To all the mouth to lung (Tootle Puffers) here ... There was a time when the famous "Kayfun Lite-Plus V2" was the gold standard when it came to single coil / higher ohm / low amp Tootle Puffing.
Now that this atomizer (to include all the Chinese clones of it) are so very hard to come by (to include spare parts), has anyone here replaced there old Kayfun Lites with the new "Kayfun Lite 2019" atomizer ?
I just ordered a couple of Chinese clones of the Kayfun Lite 2019 so I can make the big changeover.
Good bye to the sweet Kayfun Lite-Plus V2
Almost 6 years vaping on this
Rest in Peace ....
Just as the title says..just bought a kayfun lite +/ Russian 91% clone, and the drip tip gets hot after a few hits..using mvp 2.0 that only goes to 11 w ( which is where I usually vape) with 1.7 coil/cotton wick..should I just look into another drip tip made of a different material? This is my first protank 2 tip never got hot even when chain vaping..the tank would warm up pretty good, but never the drip tip.
So I think i kind like a cooler vape been getting some heavy lung feeling lately been vaping a 1.2 ohm single coil 28 g kanthal
cotton wick on kayfun clone v4 Tobecco, i would like to try like maybe 1.8 or a 2.0 ohm coil or is the kayfun v4 really better for
lower ohm coils I keep reading where the kayfuns sweet spot is like 1.2 - 1.5 i did lower my wattage from 14 to 12 but i like to seem some clouds more of a flavor chaser than a cloud person though
so i am just wondering if anyone has tried a kayfun around 2.0 ohms and what the vape was like
thank you
I saw one on Ebay once and should have bought it then. Now all I can find is places I have never heard of and this Tobeco ss/black/blue kayfun 4 atomizer rba kayfun 4 wholesale best quality kayfun 4, View kayfun 4, Tobeco, tobeco Product Details from Shenzhen Tobeco Technology Co., Ltd. on! which I am not about to buy 20 of them. lol Does anyone know of a place that has them? I would rather have someone suggest a place than get it from a place I have never heard of. TIA
So I had an OG iStick with an ehpro kayfun v2...good set up worked well. Now the kayfun is stuck on the mod and I can't get it off. It turns slightly and makes a "click" sound then nothing. Anybody ever have this happen and fix it? I'm assuming maybe I had the airflow screw too far out and it could've dropped into the airflow grooves on top of the istick? Or maybe the threads finally just locked it up on me? I bought an new 50w istick, but I want my kayfun on it. Prob gonna just go buy a Lemo, but if I could manage to get my kayfun back I'd still like to use it in my rotation. Any thoughts?
Hey guys, need your knowledge and advice here.
I started vaping last year and think its time to upgrade, but last year it was waaay easier to choose what i wanted. Everyone just recommended i got one...and i liked it for the most part. But i did find it too fiddly to get right and i doubt i ever got it to its full potential. every time i would use some crapy evod i swear it would taste better, but have way less vapor than the kayfun lite. So now i would really like something thats has better flavour than the kfl but that is also simple and reliable. wether thats a tank or rta that has a fool proof setup. I also need one thats good for the mouth to lung hits. BUT THERE'S SO MANY CHOICES THESE DAYS WITH NO CLEAR WINNERS, that i can is there a consenses on whats best?
Ill be using a istick 50w, upgraded from my 18350 mech.
TL;DR - Whats the best tank or rta for flavour, m2l, and is simple and reliable to use??
thanks guys, really need your help to narrow it down
Just recently purchased a Orchid V4 and loving it so far.
Though the Orchid uses two coils.
Considering adding a Kayfun to my modest collection.
My understanding that the Kayfun uses a single coil.
That being said, does it still vape as good as a Orchid V4?
Im sure theirs members here who can give first hand info on these two?
May like to share pictures?
And builds, methinks 28g is best.
Though I may try some 24g.
Running 28g ten wraps, .9 ohms.
21watts seem to be my sweet spot.
Just wanted to pick your mind on these.
If you had $450 to spend on vaping equipment, what would you buy?
Currently have an authentic Hana Modz V3 - Plume Veil - Little Boy - Tugboat V1- Kayfun Lite - Boss 26650
My Kayfun is around 10 months old and beat up. I was looking for replacement and wondering what else is out there that you recommend. I vape around 1.2Ohms and have been happy with my Kayfun. Just wanted to check with you all to see if there is something else I should try.
I just bought an eleaf istick. I was using, for the few months I've been vaping, only eGo type batteries and decided to spend a little more on a mod and an RTA (EHPro kayfun lite).
The istick just arrived. I know it's not the most advanced piece of vaping hardware, but it's a huge step up from the eGo c twist.
I mean, with the same clearo (nautilus mini), the same juices and, allegedly, the same voltage, this thing makes my vaping experience so much better it's almost unbelievable.
If you're using an eGo battery, and you're serious about going on vaping and quiting smoking for good, by all means buy a regulated mod. It's really, really better.
I realize in the U.S. it's not a big deal, you can get a mod by $30 or less, but here in Brazil an istick goes for at least $100,but it's worth the money.
Now I expect the kayfun to be another step up, after I get decent coil building and wicking skills.
Just sharing the experience anyways.
Thanks for all the help you at this forum give to us at the community.
So I'm a toodle puffer. My normal set-up is a Joyetech Evic Easy and a Kayfun lite with unflavored liquid. The Evic Easy has a regulated 3.3 volt mode and an unregulated mode. I run the Kayfun (original V1) at 1.5 ohms, so I'm vaping at a whopping 7 watts.
Just on a whim, since I was ordering some supplies and stuff, I decided to try one of those new-fangled subtank minis...hey, it was on sale. This is my result after 2 days.
First, the .5 ohm was out of the question, so I primed and put in the 1.2 ohm OCC coil. Well, this was just not a good fit for me. The problem is, I think, the wire guage. I bet the coil is made from 24-26 guage wire. My 3.3 volts took forever to heat that wire. I had to hold the button down for 3-5 seconds to get any sizzle at all, and just couldn't get much vapor.
So, the next step is to try the rba base. This is very kayfun-like, and I built it the same way. Inspecting it, I found a burr on one of the juice channels, but filed that off with a needle file. I built a 1.8 ohm 30ga 2mm coil that turned out to be 2.0 ohm...oh, well close enough. Wicked it with my typical cotton ball and laid the tails across the deck.
I looked at the mouthpiece. Are you kidding me, looks like a tailpipe. Swapped to a favorite drip tip, turned the airflow to the lowest setting, and started vaping.
I've gone thru 2 tanks, and it's working great. Maybe better than my kayfuns. I'm going to try rebuilding the OCC coils for backups, and will likely get a couple more rba bases. The beauty may be how easy it will be to swap out the coil.