the lawmakers and news media. I can’t trust anything that they say anymore.  

Topside Wattage Going Down

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I’ve had Mabye 40 refills with this mod and never been dropped . Just use it on the weekends when I drive mainly that’s it . This is why I hate regulated mods. Anyone else have this problem? I don’t know why it doesn’t even come with a Alan key to
Take it apart.  

Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

I apologize in advance if this is a question that has been discussed a lot, but the problem is that what I’ve read doesn’t seem to make sense: We know from experience that vaping PG/VG based juices are safe to vape, so I don’t wanna talk about that. However, when I read (in articles as well as here in the forum) that they have been vaping THC , I have to say that this kind of stuff has been consumed in vaporized form for quite a while now, probably since before people started vaping PG/VG. So it doesn’t make sense to me that all of sudden, vaping THC is killing people.
Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

Vape Inside My Workplace(shop Lot)

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How Do I Get The Urge For A Smoke To Go Away.....

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Washed The Coil?

Hey guys I’ve been enjoying vaping for a few months now and I’m loving it.
I’ve learnt how to fix some leaks and backspits so I am happy with that .
But I have washed one of my coil cleaning it under tap water and left it to air out for a week cuz I used another coil at this time.

I’m not getting much juice and the cotton in the coil is quite hard. So I’m sucking mostly Heat vape
But it’s not terrible or anything?

What should I do ?

Kind regards  

Premixed Vape Juice Shipping

With everything going on in the vaping world I was wondering if we’ll still be able to buy PG/VG premixed.
I buy premix PG/VG with nicotine already added so I’m wondering if I should buy 4 or 5 gallons to make sure I can get it.
Also I was told that if I buy a few gallons that I should freeze it or refrigerate it,is that right?
I sell mods and tanks so I have plenty to last years because I use to sell them on ebay until they ban selling them on the site.
I’m on private sights but don’t know what’s going to happen after April.
I live in New York so we already are have a juice ban so I mail it to a friend in another state and they forward it to me.
Now I’m buying premix so I can just flavor my own juice but I’m worried they might stop shipping premix PG/VG and then what will we do?
So any information on what’s ahead I’d appreciate your information. I’m new so I’m trying to learn how to find information on here.
Thank You  

Nic Salts And Dl Hits?

I’m curious as to why you shouldn’t do DL when using nic salts. I’ve got an Aegis Hero with a 0.6 coil at 15 watts. Even with the airflow closed off, it’s still to loose for a MTL. I keep reading and hearing I shouldn’t use nic salts for DL. The worst thing I’ve experienced so far is a mild headache. The nic salt is a 30mg.
Thanks in advance. ECF is my only true support group and I’m having a really hard time not smoking the stinkiest. Been back to vaping for about a month, and keep telling myself it’s all about baby steps. Not how many I smoke but how many I don’t smoke. I’ve got to quit for health reasons.  

Because Of The Lockdown

I have been using 9-10ml of juice a day as I have nothing to do all day while vaping is what I enjoy.I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t satisfy my vaping needs,I mean right before I sleep,vaping would most probably be the last thing I do and then I drink a cup of water.The thing is,when I wake up my throat is extremely dry,which has been for the past week.Today I felt some phlegm in my throat(it’s been two month since I last felt sick).I am not worried for the short term,I am just thinking if my throat is always dry,when I wake up,would I develop throat cancer in the future?

I hope I can get back to work and keep myself busy so that I am not chain vaping...  

Need Tips On What To Buy

I have a ton of 0 mg juice that I would like to make 3 mg Nicotine, but I don’t know where to buy nicotine, what type I need or how to mix it properly. Some of you are going to say search the forums but all the old threads I’m not interested in as things change everyday with products and techniques. That’s why I am starting a fresh post and need help in which would be greatly appreciated.

So that’s one thing I need help with.

Second thing I need help with is deciding which dripping atomizer would you recommend. I’m looking for something that’s came out recently that has good reviews. I don’t have much time to search for reviews so maybe you know what’s hot and what’s not? I know it all comes down to personal opinion and I would like your opinion please. (RDA Specifically is what I’m interested in.)

Thank you.