Winter - 'tis The Season To Be Vaping Old Style???

Winter in Auld Scotia - the weather is dreich and cold, the days are short, the nights are long, Spring is a long way away … and for some reason I always find myself at this time of the year back with a preference for older technology and simpler things such as my Telecaster Guitar ( Leo Fender’s first design back in 1950 and still going strong ) my quartz Rotary watch ( from the 1980s ) and a mech mod with the same tank every day.

Is it just me, is it me age guv or does anyone else find anything similar?

Whatever - happy vaping!  

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Desktop Heater - Winter Vaping

I keep my vaping storage area pretty cool during the winter, like low 60's F. I find getting the PG ratio and wicking just right is a big headache. I've started using a desktop heater to warm up my mod and tank.

I am curious if anyone else has tried this? I find it's been a tremendous help, especially if you don't want to use high PG.

One thing I notice though is with RTAs with the tank above the build deck, if you get it too close to the heater, juice pours out the airflow, so you have to be careful with that. I think it has to do with air pressure increasing in the tank as it heats up.  

Older Folks And Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Welcome to the ‘Front Porch’ for Older Folks and Vaping. This thread is a continuation of the original started over 4 years ago by ˇTxtumbleweed’. It grew to over 21,000 posts and the ‘part 2’ continuation thread was begun about a year ago. The ‘part 2’ thread over the next 11 month’s hit 15,000 posts. Part 3 reached its max and now it’s time for part 4.

The original and continuation threads are still around and you can find them he

Original (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping

Older Folks and Vaping

Part 2 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed - Older Folks and Vaping Part 4

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Four

The Porch for Older Folks is dedicated to Txtumbleweed, Randal Fortenbury. He started the ball rolling and helped so many of us when we first started our vaping journey. He offered us encouragement, shared his knowledge and told us great personal stories ranging from riding the rails as a kid, working as a lineman, lumberjack and fishing the cold waters of the Bering Straits.

Randall (Tex) has since passed on and we are honored to continue the Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch in his memory.

The mods have asked us to stay on topic about vaping in this thread. Please adhere to this guideline.

Feel invited to join us in the lounge, on our Back Porch, where we can chat about vaping and any other ‘topic of the day’ that meets your fancy.

original, (closed) - Older People 55 and Up

Older People 55 and Up

Part 2 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Four

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Four[/QUOTE]

Part 5 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Five

Part 6 (Active) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch-Part Six

Please, don’t be fooled by the old folks in the title. The range of vaping experience and gear spans a wide gap. We’ve got folks content with basic setups using carto tanks and we’ve got folks using temp control mods and the latest RDA/RBAs.

So if you’re just starting out or your more experienced this is the place to be for us older folks. You got a question - we’ve got an answer or three. (And we good at spending other people’s money - so be forewarned). So pull up a rocker and make yourself at home.

And - oh, oh, oh - there’s no age limited or checking done here. Most of us can’t see good enough to read your legal id anyway. The only age criteria is that today your a day older than yesterday.

I going to ‘prime the porch’ with a few posts from the early days. It’s fun to look back just a few years and see not only where we where but were the state of vaping was w/ respect to equipment.  

The Old Dog And His Old Dog

Posting a picture of my set up for today got me thinking as it featured my oldest original well used, worn, scratched and faded iStick 30w which has served me so well and has far outlived its projected lifespan.

A lot changed for me back in October 2015 - my grown up daughter and her husband had switched to vaping as they couldn’t smoke even in the grounds at work and had taken to vaping.

They liked it and gave me an e-pipe, tobacco flavoured vape liquids, a couple of 18350 batteries for it and a Nitecore Charger.

I thanked them, said I’d give it a try - with my fingers crossed and the thought in my mind, “Aye that’ll be right, I’ll stick it in the drawer and phone you in a few weeks saying it broke and I’m really sad about it.”

