Silver / Metal Colours Cheaper?!

Forums are addictive, and this interface is wonderful. I finally get the fuss about social media!
Hankering for conversation and searched the keywords and found a post wondering why X device was cheaper in silver, but that's about it::

How come metal / silver colours are often cheaper than the rest?

Do they cost less to make? Simply less popular (then why are they available often enough)? And if they aren't popular, why? Just the finger-stains thing or is there some socially ratified aesthetic I've failed to acquire= in other words, am I weird fo liking mi mod shiny?  

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510 (female) Connections = Planned Obsolescence!

Why are they all made from soft brass? Even the silver colored ones are just plated/painted over brass and even being overly gentle and careful, they're designed to strip and wear out.

Where can I get one made from stainless, or at least steel? I'm talking about the threaded portion. The positive anode being brass is fine by me.

People are sticking aluminum foil and other things in there to take up the slack, but these are temporary fixes that won't be durable. Using wood or paper only inhibits the conductivity of its intended purpose.

I'm guessing the threads on my SubTank Plus portion (male threads) are actually stainless, which is a good thing, but the (female) threads in the KBOX are losing their silver color, leaving metal shavings on the tank's threads, and slowly turning brass in color.

I properly lubricate these threads, and I'm extremely gentle as I gingerly thread the tank on (NEVER cross-threading), but I can feel it getting looser as the days go by (only 6 days old), and can visually see the slow change in color inside, from silver to brass.

I'm tempted to solder some jumper-cables to my tank, and leave the box-mod in my pocket. I want to try to make my own female connector from some grade-8 nut, then epoxy a center-pin in there, then hardwire it to the KBOX, after ripping out its brass 510. Maybe use an NL-4 Neutrik™ connector instead. This area needs improvement!  

Istick 50w Button Sticking

Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Received a silver istick 50 yesterday and a black one today. The black one is good but the silver one will stick if the button is pushed on the bottom part of the button and it'll keep fireing since its stuck. I can get it to release by manipulating the button. Is that something the company will take care of??? I do like the battery!


Silver Solder?

My girlfriend sent me this--

Colorado Lab Results Point to New Culprit in Vaping Cases: A Specific Chemical Used in Cheap Vape Pens

Anyone hear of this? Apparently the "culprit" now is a chemical used in making cheap vape pens, "Silver Solder". Seems to me that they're having a hard time blaming e-liquids without coming down on THC and the black market crap, so now they're blaming the equipment.

Any thoughts? Sorry if this has been posted already.  

Making Variable Voltage Battery Powered Supply For Silver Plating Small Parts Need Help

I am not sure where this should go but this was the best place I could see. Anyway I need a bit of help here it should not be too hard. I am look to build a dual 26650 variable voltage cordless power supply for electroplating small parts . I need to be able to vary the voltage from about a .5 volts to 3.5 volts if it possible average voltage about 2 volts I would like it to compensate as the battery runs down a bit don't have to perfect but just help it keep the voltage steady so it will need to have a volt meter I see those all over in the diy mech mods
So I want to use a dual 26650 battery sled
A 1 amp usb charger port
I need a project box big enough
digital volt meter
I would think a mosfet to vary the voltage with a potentiometer
resetting fuse
and I would guess A piece of that project board stuff with all the hole in it like a for building stiff like this on I can't for the life of me remember what they call that board I built small projects on this stuff when I was kid so that was some time ago LOL it just a board with lots a little hole in it it's a sort of a PCB

I have a basic idea for this thing but last time a built any kind a power supply it was in high school and I am 53 now so I am rusty as Hedouble toothpicks LOL. So I really use a bit of help from someone that is good with this stuff I am sure I can build it that not the problem is getting the right values and wiring diagram and finding sources for the parts I sure one I have a wiring diagram and the values I can google most of that stuff but tips pm someplace maybe you got stuff from that has good prices and don't take a 100 year to ship LOL

In the end this will be the power supply for a silver plating with I have hope to maybe add some little videos picture and stuff of it. this will be kinda fun and I want guys to see how easy and cheap it is to electroplate silver for your box mod so when I done with the power supply I will do a tutorial help fold out in return for help with this
I will be doing stuff like nickel silver platinum. even gold plating

Any help with this would be great if it works out maybe I can plate some small parts for you as a thanks  

Super Ventilation And Recessed Tip

I keep most of my crazy experimental findings to myself as a lot of vapers I'm sure hate too much 'do it yourselfing' advice ... but this one created such amazing results , I thought some wacky home professors would also like to try it .... the picture is showing two things : The dollar stores and Walgreens (I'm sure many stores have these cheap ball point pens too ) have a pen with a rubber black finger grip tube that slides right off. The other piece is just an automotive socket .

When the socket is slipped onto the rubber tube, the eight sided depressions for nut gripping do not seal the air off and let air through .... in other words if you block the rubber tube with your finger you will still be getting easy draw from air rushing into the socket depressions even though it looks like the socket is sealed tightly onto the tube ... slide this whole thing right onto your current metal tip of any clearomizer tank and you can even leave a space to create the old filter depression that analogs like Parlement cigs used to have.

