Vaping Zero Nic, Plain Vg Before And After Surgery

Hi fam. Have a surgery coming up in 25 days and I typically vape 3 mg flavored juice. In preparation for the surgery, at the advice of my surgeon and from doing online research, I understand I need to stop inhaling nicotine now. Nicotine in any form messes with the healing process, and I don't want to compromise the process in any way.

I think I can give up the nic (and the flavoring as well), especially since my usual nic level is so low, but I am missing the inhale-exhale piece.

Anyone have any experience vaping plain VG with zero nic prior to, and post-surgery? Is there any danger in inhaling pure VG with respect to surgical outcomes and healing?  

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E-cig And Surgery?

I'll have a surgery in a few months and the surgeon told me no smoking before (at least 1 month) and after or he won't do it.

Do you think vaping applies to this? I think it's for the recovery and the risk during the surgery.  

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Long story short:
21st Jan 2018
Completely smashed up my ankle - needed two plates inserted, along with 15 screws. I was a smoker at that time

In the ER, they told me I'd need major surgery, that I no longer smoked, and slapped a patch on my arm

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I havent vaped nicotine in 2 weeks and originally vaped 30mg nic salts, but im losing my mind and im about to cave.

Do you guys think if i just vaped 1 day, that it wouldnt slow down my healing process?

So basically 2 weeks no nic, then 1 day vape nic, then 2 weeks off again?  

Philadelphia Vaping Scene

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The vast majority of the "shops" listed by google are smoke shops that sell tobacco, CBD, sometimes marijuana paraphernalia, and a modest selection of vaping stuff. Most of that is pods and e-liquid. There are a few dedicated to vaping, but again, pods reign supreme. The clerks shrug their shoulders and say, "that's what people want to buy." Two shops had a couple RDAs and RTAs, one had a couple mechanical mods on a dusty shelf, but the clerk knew nothing about them. I tried to tell him about constant contact switches, but all I got was a blank expression on his face. This store was the only one I found that actually had cotton and wire, although he had to go into the back room to bring out an old box of disorganized wire spools, some of which were unspooled. It was all plain wire too. One shop had a small number of premade coils.

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Over all, it's a pretty sad state of affairs. The used record shops are good though.  

Perfecting Mte- Mouth To Exhale

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Was Told I Have Copd, And So...

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Eventually I could walk 2 miles at a faster pace, then 3 miles, then 5. It started actually feeling good. I got a fitness tracker that monitored my heart rate and pace, and started power walking at least once a day.

I vaped years before but fell off the wagon, so I decided to start vaping again. It took about 6 months to gradually smoke less and vape more until I was just vaping.

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the beginning of this year I completed a 12 week half marathon training program, and my final run for the program, I ran 13.57 miles.

I just turned 62 this month, have lost about 60 lbs., went from a size 40 to a size 32 pants, and have not smoked a cigarette in going on 3 years now.

My last stress test they told me that my heart had actually healed itself from the heart attack, and that it was strong and healthy now. I also had one of those tests where you blow into the plastic tube to see how strong your lungs are, and when I blew into it, the person said... "wow... you got some healthy lungs".

Also, my resting heart rate went from the high 80's to the mid 50's over the last 5 years. This means my heart is getting stronger because it can pump more blood per beat, and does not have to beat as many times per minute to pump the same amount of blood.

Like I said... this is not just a vaping story, but I think vaping has helped along the way.  

What's The Reasoning For Vaping 0mg Nic Juice? ... I Don't Get It

I was in a bar / restaurant a couple of days ago and noticed another person vaping (guy looked to be in his late 60s). The guy was using what looked like a non-adjustable EGO style stick battery with what looked like an 'old-school' Kanger T3 clearomizer on top.

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That was basically the end of our conversation.

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After The Doctor / Dentist..

Hate tooth extraction.
Have to work around vaping for the next several days. Thinking about 50% 100mg Nicotine in VG, 25% PG, 20% plain VG, and maybe 5% of a mint flavor. Not for vaping, but to apply a drop it two directly onto the tip of tongue to avoid nicotine withdrawal.
Any ideas ?  

Help Still Have Cotinine In Urine 4 Weeks

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As I Stumble Through The Vaping Experience

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Being seriously addicted to nicotine I asked my vaping daughter to get me started. She came up with some pencil batteries and a Kanger Protank Mini II. I replaced it many times during the last 3+ years with the same tank only "upgrading" to Eleaf Istick batteries. I worked my way down to .2% nicotine juice. I drilled out the air holes in the Protank to get more air flow. Battery life was minimal and refills on juice were frequent, vape clouds were small. I only went to 1 or 2 vape shops through the years not knowing what questions to ask for help with equipment, I just continued with the same set up. The neighbors daughter had an outfit that produced billows of vapor and a dandy looking outfit to do it with. I asked her what the brand was.... she didn't know and there was no writing on the unit.
I've came here looking for help but not knowing what questions to ask. I just looked.
The other day I was reading the GeekVape board and found someone asking for recommendations for an outfit. Most of the posters suggested an Aegis Cerberus 100W unit. I decided to order one. I have some 18650 batteries laying around. It came yesterday. I fired it up, made some adjustments and WOW what a hit. Seems to be a dandy outfit, sturdy and well made........ I ordered another one last night.

BTW I visit and Oncologist regularly and so far I'm cancer free.