A week later my conscience got the better of me and I tried it on a Friday morning ( the 17th of October ), was amazed that I got through a day on it without a craving, thought I’d try it over the weekend, did, and have never smoked in the four years plus since. Amazing since I had smoked for more than 50 years previous to that.

I took the e-pipe to Spain with me for the Winter and while there bought a couple of the old style Ego batteries and plastic tanks with their trailing glass fiber wicks “just in case.”

The 18350s need constant charging, the juice soon destroyed the threads of the pipe’s plastic tank and the back up devices gurgled badly and so I went down to Fuengirola where there was a big vape shop and asked could they recommend a better tank - they suggested a Nautilus Mini and when I asked about a battery for it ( I didn’t know they were actually called “Mods” then) they gave me an iStick 30w … and the rest is history.

I joined this Forum about five weeks after I switched to vaping. In those days MTL was THE thing, the setup I’d bought was “flavour of the month” along with the GS Air Tank and one by Kanger. I learned a lot on ECF in a very short time, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

I tend to be a bit of a stick in the mud when I find something I like and my motto tends to be “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” I’ve experimented with mechs, squonkers, drippers, and coil building over the years but always come back to my old faithful Nautis and iSticks - simply because for me they work and they work well.

Having found kits that worked, I dropped out of the Forum for a few years until in Spain over the Winter gone I thought my Nautis were failing me or giving up the ghost ( in actual fact as I discovered when I got back to the UK I had had a batch of really really bad coils ) and started reading ECF again and found that the new best thing for MTL was the Zenith, so I gave it a whirl.

I was slow to take to the Zenith I have to admit - while it made my batteries last longer for some reason and was super easy to refill on the go, at first it vaped too dry for me, seemed too airy and the drip tip didn’t initially suit me at all but I persevered with it ( them) and now keep a set of seven for use outdoors or for when travelling or for when I simply feel like a change.

Here’s the Old Soldier!

Anyone else still using old kit?


Spring Into Summer!

I can't be the only newish vaper in these parts.

Temperatures are warming up. Cars are getting hotter. Maybe some of us are cheap on our air conditioning and wear less and sweat more during the summer.

I started vaping in the winter. Who has warm weather tips for the newbies?!?!?!  

Latest Trend

Hi, i've been off the scene for the last year since i quit while on squonk mod.

Recently i'm looking at revisiting vaping only to find out that squonk mods are no longer easy to find.

Could anyone help to enlighten me on what latest trend and technology with similar convenience of refillable tank, rechargable batteries and self rewiring atomizers out there replacing the last one i was happy to use?  

I Really Want To Quit Smoking, Been Vaping Since 2014

i quit smoking for about 3 months back in the carto tank days.

then they stopped making cartomizers. then all my juice vendors went out.

I've been struggling to find a replacement since. I've easily spent too much money on vaping. I"m getting tired of trying.

are these new pods similar to carto tanks?
I'm so lost.

I have lost interest in the clouds. I just want to stop my 30 year long smoking addiction. I miss my carto tanks. they worked for me. I'm frustrated. I'm tired. I'm lost.  

Older Folks And Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

Welcome to the ‘Front Porch’ for Older Folks and Vaping. This thread is a continuation of the original started almost 2 1/2 years ago by ˇTxtumbleweed’. It grew to over 21,000 posts and the ‘part 2’ continuation thread was begun about a year ago. The ‘part 2’ thread over the last 11 month’s hit 15,000 posts, so now it’s time for a ‘part 3’.

The original and 1st continuation threads are still around and you can find them he

Original (now closed):
Older Folks and Vaping

Part 2 (now closed):
Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 2

The Porch for Older Folks is dedicated to Tex. He started the ball rolling and helped so many of us when we first started our vaping journey. He offered us encouragement, shared his knowledge and told us great personal stories ranging from riding the rails as a kid, working as a lineman, lumberjack and fishing the cold waters of the Bering Straits.

Randall (Tex) has since passed on and we are honored to continue the Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch in his memory.

