Berserker Mtl Rda V2 Vs Vapefly Galaxies Mtl Rda, Bf

I was thinking of buying a MTL RDA that is a BF so I can squonk and use it on my Luna and other Squonkers. After some research I came across the Berserker MTL RDA V2 and the Vapefly Galaxies MTL RDA, both are BF. If the bans ever happen and go into effect I will be able to use 24mg juice as in Tribeca by Halo and still be able to use my Squonkers. In the past I had the Berserker MTL RTA. One thing that I didn't like about it was that sometimes no matter how I wicked it I would still get dry hits and I literally tried like five to ten times in a row and I'm experienced in building and wicking. Would I see these issues with the Berserker V2 BF? Which one of these do you recommend overall? Thank you very much for your time and have an amazing day  

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Please Help Me!

Hi guys, I'm back!

I'm still vaping away, and happy as ever to be doing it. You guys might remember me, it's been a while. My mom died from lung cancer and I haven't smoked a cigarette since. But I'm humbly asking for help from the experts, because I'm at a loss.

I vape on a Vandy Vape Berserker MTL vape pen, and I buy the coils from or I vape salts, 24mg. This works BEAUTIFULLY for me. I'm satisfied, it's easy, I have zero interest in building things or using tiny screwdrivers or any of that. Maybe once all the little people in the house can use the bathroom without my assistance I'll have time to devote to coil building, but I digress....

So onto my issue... No one is selling the coils for this vape pen! It's out of stock everywhere and I am freaking out. I don't want to use pod systems, I live way out in BFE and don't want to constantly be waiting on shipments.

Can anyone tell me SPECIFIC devices to buy that 1. work with salts and 2. have coils that don't need to be built. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!?! And dumb it down, talk slowly, I don't know all the lingo of the cool kids.

Thank you guys in advance. You all were very kind to me while my mom was dying, and I appreciate it so much.  

The 8th Annual Unofficial Equipment Of The Year Poll

Here we go again ....
The basic idea behind this poll is everyone who participates is asked to name their favorite Mod (Power Source) and attachment (Juice Burner). This year I will be adding a third category for Pods.
Please limit yourself, if you can, to one or two of each. These are supposed to be your Favorite Set-Up.
Pictures are welcome !

For me personally, it's the REOS Grand with the RM2 Rebuildable Atomizer. My nail beaters have over six years and 500,000 miles in the dashboard of tractor trailers, and are still preforming well.

In the last year or so, I've also taken a liking to the Vapefly Galaxies, with the squonk pin.

Please feel free to discuss and/ or show off your favorite mods. I will be running a weekly tally, and together maybe we can help someone find their next great vaping gear !  

Silica Wick?

I'm posting because I just encountered some silica wick on ebay while looking for pre-built coils and different kinds of pre-built wire.
I've only used cotton so far- gonna get some rayon eventually but I think I'll order some from USA, people here in UK buy the rayon in bulk from US and resell it by meter for ridiculous price. And whatever material Smok supplies with their RBA heads for TFV12 tank (I must say this material was pretty good, used it both in smok tfv12 rta and berserker mini rta, wicked well, tasted fine and lasted slightly longer than my normal muji cotton. It's gone now so I can't post a picture.).

Anyway- I tried to research here about silica wick but the latest posts were from 2013. Same on youtube- bunch of old videos. Found a thread with a few posts on reddit from like 3 years ago with some folks saying they still use silica wick, claiming the taste is cleaner, you can't physically burn it, you can dry burn it, lasts longer etc.
Why is it not popular anymore, why has it disappeared? Is it worth giving a shot? What are the disadvantages, as clearly there were some advantages I found, but there must have been a reason for folks to abandon this material (other than the one mention below)?

Wicking the coil itself is not a big concern for me, I've read about trouble to get it through a coil and I think I know how to deal with it.


