Smoke Detector Went Off?

While I've been vaping, the smoke detector has gone off about four times. This has never happened before. I'm not sure if it's just the chemicals, or because of the battery. Because I've been getting this light smell of something, maybe the battery? It's kinda pugent. Maybe that's the cause because it's defective? Like the smell sets off the alarms?  

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Smoke Co2 Alarm Recommendation

I know this is kind of a strange question but I see people say all the time that they set off their smoke and CO2 alarms. Who has a smoke CO2 alarm that they can Vape in the next room and it doesn't set off I need to get another detector but I want to make sure that it's not going to go off every time I Vape in a room next to it a battery-powered not hardwired  

Arghhh.. The Smell Of Smokers... Rant.

At my job, some times i have to spend time in close proximity, with people who still smoke analogs. And the analog smoke that they carry on them is plain offensive.

I just want to run in the apposite direction, so the smell (smoke BO) doesnt get on me.

Wish i could tell them to take anti radioactive bath before they interact with the rest of the none smokers in public.

I cant believe thats how i used to smell for so many years. If i knew this 10 years ago, i would have quit smoking 10 years ago.

The smell is is just efin toxic!!

end rant.  

Vaping In Hotels: Beware!

So I am on a business trip in Madison, WI. I am staying in a hotel (a Hilton to be exact) and I was just hanging out in my room, watching TV, and doing a bit of vaping in my boxers. Then it happened.... the fire alarm went off. I about pooped my pants it caught me so off guard. I ran down to the lobby to explain what happened when the fire department showed up and started asking questions. When they found out that my room was the one that tripped the alarm, they instantly started treating me like a criminal. You would have thought I just murdered their first born child.

Eventually I got the "you shouldn't smoke inside, it's against the law" lecture from one of the firefighters and when I told him I didn't realize it was an issue in a private room where I'm not actually smoking, he went off on me. He told me that regardless of what it is, any type of "smoking" is against the law and that I should have just told someone I was smoking and it would have saved everyone from a headache. He just could not comprehend why I was confused as to why the alarm went off when there was no smoke present. He got my name, phone number, and date of birth from me right before he left, not sure what that was about. The hotel attendant was much more understanding, to whom I apologized profusely for the chaos I caused. She said it's not the first time it has happened and that she is going to talk to the building manager about some new signs addressing the issue of vaping in the rooms.

After doing some research on my own, I found a few things to be true.

1. Smoke alarms arent necessarily built to only detect smoke. Some can be set off by steam, dust, or any type of aerosol.
2. Dane County, WI just recently (Jan 2015) enacted a ban on vaping indoors and that apparently applies to private hotel rooms as well.
3. Public fire alarms are really fracking loud!!!

Be sure to do a bit of research on local vape laws when you travel, it could save you some trouble and legal issues. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt, it was an honest mistake and had I known, I wouldn't have vaped inside in the first place.

Just thought I would share my story so others may learn from my stupid mistake. Save yourself the embarrassment and look up the laws, ask an employee about rules involving vaping, and for the love of God and all that is holy, don't vape near a smoke detector.  

What Kind Of Battery Should I Use?

So I'm trying to get my mom into vaping in order to help her cut back on her smoking, since my fiance hates having her smelling like smoke when she comes to visit our baby girl, as the smell transfers to our daughter after my mom holds her. So, I've had her try my gear: my XPro M80 Plus, my Vision Spinner II, and my Ego batteries, explained some of the differences to her like battery life, power regulation, safety, etc. Anyway, I went ahead and ordered her a Smowell DVP 50 to try out, and I'm going to be getting her a Nautilus, either the full-size or the mini, depending on which one she prefers. My question is, what kind of battery should I get for her to put in it? I know she's not going to be sub-ohming anytime soon, so I was thinking something with a high mAh rating would be good, like a Panasonic NCR18650PF, Samsung 25R, or LG HE2/4. Would one of those be acceptable?  

How Do I Get The Urge For A Smoke To Go Away.....

It’s been a day and half with out cigarettes, and I have quit multiple times before using sub ohm setups and a salt nic device. I have multiple of both. This time though... all I can think about is having one cigarette... how do I get this urge to go away? To not want to have one.. I’ve been vaping my a** off but i’m starting to smell them and they smell like s*** I’ll say that. Everyone around me smokes so it’s just kind of hard to this time I guess... my whole family smokes, my parents, my friends , I have a couple that vape but I don’t see them that much. Idk, just wanted to see what made it easy for everyone to finally quit. Thanks!  

Smelling Smoke After Years Of Vaping (follow Up From 2016 Post)

I posted this in 2016 in this thread: Starting to smell smoke after years of vaping?

Some of the replies freaked me out and the phantom smoke smell went away eventually though I don't know exactly how. I received some questions from other people so I thought I should follow up on what happened in my situation.

