Latest News On Flavor Ban

The latest news coming out today is that Trump will sign next week to enforce a Flavor Ban, leaving only Tobacco and Menthol flavors. Nobody seems quite sure if anything else is affected.

Please contact your Senators and Congressmen Today, send emails, send tweets whatever you can do, do it.

A Sad Day  

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Canadian Federal Flavor Ban Announced

The Canadian federal government published guidance for the federal flavor ban in their latest Canada Gazette Part I (

The federal government is proposing a prohibition on all flavors other than Tobacco, Mint and Menthol.

They define "flavor" as anything that has a sensory attribute in inducing youth to vape - this means that if it smells like strawberries, it's banned. If it smells like cream, it's banned. If it smells like anything other than tobacco, mint or menthol, it is prohibited for sale in all of Canada.

There is still time to act.

Calgary MP Tom Kmiec has introduced a petition - If you are Canadian, please sign it!

You can find the petition at

After you fill in your information, they will send you an email with a confirmation link, you MUST press it for your entry to be entered.  

Menthol Addiction Seems To Be Gone!

I smoked menthol cigarettes for 45+ years. Never cared for the taste or smell of cigarette tobacco, but I liked my menthol. When I tried Blu ecigs, the tobacco didn't taste like tobacco, it just tasted "meh". The menthol flavor was more meh with a mentholesque hint, and they were a freaking hassle. When I finally realized this weird vaporizer shop across the street from the hospital and next to the ambulance company actually sold E-cigarettes, not those things you steam up a room with Vick's Vapo-Rub, I went in and told them about my experience with Blu's and asked if they had anything better. I walked out with an eGo starter kit, some fruit flavors, and some menthol and mint juice to mix with them. Success! Got my menthol/nicotine fix and was able to put down the combustibles! For a year and a half I've been doing the same thing only DYI: Fruit and menthol and/or mint. Just had to have that menthol feel or it didn't do the trick for me.

Last week I got a bunch of new flavors from MFS. I mixed up some desert coffee and a key lime pie concoction, no menthol or mint, and it was GOOD!

Now if only somebody would tell this stupid spell checker there is no "u" in flavor!  

Casaa's Call To Action

Received this email this morning...

On Monday, November 4, or early in the week, we are anticipating an announcement from the Trump Administration regarding FDA guidance about sales of flavored vapor products. According to recent reports, this guidance is expected to go as far as banning every flavor other than tobacco and menthol. In spite of years of communications from consumers and meetings with industry stakeholders, it is clear that officials remain unknowledgeable about how the vapor industry functions and what customers need.

Two flavors will not sustain independent vapor retailers and
will unnecessarily make vaping less attractive
to people who want to switch away from smoking.

The White House needs to hear from adult vapers and anyone who loves a vaper! A flavor ban won’t protect our children, but it will kill their parents.

We need to
Light Up The Switchboard
At The White House!
Ph: 202-456-1111
(Comment Line)

On your call:

The operator will likely ask where they can direct your call Simply tell them that flavored vapor products saved your life, Tobacco and Menthol aren't enough to save small businesses or help people quit smoking; and, tell them “We Vape, We Vote. Be polite, be brief, and say thank you.
On hold? Here's something to do while you wait: Send a Message! Share this Call to Action with your friends, family, and on social media!  

Calling On The Vaping Community To Contact President Trump

The best strategy according Demetris and PBusardo is to hire a professional PR company to combat the false information that the news media and anti-vaping crowd has been churning out every day/nite on TV and social media. That will take a LOT of money (millions according to D & P). The US vaping industry doesn't have that type of money, but the big manufacturers in China do. China manufacturers will be affected by this if the US vaping industry fails, because it will fail if a flavor ban is successful.

Trump is the key person in all of this. He's the one who will make the final call by using his John Hancock, and he's been known to go against the grain of "The Swamp" in Washington. He is basically only interested in satisfying his voter base. All vapers need to personally contact Trump via the White House and tell him, as a voter, that if he is going to get your vote in 2020 he needs to NOT go forward with a flavor ban. Regardless of how you feel about Trump, or whether you'll actually vote for him when the time comes, this must be done and would take each of us only about 5 - 10 minutes of our time.


Contact the White House | The White House

WHITE HOUSE: Comment line 202-456-1111 | Switch board 202-456-1414 (the switch board is the best approach as it will put you on hold and give you a chance to speak)

Trump probably doesn't have a clue about vaping. He doesn't understand how important the use of flavored e-liquid is to the success to stop smoking. Having only "tobacco flavors" to choose from just won't cut it for the majority of vapers.

What he must understand is that a flavor ban will likely destroy the vaping industry in the US. Vape shops will not be able remain viable and will close - a loss of thousands of jobs and small businesses. This will affect his "sterling" numbers of the lowest unemployment in recent memory. There has to be at least 10,000 potential voters who have something to do with the vaping community (probably more), about the number of votes that gave him the presidency. He's not going to want to lose that many votes in the next election.

A flavor ban will result in creating its own Black Market. Many vapers will resort to making their own flavored e-liquid. How did that work out for the homemade black market THC vials that killed 6 people and put over 400 people in intensive care?

