Vaping Companies Want To Be Taken Seriously When They Don't Take Themselves Seriously

My Smok Nord broke last night. I googled the problem and got an endless number of hits from people that have had the same problem. Lots of Youtube videos explaining how to fix the problem. Apparently, it has something to do with the three metal prongs attached to the battery getting pushed in and no longer making contact with the pod. Some guy tore the thing apart to show how cheaply made the springs are that are underneath the little metal prongs.

I spent 40 dollars at a vape shop for my Nord for an electronic device that was made on the cheap for a few pennies. The Nord has been around for awhile, as has this problem with the prongs. Does Nord know about it? Of course they do. Have they fixed the problem with better parts or a redesign? Of course not. What do you think, they are a legit company like Apple or Samsung? They don't care about ripping people off. Some Chinese "engineer" probably sketched out the idea for the Nord while on the toilet. Then he figured out what parts would be needed to put it together as cheaply as possible. The factory probably started producing them the same day and them sold them to marks like me who want to quit smoking.

If I bought something defective at Walmart or Target and brought in the product with the receipt, I would get my money back. How about in the vape world? Not a chance. You've got to deal with the company yourself and they will jerk you around until you give up and forget it. If you are very lucky, they will send you a replacement device after the vape store owner asks the company to do them a favor. Three months and tons of phone calls later, you might get a replacement device. But most people either give up or don't try to begin with. There's always plenty of new marks trying to quit smoking.

The guys at the vape shop told me how great this device is. They must be aware of the garbage they are hawking to people. Or maybe they don't know. People who work at vape shops are not the brightest people. And it's not just the Nord. It's every gd vape I've ever bought. One vape blew up while charging and burned a hole in my carpet which cost me 500 dollars to repair. I wrote about it on here and no one on here believed me and said I was trolling until I showed photos of the blown up device and my charred carpet. I heard, oh yeah, you shouldn't have charged it through a laptop. How the hell was I supposed to know that and why wasn't a safety feature installed to turn it off? Because that would have been too expensive to put in.

Let me ask you this. Why are all the instruction booklets that come up with the vape devices written in bizarre broken English, obviously written by a Chinese person? Because they were too cheap to hire a translator, they didn't think of it or they thought their English was better than it was. If you purchased an Apple laptop and the instructions were written in broken English, it would be incomprehensible. But not in the vape world! That's just normal. The reason they didn't get someone to check most likely is because they thought their English was good enough. That sums up vape devices: good enough. Those Chinese ......s could have found a native English speaker on the street and offered to buy him lunch if he agreed to spend 10 minutes proofreading their bad English.

If vape shop workers had any shame, they would quit, and if the owners had any shame, they would shut down their shops. They are all complicit in this and so are most of you.  

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Vape Device Number 21 Not Working.

One of you guys suggested the Voopoo drag x when I discussed my 20th vape device no longer charging through the USB mini. It was a Geekvape which they claim are indestructible. Of course they don't mention how the USB port is a cheap piece of garbage that will eventually fail even when treated delicately. I received the Voopoo drag x in the mail a couple days ago. I didn't realize it doesn't come with a battery so I picked up an IR18650-25R 20A 3.7V battery at a local vape shop. It was working beautifully for about a half hour and then it would just turn off. Even if I pushed the buttons or clicked five times, it wouldn't power up unless I took out the battery, put it back in and then clicked five times. Then I would get a few puffs and it would turn off again. Then today, I started receiving a message that said "atomizer short". I kept getting this message over and over even if I took out the coil and put it back in. Occasionally, it would start working again, but between the device powering off and the atomizer short problem, it's more or less unusable. It was only about $60 in total so no biggie. So now I'm shopping around for my 22nd vape device. Does anyone have any suggestions?  

Cheap Vape Question

So, I recently came across this cheap vape mod in aliexpress and thought i'd give it a try to see if i would enjoy vaping,and later on upgrade to a better one.
This mod is a 2200mah,3.0ml tank ,Wattages are 40-80-100w and i can only cycle through them. The coils that it comes with are 0.5ohm,does that mean i will only be able to vape at 40watts?
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This is the device  

Beware, Not All Vape Stores Are Created Equal.

There are so many vape shops in my immediate area now that I can't even keep track of them all.

Even though I still qualify as a newbie vaper, since I've only been vaping for a few months, I now know enough about vaping to know a terrible vape store when I see one.

I was in a vape shop some weeks ago, and what I witnessed shocked me.

This vape store sold the typical premium juices and brands that you'll find everywhere and they also sold some hardware, like clones and mods.

They also had their own brand of cheap, in house juice which they sold and which they would also give out to customers as part of their rewards system, where customers who earn enough points will get a small, free bottle of juice.

While I was in the store looking around, another customer was there and they were getting a free bottle of that in house juice, and they were sampling different flavors, to see which one they wanted.

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I don't need to be an advanced vaper to know that this is not good at all, and I am shocked that somebody with such bad knowledge would even dare to open their own vape store. Needless to say, a vape store like that probably won't stay in business for long, when there are so many other better options around, with more knowledgeable people working in them.  

Smoking Cessation Device?????

I recently purchased an authentic Billet Box that I luv, luv, luv.

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I had no problem at all receiving my Billet Box, surely because it said 'Billet Box' on the customs forms. I don't understand why a Chinese company would even think to list their products that way. They can't possibly know if people plan to quit smoking with them. Yes many do, but there are lots who don't also.

