2019 Thankful For

2019 Thankful For: My Wife (Georgia Girl), Boys, Dogs, Atlanta Utd, Falcons, Braves, QPR FC my Soccer Team, they need all the help I can conjure up for them. Friends, including everyone here, I never realized there were so many good people standing together, I've learnt so much this year from you, all I can say is you are Truly Awesome.

Peace and Happiness to you all. Thoughts and Prayers to those going through issues, whatever the may be.

May 2020 be a less stressful year for everyone.  

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the Vapers out there.

May 2020 be a less stressful year and may Politicians have more sense and look at real science. May they stop pandering to people and organizations just for the money. I know, I know, that is a big ask but if you don't ask, you don't get.

Keep Calm and Vape On!


Rest In Peace > 'kayfun Lite-plus V2'

To all the mouth to lung (Tootle Puffers) here ... There was a time when the famous "Kayfun Lite-Plus V2" was the gold standard when it came to single coil / higher ohm / low amp Tootle Puffing.

Now that this atomizer (to include all the Chinese clones of it) are so very hard to come by (to include spare parts), has anyone here replaced there old Kayfun Lites with the new "Kayfun Lite 2019" atomizer ?

I just ordered a couple of Chinese clones of the Kayfun Lite 2019 so I can make the big changeover.

Good bye to the sweet Kayfun Lite-Plus V2
Almost 6 years vaping on this
Rest in Peace ....



I am thankful this Thanksgiving for:

@GeorgiaGirl other Family & Friends (including everyone in here)
All of our Service Personnel (Dogs incl), keeping us safe
American Vaping Association
Vapor Technology Association
Vaping Legion
United Vapers Alliance
All the Local Vape Shops Owners and Staff
All the Online Stores
All the Big Companies like Smok, Vaparesso, VooPoo etc
All the reviewers out there in You Tube Land, Reddit, Vaping 360 and in here
All the Advocates out there, I know it's been a strain on you. Particular mention to the Advocates on Twitter, such as Matt Culley, GrimmGreen, Wendy Vapes, Jennifer Winstead, Amelia Howard, Paul Blair, Alex Clark, Greg Conley, Southern Vape Advocate, Red_phoenyx, Vaping IT, Jim McDonald, Dimitris, Phil B, Addy Tuney, Brent Stafford etc.

Happy Holidays To You All - Vape On!  

Positive Pro-vaping News Stories

I've seen a few awesome article links posted that show the truth to this THC/VIT E Outbreak. Please post them here if you have them.

We all need as much positivity as possible while all this mudslinging bollocks is going on

@Katya You are up - post your lil butt off

The emotional and irrational hysteria in the US about the “vaping-related” (or cannabis-related?) lung disease that goes far beyond confirmation bias - Thursday, 05 September 2019
By Dr Farsalinos

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco and Alcohol News Analysis and Commentary - Thursday, September 05, 2019
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The US and UK see vaping very differently. Here's why
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Old Vapor, New Sneezing Attacks - Forced Back To Ash Tray!

Last week on a road trip with my motorcycle club, I had to go back to the “ash tray”. It’s to dangerous on the road, on “two wheels” with these constant sneezing attacks. I bummed cigarettes, then bought cigarettes. There’s thousands of road miles planned this summer, I’m leaving again next weekend. I love to ride, hate cigarettes, the taste, smell and cost but vaping will surely kill me!

There isn’t much of anything here or on the WWW about my issue with sneezing attacks. Not just a little sneeze but 4, 5 6 or more with an irritable urge, watery eyes and nose. When I put down my vape for an hour, it goes away, when I hit it, it starts back. Allergy medicine doesn’t stop it and makes me drowsy. This just started about 3 weeks ago, it’s like I’m suddenly allergic to...?

I’ve been vaping since 2013 when my lovely 77 yr old Aunt shared her vape. I had tried everything on the market including prescription drugs and hypnosis to put down my 20 year pack a day stink habit. For 5+ years I’ve been using an RTA and DIY juice. I’ve been using the same DIY products from Nicotine River (fresh frozen) since Dec 2019 as well as same flavors, TFA, LorAnn, Capella and same recipes. using a VG 70/30 @ 8+ Nic.
For 4+ years with zero issues I used the Lemo 2. Yes an oldie, but ya no how it is when you find a good combination. Until last year, I could get all the rebuildable supplies at Fastech. Since 2020 I’ve been buying and using different RTA’s, RDA’s Squonks, mesh coils, etc. searching for a “new love”.
My tanks are Profile Unity, Zeus Dual RTA, Creed RTA, Drop, Brunhilde and Dead Rabbit. JIC it was the new packaged supplied wicks & coils, I went back to my old wicking material which didn’t help. Tried 100% VG with VG Nic Salts, no change. I’m at a dead end, totally out of ideas, I give up, still hate cigarettes but...

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!  

10th And 11th Vaping Deaths

First vaping deaths in Florida and Georgia bring nationwide total to 11 - CNN Death toll climbs from vaping illnesses as Florida, Georgia report new fatalities First death linked to mysterious vaping illness confirmed in Georgia The state agency said the patient was a man over the age of 35 who did not live in metro Atlanta. He had a history of heavy nicotine vaping, but no history of vaping THC​

Appearance Can Be Deceiving

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September 20, 2019, Fda Issues Proposed Rule For Premarket Tobacco Product Applications

I presume this is what Trump promised would be coming soon:
September 20, 2019
FDA issues proposed rule for premarket tobacco product applications as part of commitment to continuing strong oversight of e-cigarettes and other tobacco products  

No One Mentions This ~ Plz Read

This is extremely annoying & frustrating:

After around a DECADE of eCigs & vaping with no issues, for the very FIRST TIME ~ and ONLY in the PAST FEW WEEKS of 2019 ~ have issues EVER been reported (in the media).

WHY are they NOT reporting that some people are doing things incorrectly, inappropriately, and sometimes including THC, or other substances in tanks, etc?? There's also the issue of COUNTERFEIT products being sold in the market.

"They" refers to the media & news, major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and channels in Canada.

"They" are supposed to be investigative journalists who conduct research, not just blow ignorant & uneducated hot steam. I am extremely disappointed by some I always highly respected, like Sanjay Gupta, all the Cuomo's, and more. How do the latter profit from their disservice?!?

If NO ISSUES were ever reported in OVER TEN YEARS isn't all this SUDDEN, IMPRECISE, & INACCURATE hype, camouflaged as "reporting", biased and unfair?? Thanks!!

Completely Disgusted By A Vapor Review Video I Just Saw (your Thoughts)

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