Cloud increase, even more 'roundness' to the flavor, and weirdly, the metal in the socket is cooler due to all of its mass and seems to react with the warmer cloud coming through ... call me crazy but it's fun to try and the difference should be as noticable to others as it is to me .  

Someone Help Me.

Hello everyone. I have a problem. I'm gonna need some help to get through this, I may not even make it. Who knows?

I'm addicted. Not the good kind. The kind that costs money... The kind that makes my long hours at work perish with the swipe of my debit card... I'm addicted to.. Upgrading.

So I'm in need some some help from the best of the best with you guys. I'm looking to upgrade! I'm currently looking into going from my istick50w and Subtank Mini, to a mech mod and rda. I'm gonna start my way with single coil builds, and go up to dual. I am thinking I have about $100 I want to work with, so can someone make some recommendations?!

I already have some cotton and kanthal from my rba with the subtank. I'm just looking for a good starter mech and battery set up, with a pretty decent rda. Now, since this is my first, I'm not biased at all against clones. I welcome them! As long as they are decent quality and get the job done, so be it!

But here's one catch: I don't really like shiny stuff, oddly enough. I mean brass, or really shiny silver. I don't like scratches that stuff seem to get in my pocket. I love stuff to look perfect all the time!

So any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated! I have no idea about batteries or their chargers, but I'm more than willing to educate myself.  

Funny Dream

I had a weird dream the other night and sheer boredom inspired me to tell you about it.
Baditude joined the super sub ohm cloud chasers. He was looking for advice for a .07 build for his patriot and silver bullet. He went on to say he was fine with the 40 amp imrens and asked everyone to save the lectures. He was entering a national cloud competition and was looking for sponsors. I woke up before he started bashing the provari.

Too much time on ECF, I think

Temperature Control Testing Results: Vsticking Vk530 (yihi Sx530 Board) - The Cheaper Cousin Of The

Results of temperature control testing for the Vsticking VK530 may be found he
Temperature Control Testing Results: Vsticking VK530 (YiHi Sx530 board) - the cheaper cousin of the Sx Mini G Class : electronic_cigarette


TLDR: This Vsticking VK530 mod is a more recent cheaper cousin of the Sx Mini G Class - the form factor, battery door and overall look are very similar (and much better design than the GTRS Vboy with the Sx 500 chip). Its missing some of the features of the G Class in terms of bluetooth and SxQi, but costs about a third of the price (here in Australia). Its performance is very similar to the Sx Mini G Class (results for that he except for very low ohm, low mass builds where it falls a bit short (common for cheaper mods). It seems like it might operate at a slightly lower maximum frequency for the reduced cost but its not easy to tell, and subjectively is indistinguishable (at least for me but I build over .4 ohms generally). Again, well functioning dry hit protection despite some of the temperature spikes, and on average fairly flat and accurate results (drawing a line through the striping), if you dont mind the temperature striping and are not concerned about possibly higher ranges of temperatures during a short puff (with possibly implications for thermal decomposition of the juice, see G Class results for further discussion). This is one of the best results we have seen for a mod in this price range for other than those low mass low ohm builds (but a great result on lowish ohm high mass builds like the dual coil test at the end). NOTE: Temperature control results were terrible when using the wallpaper that has a live power needle dial showing (dont ask me why, you could hear and feel the pulsing in most states with this wallpaper- has been verified by u/Lendord replicating for me).  

Coil Clones

Are they really to be avoided? I want to buy a bulk supply of some faux Kangertech BVCs, but not if it'll be cheaper, in the long run, to buy the real thing.  

Finally! No More Urges To Buy New Gear!

Finally! I've tried so many sub ohm tanks with a shelf of them to prove it along with box mods and I've found my perfect set up that I'm 100 percent happy with. That urge of "must have more" and "must have the latest and greatest" has finally subsided after 100s of dollars spent. I can finally relax on hardware and focus on enjoying good juices. I still stay up on new tech but I'm finally happy on my go to juice vendor and hardware. Oh what a good feeling!

My goto set up: Atlantis V1 with cotton coils and 5ml upgrade and ipv mini 2 at 32 watts. Any higher then 32 and the vape is too warm to enjoy. To justify this, I personally own the following:

Atlantis V2
Subtank mini using both Occ and rba
Delta I I using both coil and rba
Lemo 2
Arctic tank
Starre tank
Herakles tank
Kay fun v4

Ipv mini 1
Istick 30
Istick 20
M50 with 65w upgrade

My go to juices are all from itcvapes. 20$ for 120ml for the win.

Time to sell off old items or give them to friends to help them quit smoking.

FYI I'm so busy that rebuilding isn't an option for me. It's much Cheaper, and I have a ton of kanthal in different gauges with a big bag of Koh Gen do, but I'd rather pay for convenience of coils.

Wonderful feeling!