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Hi, i've been off the scene for the last year since i quit while on squonk mod.

Recently i'm looking at revisiting vaping only to find out that squonk mods are no longer easy to find.

Could anyone help to enlighten me on what latest trend and technology with similar convenience of refillable tank, rechargable batteries and self rewiring atomizers out there replacing the last one i was happy to use?  

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Please limit yourself, if you can, to one or two of each. These are supposed to be your Favorite Set-Up.
Pictures are welcome !

For me personally, it's the REOS Grand with the RM2 Rebuildable Atomizer. My nail beaters have over six years and 500,000 miles in the dashboard of tractor trailers, and are still preforming well.

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Battery Revival


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Let me know! Thank you!

Vape Happy,
Cullin Kin  

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