About three years ago I ended up going to the doctor because I couldn't sleep and was referred to a sleep specialist and found out I had sleep apnea. I had a week on their sleep monitor and was told I stopped breathing hundreds (or thousands? can't remember, but a lot!) of times a night and could suffocate and die at any time. Then they wanted me to buy a cpap machine and be hooked up to this thing for the rest of my life, like a pod in The Matrix, and pay for all these supplies regularly. After a week on the cpap machine I was almost suffocated by the machine multiple times and I woke up gasping for air, either because I knocked the mask loose in my sleep or because they said they had to adjust settings over the internet.

I knew the cpap wasn't going to work for me so I took it all back and never went back to the doctor (I was "only" out the $1000 or so for all the testing and what not). From reading about sleep apnea and my own logic, it made sense if I was overweight that my nasal passages and throat could be enlarged also and could be causing my breathing problems. I totally changed my diet and never ate fast food or processed food again and had to cut back to 1500-1700 calories a day to lose about 2-6 lbs of weight a week. I lost almost half of my body weight over the course of 1.5 years and my sleep apnea went away. Over that period I also switched up my vaping hardware and juice so I don't know when the phantom smoke smell disappeared, but it did, and luckily I didn't have brain cancer or anything else some people suggested.

I know weight isn't the only thing that causes sleep apnea, but in my case it did. Now I actually get REM sleep and when I get to bed on time, I'm fully rested. From what the doctors told me, before all this I was being woken constantly trying to breath. I was tired 24 hours a day no matter how much "sleep" I got and would fall asleep just sitting down for a few minutes anywhere. Sometimes I had to pull off the road for a 10 minute nap or risk falling asleep while driving. Driving long distances was misery. Now when I think back I can only describe those years as a walking dream. That's what it felt like being deprived of sleep for years.

It's hard to believe that obstructed breathing wouldn't have contributed to the sense of smell, but it was either that or just switching up my vaping. I believe the weight had something to do with it.  

Vaping In A Hotel Room?

I haven't traveled since I started vaping so I really haven't thought about this. I'm on a business trip and staying at a fairly nice hotel. I've been running outside to vape and was thinking that I could possibly vape in my room.

Now I've never tested it but will the vapor set off the smoke alarm? I'm thinking that some smoke alarms are looking for a particulate amount which vapor would be just that. I really don't want to test that anyway since it wouldn't be a good thing as I am here for the next two weeks.

I tried vaping under the sheets but the clouds just don't seem to want to be contained. I'm thinking that the bathroom seems to be ok since they get steamy during a shower.

Anyone have experience with vape clouds and smoke alarms?  

Just Set Off The Smoke Alarms In The House With My Sigelei

So last night my GF was saying I was going to set off the smoke alarms because I was blowing some huge clouds and I told her that it doesn't work like that because I read it on the interwebz.

Lo and behold I'm rocking some clouds laying in bed with her tonight and she is telling me to stop and I say, "but babe. the internetz, remember???"

2 seconds later the entire house is filled with that dreadful ear shattering beeping and everyone is getting out of bed (it was 11 PM) yelling and there was a big commotion with everyone freaking out and I'm in here opening windows and fanning the air with pillows so no one would know it was because of me vaping because I would constantly get crap about vaping inside for the rest of eternity.

So yea.. all you vapers out there.. don't fish bowl your rooms with vape. Guess we aren't immune to smoke detectors.  

Done With Tobacco For Sure!

Today I decided to smoke just out of curiousity, (haven't touched a ciggy since the end of march) I thought it sounded like a good idea. Went in the bathroom and stood under the exhaust fan (in the shower lol) and lit one up. Blegh! Took about 3 puffs and threw it in the toilet. Never again. Tasted horrid, no nicotine buzz, and even after showering snd changing clothes I swear I could still smell it. I quickly took a hit from my Istick 30/Subtank nano, and still tasted like crap. Brushed my teeth and could still taste nasty smoke all day long. I don't know for sure if I'll continue to vape long term, but will definitely never smoke again, even the few I smoked before (a few a week). I don't know how smokers that haven't yet discovered vaping do it.  

E Cig Battery Question?

I have an orbit cannon vape pen. I believe it's 510 style.

I bought it 5 months ago. I just got around to using it. You press the button 5 times, and it turns on, press it 5 more times and it shuts off. The light also indicates the battery voltage. It turns white when fully charged, and then blue, and then red when it's almost dead. There is also a light on the charger that is red while it's charging and then it's supposed to turn green when it's done charging.

Well, the e cig battery light stays white for a short while, and then turns blue. It used to stay white longer. It's like after a short bit of usage, it goes blue. The red light on the charger also never turns green no matter how long it stays plugged in.

The e cig stayed in the box, and the battery was depleted. I picked it up a few days ago and put it on the charger to start using it and noticed this.

Does it sound like the battery is messed up? Last night I charged it 3 hours and the red light on the charger never turned green so I unplugged it. The light on the battery was white. Today I went to use it, and the light was blue - I never used it and the e cig itself was turned off.