Vapecrawler Down For Anyone Else? Dec18 9pm Est

Getting "521" error.

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Vapecrawler Search Engine.

Yesterday, I heard the guy who started this search engine where you enter a product, and right away, you get a list of vendors and prices.

Pretty cool.


"short Circuit."

So I just got my Geekvape Zeus. When I try to use it I get a "short circuit" error. Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it? I tried screwing it in tighter and looser and nothing works.  

File Size > Flash Size Error

Hello, currently having trouble updating "Cold Steel 100." It seems the chip is not able to update as I keep getting error "file size > flash size" even though I have tried multiple cables, with multiple operating systems, and multiple computers. It seems only a handful of people have ever even had this problem. Do you guys have a solution to this problem?  

Quick Terminology Question

Would using the term/s "ripe", "ripen" and "ripened" be a more colourful way to describe the curing process of D.I.Y e liquids ?.  

It's Called "social Engineering"

I'm not proud of this, but I broke down and had a cig this morning (been months since I quit, but still "slip" once in a while)
The next door neighbor came by (she knows I vape) and there I am smoking. She said " just don't vape... it's very dangerous!" It almost killed me... and she didn't seen concerned at all that I was smoking (I think her husband used to smoke and had heart issues... he passed away) I made one of my "bad jokes"... said "it will drive you to smoking again" She didn't even get it. It's called "social engineering" and is very powerful (at least to the "sheeple") We have all discussed this. Your average person doesn't read or listen to the whole story, just knows "vaping is dangerous!" I give up... just can't get through to some people  

Why Do Reviewers Say "let's Take It Back Up Top..."?

Just curious... must be some kind of tradition. Vape reviewers always say "let's take it down and do a build" then "let's take it up top and vape it" Do they all actually have a basement or is this a throwback to the "old days"?  

Have I Lost My Mind? Or Did I Just Miss This?

During the "panic buying" time, I ordered a ton of Cotton Bacon Prime.

Before that, I had ordered 2 packages. Both were authentic and said "Wick n Vape" on the package.

This new order has been authenticated. But the individual packages now says "WNV" instead of "Wick n Vape.

Is it possible "Wick n Vape" changed their name to reflect the changing times?

Hmmm ......... interesting.  

"long Time" Since Ive Ben Here. Hopefully This Thread Even Posts...

Had issues with members and moderators years ago for idr what problems. "Banned" from creating a thread and replying to 2/3 I was active in...

Im currious way years later.... how many own and use the "new" billet box rv4 clone(s)? Also the bridges, and what is your "favorite" configuration of bridges plus build?...

I have both sxk clones, 60dna and 70w sku chipset. As far as bridges, the exocet is the only thing to seem worth while... even after all the new bridges afterwards...

Edit: just seen there is no longer a link to the ECF chat.....
maybe thats why it's dead without rbot.  

Special Day For A Very Special "classy" Person . . .



" @classwife "

Demeber 22, 2020


NOW - Remember to Blow Out The Candles . . .


Well - Really There Is Only 1 Important "Candle" Left . . .

SO I DID . . .

Just Sayin' . . . ​

OH BTW: Did I Say . . .


Where Can I Find The Actual "mod" Part For A Vamo W/out Battery?

I have been having an issue where when I screw in any kind of tank, my vamo 4 reads "SHORT" and "LOW LOAD." I have made really nice coils to no avail. Someone at a store told me to just turn up the voltage - worked for a bit but then didn't.

Someone on here, when I posted about it, said to get something to wiggle the pin out a mm or two because it has been "crushed" with the insulator. Did that. Worked for a bit, back to SHORT and LOW LOAD.

SO, I need to buy a new one. I have a few different pv's, but this is a favorite because of its variable voltage. Is there a place (online) where I can buy just the piece I need? Attached is a pic of the faulty hardware...