Your Most Useful Vendors ?.

So i continue with updates to my A-Z. One very useful site, which incidentally is in the USA, is "Element Vape". Probably, as far as i can recall, the "most" useful site for searching for vaping hardware i've ever come across. The reason i say this is because no matter what piece of hardware i'm looking at, whilst on the site, if i click on it, i'll enter the page it's on, and scroll down to the "description". Then at the beginning of the description i'll see the brand name. If i click on that i get taken to a page which displays all the hardware that Element Vape has of that brand. It's brilliant !. I'd imagine most sites do have a function in their main menu to search brands, i haven't seen this particular function anywhere else. It's just so useful !. If you land on this site when researching a mod this feature allows you to see everything else too.

So, Element Vape is my go to vendor site at the moment.  

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