Smokers looking to quit smoking will no longer have vape shops or US based online vendors to purchase e-cigarettes. Many vapers will return to smoking, which will increase the 400,000 smokers who died last year.

Please tale a few minutes of your time to contact President Trump.  

Washington D.c To Prohibit Flavored Vapes

In an email from Innokin today, was a link to today's Vaping Weekly by Benedict Jones. In addition to more news about Canada's up-coming restrictions on most flavored vape products...the following was included, about Washington, DC:

"On Tuesday, June 15, The District of Columbia Council voted to prohibit the sale of flavoured vaping and tobacco products (including menthol cigarettes and cigars).

The bill will be voted on a second time Tuesday, June 29, but it is expected to pass this stage without significant change. After the second vote, the bill must be approved by the mayor, and pass a 30-day congressional review period before the law takes effect.

The bill also covers synthetic nicotine products, which have, at times, been suggested as a way of side-stepping legislation which restricts “tobacco products” in the U.S. Since synthetic nicotine products are covered by the bill, it would appear that other next-generation nicotine products, such as pouches, will be affected by the flavour ban."

So, little by little it continues....  

How Important Were Flavors To Help You To Quit Smoking?

I haven't come across any studies or polls that determine how important flavors are/were to help vapers to quit smoking and remain off cigarettes.

This video is a fantastic testimony on how important flavors are in vaping. It's in an MP4 format, so the link looks funny, but its safe to click on. Mark_Slis-Michigan_Testimony-2019-09-12.mp4

He shares that 99% of his customers choose a fruit or desert flavor. An 87 year old grandmother chose "Fruity COPYRIGHTDMCA Cereal". Yes, older people like flavors and demand "kid flavors".

Why You Don't Need an E-Liquid that Tastes Like Cigarettes

So I'm asking everyone in this community to voice their opinion on how important flavors were to get you off of cigarettes when you began vaping, and how important are they to you today to keep you from returning back to smoking? Will you be able to use just "tobacco" flavors if the FDA bans flavors?

Sign the Petition

What Are The Latest Knowledge About Toxicity Of Vaping Vg/pg ?

The toxicity of nicotine we probably all know about, but what are the latest news about the dangers of vaping VG/PG ?  

Salty/sweet Taste All Vapes Flavors Why?

sup, thanks for reading . I'm vaping for 3 years now, never had problem until now. I taste saltiness on my tongue after vaping for more than 10 seconds. I thought it might be coil so I changed them all. Maybe juice so i tried different ones different flavor. same thing.

I vaped for 3 years just Pomango and Menthol. Never had that problem. Recently I got into DIY Mixing so i ordered 14 different flavors and started experimenting. Mostly Peach, Mango, sweet mango CAP, Green Apple, Pomegranate. never went over % than whats recommended. After sweet Mango flavor CAP 5% solo flavor it started. I thought maybe its the mango flavor so Itried others and same thing, even Menthol. So its definitely something with my taste. I tried to eat lollipop candy and its there but barely noticeable because of the sugar from lolipop. Hmmmm.... Is it because i started experimenting with other flavors and I have so called"Vapers tongue " thingy?

When first time I tried mango and green apple , OMG it was spectacular taste!!!after few weeks now just salt mix with touch of sweetness and a litlle flavor on my tongue and I do let it go thru my nose and stuff too , to get most out of vaping experience, menthol is the strongest from them all that stays but its not the same as it was few weeks ago.

anybody had same issue? I found the thread from 2011 the guy had same issue.

18 days vaping - all juices now tasting salty sweet, but not in a good way.

I do feel,menthol,peach and other fruits flavor for 3-6 sec just after 10 seconds it becomes kinda salty on my tongue and lets see, umm upper patella of the jaw you call it? yeah... and im loosing flavor, very frustrating....

anyone can explain that or had similar experience?


Ama And Campaign For Tobacco Free Kids Have A Call Campaign In Effect Today.

We need EVERYONE to make at least 1 call to the White House today! Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids and the American Medical Association have a call push campaign on today (12-11-2019)!

In addition, last week Apparently ACS was down with a bunch of kids and people in oxygen masks making rounds in the Senate. Pushing really hard and being very theatrical!

Made a call and got through quickly...2nd and 3rd calls were at least 12min waits.
I did ask, they only have 4 people answering phones today
202-456-1414 is the best number to use
202-456-1111 is constantly busy.

She told me all day has been nothing but against bans, I asked specifically and she said no calls for the ban!!! So we must keep calling and the wait is hopefully discouraging the people for the ban!!

Our phone calls to the White House have been successful in the past. Let's continue to do what we can to prevent a flavor ban.


Transition Long Do They Typically Last For You?

To keep this short I tend to change flavors in my delta 2 quite often and have a large assortment of flavors. That being said I never have enough replacement coils to keep switching them out fresh for flavor changing. I do wash my tank every time I change flavors but I don't wash the base and coil over fear of messing something up since I don't tend to let them dry before I decide to start vaping it again. I usually don't think about the transition flavor however I made the mistake today of switching from a caramel macchiato to a vanilla banana wafer pudding so as you can probably imagine the flavor is complete trash.. With all that cotton in the delta 2 coil, how long should I expect to have to vape like this? Ten toots in and I can still taste the macchiato like the cotton is reserving it just to teach me a lesson.