The mods have asked us to stay on topic about vaping in this thread. Please adhere to this guideline.

Feel invited to join us in the lounge where we can chat about vaping and any other ‘topic of the day’ that meets your fancy.

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part 2

Older People 55 and Up (original, now closed)  

Years Later I Finally Find The Closest Vape To A Cigarette.

I've been vaping in subohm territory on bigger (non cigalikes) mods for the past year or so, on 0.3-0.7 coils regularly with VV/VW mods only with a range of 30-40watts. I started looking for mech mods recently and picked some up, then picked me up some VTC4's. After trying to figure out builds and such, I discovered Nichrome 80 (I exclusively used Kanthal A1). Come to find out Nichrome 80 is more malleable, and doesnt last as long as Kanthal, I was deterred but looked more into it. The rampup time on Nichrome seems to be much quicker, and the Nichrome 80 gives less resistance per ft compared to Kanthal A1 (same gauge). Recently I've been vaping 0.17-0.3ohm coils and Its the closest thing to a quick drag form a lit cigarette ive ever vaped.

0.17ohms on a mech w/ sony vtc4

I believe I will be purchasing a sigelei 100w soon, so I wont have to 'build for the mod'. 100W vaping is pretty nice not having to take 3+sec long drags, with 0 rampup time. So yeah, I get why the sigelei mods are popular now. I didnt really bash on em I just never understood them, but now I do . Short, Quick, Drags. Very satisfying.  

I'm Not A Troll

If any of you are from, you will know my story. I have been trying to get back to a time that I had done 42 days off cigarettes with vaping. But that was over 2 years ago. And I would like to get back there. I have been having a hard time at said forum as Each time I state that I will vape, I tend to go back to smoking and My possible reason for doing so is that it is not cutting it for me.

I have had countless support there but they keep stating about using high nic in an mtl tank. I cannot get along with them as I have used the Aspire Nautilus mini and Digiflavour Siren V2. I use rebuildables to save on money.

My go to tank is the Youde Bellus V1. with peach 6mg/ml. I have quite a large collection of do-it-yourself concentrates. And have 3.7L of 72mg Nicotine.

The reason why I have not posted in over 2 years is that I thought ukvapers would be my home for everything. So I also created a forum for myself and others at MVR Forum.

I know you need tough love to get someone to do as you need them to do something, but as I have paranoid schizophrenia, it is hard to break my habit of smoking. I know that I can and should but it is the very first few days that I find the hardest to continue.

All I want to do is to keep posting about my vaping journey and have support by members stating keep it going or you are doing good. I cannot any longer get this from ukvapers as It takes forever to get a reply. And with me having endless threads there I am seen as a troll when I fall of the wagon.

I would like users here to egg me on and that is all I wanted in the first place.  

Back Again

I have been on and off for a few years, mostly off because hubby says the smell of some of my favorite juices is annoying. Well a short stay of me in the hospital changed his mind and he does not seem to mind the vaping as much out of me.

I feel like I looked down for a second and when I looked back up there is all kind of new stuff out there, the aspire esp, eleaf, etc. I switched from the store bought auto to the ego style battery (I always go passthrough) and had gotten up to Kanger t2 and protank for various types of juice. I am a basic person, I might be interested in getting into some of those higher powered mods later (the vapor production looks insane) but I basically want to just throw the tank on a battery and go. I like replacing the atomizers and am not sure I would want to build my own and such. Of the new stuff that has come out since the protank hit (was it a year or so ago?) what would you recommend to a basic vaper? I noticed ALL the ego batteries were out of stock at gotvapes so that got me thinking maybe the ego style battery may be on its way out. I was browsing some other equipment and I was looking at the Kanger IPOW 2 but like I said, I would rather not fiddle and I do want something that is a passthrough as well.

I do realize there is a lot of variability, and the reason the more customization and adjustable stuff has come out is because everyone has different tastes, but I really would like to hear what everyone thinks for getting back into vaping.