E-pipe Afficiando Thread

A place to discuss and/or showoff your epipes ... any and all epipe discussions welcome from a 10 dollar smok epipe clone to hand-crafted specialty items. Where to find them, especially ones that take 18650, what atties you use with them, do you use them all day or just for relaxing?

I used a smok clone with an Eternity RDA at around 1.5 ohms as a nice little unit for puffing on my diy cigar type vapes:

I've finally retired that one and now have a Kamry k1000+ running a berserker RDA clone:

It's an unregulated device with a 1000mah internal battery. It is working surprisingly well --- I was a bit worried it might flood the air-tube and/or leak given the low angle it naturally rests at, but it remains leak/flood free. It's running with a 0.85 ohm coil at the moment and I've been dripping either a diy cigar-ish liquid, or a moderate menthol.

I have a couple nicer 18350 pipes on the way so stay tuned, and please do show and discuss yours.  

Cutting Into My Subtank Mini

Alright guys, so I'm fairly new to building. Actually, I've never done it!

After reviewing a subtank mini about two weeks ago, I am loving everything about it. The flavor, the vapor, the compacity! Everything.

So after watching rip trippers video of building on the rba I noticed he had to move the wick away from the channels so the juice can properly be wicked into the chamber.

On one of the comments, a guy said he actually drilled a hole into the side of the cap that goes over the coil to insure that he gets no dry hits.

What's everyone's take on this? Is it really necessary to do? I'm really worried about getting dry hits.

What's a safe way to do this? If it's needed at all!  

Re-wicking Rtas And Rdas

I'm a bit lazy with my re-wicking. Especially RTAs. Usually leave it until it's a bit past due.

I'd be interested to know how many of you have a timetable for changing wicks or do you just base it on flavour or maybe the number of refills of the tank or squonk bottle?

Do you do it in batches of attys or one at a time when needed?  

Tips On Wicking / Re-wicking

It's about that time that I have started to re-wick the OCC coils in the subtank. Looking for some performance tips. I'm currently using Muji japanese cotton which is working well and this is what I have noticed...

too little cotton, the atom will leak and burn easily
too much cotton; no issues burning at all but the flavor is muted.

I've re-wicked 5-6 times this week to experiment. With the Muji sheets, I cut about 5-6mm strip, remove 1/2 the thickness, then after threading through the coil, I will cut about 4mm from the end and stuff it back in the OCC head.

What are your tips and preferred materials?  

Will The New Postal Ban Effect Liquid Nicotine On Its Own?

I have been mixing my own Juice for the last 1-2 years since my state (NJ) banned all flavored E-juice sales. None of my favorite sellers would ship to me anymore.

I did not stock up. I did not know this postal ban was a thing until 2 hours ago when I noticed the wholesaler I purchase from removed most of its products. Even if I did, the stuff will only last me about 2 years. With the way things are, these kinds of laws rarely get reversed once enacted. I thought the 21 age for buying tobacco products would never catch on and be repealed, but look where we are now. No matter how many angry letters you send or how many signatures you get, nothing will happen.

And so, I am left thinking about what I can and can not get in the future. VG and PG will always be around in bulk as it is not only used for vape juice. The flavoring is the same flavoring used for brewing and baking, so no issue there. The liquid nicotine, specifically the extract and not the salt, is where I question the future availability (the salt is almost definitely out of the question).

Are there any other uses for liquid nicotine or is this it for DYI?

Edit: Apparently VG and PG will also be banned, at least by UPS (link below). I guess nicotine solution is also out of the question there.

UPS: Shipping Tobacco - United States.  

I Can't Stop!

This is bad, and what's worse is I know it's bad but I can't seem to stop. I keep buying mods and tanks and juice and accessories. I've been vaping for almost a year now and for the most part I was happy with my setup (once i got past the cheap ego battery setup I had). I was rockin an MVP 2.0 and a nautilus tank. Loved every second of it. But recently the MVP threads got messed up so no tank would connect to it. So I decided to upgrade my setup and get a Sigelei 150w. Now THIS thing is amazing.

