Accidently Left My Vape Under The Sun

Accidently left My vaporesso swag in the sun for about 1 hour. When I touched it it was somewhat warm so let it in a cold place for a while. Can it be Bad/dangerous?  

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I Need A Little Help

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Thanks for the reply.  

Question About Battery And Coils (swag Ii)

I purchased a Vaporesso Swag II.
It comes with two coils. One of them is a
0.15ohm GT4 Meshed Coil - rated for 50-75W, best 60-70W I liked how it tastes.

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Could My Vape Have Been Damaged?

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Very Happy Doctor

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Can Anyone Recommend An Affordable Vape Shop In Arlington, Va?

Hi all,

I've stocked up as best I can but my stock won't last forever. I was wondering if there are other users here who live in Arlington, VA, who could recommend an affordable vape shop? I'm use to paying $11.99 for a 100ML or 120ML bottle online. My flavor profiles are vanilla's, strawberry's, custards, fruit punch, etc.

Also my vape gear is VooPoo Drag S, VooPoo Drag X Plus and Vaporesso Swag 2 (I would need to be able to get coils for these tanks as well.

If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it. I'm having a hard time digesting this vape mail ban and it's freaking me out! I've never shopped at a local vape shop before because of the prices being so high. I've only been in one with a friend last year, and they charged like $34.99 for a 60ML bottle of juice. There is no way I can afford that, I'm on a very tight budget.


Vaping Ain't Easy

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