Hopefully he'll get it eventually but what a hassle, for nothing.  

It's Called "social Engineering"

I'm not proud of this, but I broke down and had a cig this morning (been months since I quit, but still "slip" once in a while)
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The Invisible Vaping Community

With so many debates about public vaping raging here, I started to wonder how many people around us are stealthy vapers?

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People that vape with a stealthy setup indoors - around the corner, in the rest room.
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People that use small devices with less vapor.

It was common to see posts here about people never having seen another vaper out and about only a short time ago. Now that vaping is much more mainstream and available, I wonder how many people around us are stealth vapers, getting their nic fix right under our noses? Thousands of ego and evod setups are being sold every day, yet very rarely do I see another vaper, unless I'm in a vape shop.

My guess is that stealthy vapers make up more than 75% of all vapers. They just go unnoticed. They might be standing right next to you.

The Invisible Majority?  

I Think I Did A Good Thing.

So, I was traveling for work today, and I had to stop at a gas station to grab a drink and use the restroom. As I was checking out, I overheard one of the other customers asking the clerk if he had any vapes. The clerk told the customer they only had the Vuze e-cigs. The customer was bummed out because he had forgotten his setup on the counter of a vape shop in Sacramento, which he was sure was gone by now, saying "Those things aren't cheap," and I told them I know all about it, lol. He was waiting for some food he ordered to be ready, so I went ahead and made my purchases and went outside to take a vape break. When he came out, he lit up a cigarette, having succumb to the urge and the not having a vape. We got to talking, and he told me that he was a veteran, having been discharged after his Humvee was blown up by an IED, leaving him with a TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury. He has a hard time remembering things, and that was part of the reason he left his vape behind. He told me he was using a mechanical (I deduced that after he told me it was a metal tube with a button on the bottom) with a cheap clearo that had a very tight draw. He didn't really know much about vaping, he just knew that it had help him go a month without smoking. I showed him my setup - a Smok Xpro M80 Plus with an Artic tank using the .2 ohm coil, filled with Vape Wild's King Cake at 65/35 VG/PG 3mg nic - and he was pretty impressed. I let him try it out, and he was just blown away by it. He really enjoyed how well it hit, how much he could taste it, and how much vapor it produced, saying he could really feel the nicotine, even at 3mg. He told me a guy at the vape shop he goes to gave him a box mod, and he showed it to me, a simple unregulated box mod - an 18650 Hammond box with a missing back, no MOSFET, no nothing. I told him he should get a couple batteries and find a back to go on his box, even told him I would be on the lookout for one. I also gave him one of my drippers, a TOBH Atty clone, and told him about coil building, and how drippers work. I also gave him a couple bottles of Vape Wild's Dragon Juice 3mg, 65/35. The last nice thing I did was to tell him about this place, telling him that everyone here is more than happy to help answer any questions he might have, and to give him some advice. Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys a little about my moment of Vape It Forward tonight. Hopefully he ends up showing up here someday. Support the troops, guys and girls, they need it.  

Quit Vaping For 2 Month, Made A Less Happier Person

I "successfully" quit vaping for 2 month. It actually wasn't that bad, I was able to fill the void with music/gum/walks. Right now I have 0 physical temptation to vape.

But there has been many stressful situations and I feel without the vape it made everything harder. To me, it's not that I had to have it, but it was something enjoyed. And taking it away made life a little less fun. It's like saying you can never eat candy or drink coffee again.

The only reason I quit was for the health benefits. I heard vaping can cause COPD but then I also hear it's a lot less harmful than smoking. But here's the thing that really demotivates one from quitting vaping:

We are not sure how harmful is it (if at all)

There are many other things bad for us in life, like air pollution, asbestos, etc. Is it worth giving up something that you enjoy for a marginal health benefit? I vape at a low wattage so I don't think I'm getting lots of formaldehydes.
I'm really thinking about going back to vaping. I think I'll vape a few more years and if news comes out by then that vaping is truly really bad, then I'll quit...

I don't know... it's not like we are going to live forever even if we don't vape/smoke/do anything unhealthy...  

Vape Pen Charger Explosion

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Vape pen charger explosion causes thousands of dollars worth of damage to California woman's home
The lady was charging a vape pen and the charger "explodes" causing a nearby paint can to shoot up into the ceiling. The fire dept guy says "those lithium ion batteries..." and so on. Now wait just a minute! Technically, it wasn't a "vape charger" and they showed the vape pen looked fine. Pens don't come with a charger, just a USB cord, so it was just a universal USB charger (like for phones, ect) and the pen battery didn't explode. Also, why did she have a paint can sitting next to it? Did she leave the vape pen on (might not matter)? Was the USB cord damaged (short)? Pens use a LiPo battery not Lithium Ion. I know I'm nitpicking, but all people will really "hear" is vape pen explodes... nobody really thinks things out. Could this have happened anyway while charging a phone or something else? Right after watching this, I see an article in the local paper telling people to stop vaping immediately because of the recent events (and they don't mention ANYTHING about the real cause!) Final thought: there was also a water bottle next to where the charger was... maybe she spilled water on the charger? I'm like Peter Falk in the old TV show Columbo... "but what got me thinking was..." Maybe I overthink things, but at least I do think (and ask questions)  

Nanny Google

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