You would think since I was happy with my setup that would be enough. NOPE! I ordered an RDA (Mad Hatter) to go with the sigelei because the nautilus just wasn't fully utilizing the mod. I ordered wire, wick, ohm meter, the whole kit and kaboodle. But I also ordered an MVP 3.0 Pro for the times the sigelei batteries were dead or I just needed a smaller device. Got the MVP in today and it's amazing. I definitely love Innokin products.

That's it though, right? NOPE! I haven't even recieved my RDA yet and I was browsing the interwebs looking at forums and reviews and came across the Kanger Subtank Mini. Looks awesome. So I ordered it. But not by itself, oh no no no, I saw a kit with a Kanger Subox Mini and Subtank Mini starter kit. So I ordered it. Oh god will the impulse buying ever stop!?

Let's not get into my juice collection. I have more bottles than I know what to do with. Originally it was a handful of bottles that could sit on my desk, now I've had to rearrange my dresser so the multitude of bottles can sit up there. I have so many flavors that I love that I keep switching them around and it's driving me crazy. And everytime I see one of you post about your new favorite all day vape flavor I look into it, think it sounds amazing, and end up buying more.

Aww screw it, I love vaping. I'm sure i'll buy something else real soon. Speaking of which...I could use a new drip tip to go with my new tanks. Gotta go.

(thanks for reading my rant)  

The Old Dog And His Old Dog

Posting a picture of my set up for today got me thinking as it featured my oldest original well used, worn, scratched and faded iStick 30w which has served me so well and has far outlived its projected lifespan.

A lot changed for me back in October 2015 - my grown up daughter and her husband had switched to vaping as they couldn’t smoke even in the grounds at work and had taken to vaping.

They liked it and gave me an e-pipe, tobacco flavoured vape liquids, a couple of 18350 batteries for it and a Nitecore Charger.

I thanked them, said I’d give it a try - with my fingers crossed and the thought in my mind, “Aye that’ll be right, I’ll stick it in the drawer and phone you in a few weeks saying it broke and I’m really sad about it.”

A week later my conscience got the better of me and I tried it on a Friday morning ( the 17th of October ), was amazed that I got through a day on it without a craving, thought I’d try it over the weekend, did, and have never smoked in the four years plus since. Amazing since I had smoked for more than 50 years previous to that.

I took the e-pipe to Spain with me for the Winter and while there bought a couple of the old style Ego batteries and plastic tanks with their trailing glass fiber wicks “just in case.”

The 18350s need constant charging, the juice soon destroyed the threads of the pipe’s plastic tank and the back up devices gurgled badly and so I went down to Fuengirola where there was a big vape shop and asked could they recommend a better tank - they suggested a Nautilus Mini and when I asked about a battery for it ( I didn’t know they were actually called “Mods” then) they gave me an iStick 30w … and the rest is history.

I joined this Forum about five weeks after I switched to vaping. In those days MTL was THE thing, the setup I’d bought was “flavour of the month” along with the GS Air Tank and one by Kanger. I learned a lot on ECF in a very short time, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

I tend to be a bit of a stick in the mud when I find something I like and my motto tends to be “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” I’ve experimented with mechs, squonkers, drippers, and coil building over the years but always come back to my old faithful Nautis and iSticks - simply because for me they work and they work well.

Having found kits that worked, I dropped out of the Forum for a few years until in Spain over the Winter gone I thought my Nautis were failing me or giving up the ghost ( in actual fact as I discovered when I got back to the UK I had had a batch of really really bad coils ) and started reading ECF again and found that the new best thing for MTL was the Zenith, so I gave it a whirl.

I was slow to take to the Zenith I have to admit - while it made my batteries last longer for some reason and was super easy to refill on the go, at first it vaped too dry for me, seemed too airy and the drip tip didn’t initially suit me at all but I persevered with it ( them) and now keep a set of seven for use outdoors or for when travelling or for when I simply feel like a change.

Here’s the Old Soldier!

Anyone else still using old kit?