Better Than The Wasp Nano

Is there a better tasting or equal tasting dual coil RDA then the wasp nano. For the price, this is work of art. But I like a little more vape. Do I have to sacrifice one for the other? Still pretty new to the rebuildables. Please don't reply unless you have used the wasp nano and have a reference.  

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New Version Vamo V7 And Kanger Subtank Nano

I ordered a new version of the Vamo V7 varible voltage 40 Watt mod and I am wondering if the Kanger Subtank Nano with a 1.2 ohm coil would be a viable combination. I want to try this tank just for the better flavor possibility but since the Vamo V7 is only rated down to 0.8 Ohms, I figure that I would have to use the 1.2 Ohm coil that is supplied with the Nano. I'm not quite ready to start dripping at this point in my vaping experience but want to get close to it. Are there any other tanks that would work better with the Vamo V7 than the nano? Thanks in advance for the advice.  

Help A Brother Out!

Hello everyone!

I have a smok al85 which i have owned for a good 2 years or so and ive been pretty happy with it. However i'd like to upgrade to a new mod kit- from research i have found 2 i like a lot- the vaporesso gen and luxe nano.

I need help choosing the right one- With a 220W mod, am i able to vape at 50- 60w with the appropriate coil without sacrificing flavour?

I like the nano, but i hear the battery is pretty bad, however it is cheaper than the Gen.

If anyone can help me out i'd very much appreciate it~
Thank you!  

Subtank Nano

I'm about to buy a istick 50w and a subtank nano online, I also selected liquid with 18mg and 12mg of nicotine, is that too much for the subtank nano???  

Best Pre-built Coils For Obs Engine Nano

Hey everyone, I am looking for some good pre-built coil options for the OBS engine nano.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback.  

Mod/battery For Subtank Nano

lovin' my Subtank mini on an I stick. So as an ego + BCC guy, naturally I would like to have an ego-sized battery to go with a ST nano as a backup/at-work kinda thing, problem is, egos can't go sub-ohm! Ego One is interesting and might fit, what do you guys think?  

Advice Needed For Small Cloud Mtl.

Hey there fellow vapers,salutations from sunny Spain!!

Currently at the moment im using Using a Vaporesso SWAG 80w with a Wasp Nano RTA.

But the thing is that where is live is really i mean really humid,that and the fact that there is little to no ventilation where i vape is a problem.
I work at home so i can take care of my pops (severe liver failure,hoping to get a transplant soon,damn dialysis leaves him in bad shape) so i spend hours in the room where my pc is.

I have a vape shop where i live but the owner (cool guy,really nice so dont blame him) he knows little about MTL's,his knowledge is basically about RTAs,drippers,etc,etc.

So im looking for some advice to what MTL I could purchase that would give me a nice ''hit'' with very low i mean low like a normal cig cloud production.

I have watched alot of videos but they all seem to put out huge amounts of vapor,currently im using mine at 25W and with the airflow almost closed up but meh it doesnt feel right and it still is to much cloud for such a closed space.

When i leave home yeah i enjoy a big cloud so i open the airflow all the way up and put the sucker to 50W/65W but that is only when im outside.

So anyway,could anyone please recommend me some MTL Atomiser with the attributes that im looking for?
good flavour and cig like cloud production is basically what i need.

Thanks in advance for the replies,and sorry for any grammatical/syntaxis errors,english isnt my native language.

p.s. whatever brands/models you recommend i would have to run them by the owner of the shop to see if he can get them.
easier to order online but he is a good fellow with a shop that is struggling a bit so i prefer to order thru him so i can help out atleast a little bit.  

Istick 20w With Subtank Nano?

Hi all

So I'm currently set up with an iStick 50w and a SubTank (big un) all thanks to you guys im in Vape Heaven.

want i want to ask is this -

My Girlfriend is now getting more into Vaping and hasnt touched a Cigarette in quite some time. she has an iStick 20w and loves it (cos its pink -_- )

but she's not liking the tanks (aspire Viva Nova, one with a cross on it (completely forgot the name) and a protank 3 mini)

Shes tried my subtank AND LOVES IT! she's liking the airy draw and the ultimate flavour.

My question is she likes to vape at around 3.0-3.3V. Will the Istick 20w be able to SAFELY handle the protank nano with the 1.2ohm coil in?

I've told her she may have to up the power abit but other than that she should be fine right?  

Backup Mod Recommendations

After Many months of searching, I have settled on my main out and about Mod as an MVP 30W and a Kanger Sub Tank Mini. I still love my e-pipes & drippers at home, but it is really nice just to grab the MVP and go, no extra batteries, parts, juice bottles, etc.

I have been carrying my old MVP2 & a Nautilus as a backup, but the vape and flavor is very different then my main, it really doesn't work as a backup.

After doing a ton of research I have decided that I will be going with the Subtank nano, but I am at a loss for what mod to get.

My only must have is that it needs to output at least 20 watts and stay around $70 or under. I want something smaller then the MVP 30W which is the reason I have not just picked up on of those.

I would like on board charging but it is not a must have.

I am open to either a box or tub style.

i have looked at the iStick 30, but I am not sure the lip on it will look good with the nano.

Okay EFC, let me know your thoughts!  

Help With Joytech Ego One W/ Kanger Subtank Nano

I am regretting just buying the Ego One battery and not the whole kit because it is not making a good connection with the sub-tank nano. When the tank is screwed all the way down on it won't fire. I have the loosen it a little to find the sweet spot for it to fire. I have tried pushing the pin further out of the bottom of the tank and I used a deoxit gold and neither have helped. Any suggestions. Thanks.  

Recommendation Gear For A Friend

I feel very comfortable with searching for different vape gear and choosing what I think would work best. I enjoy my gear and I know what type of things I like. My question is about what should I buy for a friend who is new to vaping, but a previous smoker?

I've narrowed it down to a few things.
Innokin MVP 20watt
Joyetech EGO One 1100mah
Joyetech Egrip
Kanger subtank nano would be the most versatile clearo

My objective to stay cost friendly and simple. If anyone could recommend anything similar or something I may have missed let me know. I'm trying to stay away from the istick and replaceable battery devices. I let the person a try a few of my setups and the one that appealed most to him was my freakshow mini single coil @0.7ohms on the SMPL clone, the battery voltage was around 3.9ish at the time. He is not looking to become a hobbyist and has no interest in blowing clouds.

I'm leaning toward the MVP20watt and the Kanger subtank nano the most right now, but feeling the MVP3 would be an even better choice for the device. Let me know if you have any suggestions, I will be buying soon.


I also want to mention this person does construction work and the device may be subject to some durability tests lol.