Stocked And Ready For Whatever :)

I finally am at that point, happy with my choices, comfortable with my vape supplies, ready for whatever!  

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The Final Count Down -- Are You Ready?

That's the number of months we have left until the new PMTA deadline.

Personally, I've been ready for a bit over three years. This thread is mostly intended for people who realize they aren't ready yet but would like help getting there, who aren't willing or able to wade though 23,000+ posts in the Deeming Regulations thread or 24,000+ in the Stocking Up thread.  

Castle Long And Which Tank..?

Hey folks I have a bottle of Castle Long I have been steeping for a while and am ready to vape it I come to the wisdom of the forum to help me decide what tank to put it in. I have a wide swath of tanks to try ranging from the subtank family, arctic, delta 2, both versions of the atlantis, nautilus...I welcome your thoughts on which would provide the best flavor/vapor production to enjoy this juice?

Peace, and vape ON  

Lemo Drop

Anybody have one yet? ,

I'm ready to upgrade from Protank and EGO bat. Was ready to pull trigger on Kayfun Nano and a Mech. Then I find this. I hear the Lemo is better than the Kayfun, But I don't want a 5ml tank. I want between 2 and 3 ml. I'm not after chasing clouds. I am out to vaporize a little bit of nicotine, instead of smoking a Marlboro. I figure I can get a little bit better Flavor, and a more consistant enjoyable vape, Than a EGO-T1100mah and Mini PT3 tank.  

Getting Ready To Jump Back In

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Nautilus Mini And E-juices? Kanger Expeerinces And Best Kanger Tank? Best Tank?

3 questions that I have at the moment:

I have seen around the site here and around the net, when trying to research on e-liquids, the different variations of e-liquids. There is 50/50, 80/20, max VG, etc. and etc. My question is for users of the Nautilus Mini what liquids can be vaped out of them. My mod is the Eleaf mini. What percentages can be vaped out of them. I am curious because a lot of people when going to the vape store just by juices they think they might like but not getting the right percentage can be frustrating when nothing comes out of the device they just purchased.

Also looking at getting another tank and I am looking at the Kanger series and am wondering which one is the best. (Keep in mind I am not trying to rebuild here.) I am more comfortable just replacing the coils right now.

What is the best tank for non builders? (I know this is going to be a preference thing but I am ready to listen to testimonials on the best tank people have used.)

Thank you and any and all advice is just more knowledge I can put in my bank.  

Breaking In A New Battery

As my 1 year old battery supply started to die I bought 4 LG HG2s for replacement. I thought I had a dud when one of them ran out of gas 2/3 of the way through a 5.5ml tank twice. Then it would not charge completely. I was about ready to pitch it but gave it one last try after it finally took a complete charge. To my surprise it lasted the whole tank with about 1/8 of a bar left. Is this common or a fluke?  

Vaping Non Flavored Juice

Posting here because that's normally where I have. I was at a point where I was going to dive into DIY. I don't vape the sweet stuff but was ready to make the plunge into mixing. But I've seen posts from members here who said they vape unflavored juice so I thought I might give it a shot...thank you sooo much! This is it for me! Sorry but I can't remember who you are however I'm grateful for the info provided. It was as one poster mentioned...a true cig feel..for me also.
I'm gonna hunt for a local vaper who might need some flavors...donated . My flavors aren't extensive as many since I was a tobacco flavored vaper. I must mention as a never before mixer I did order flavors that were probably way outside my preferred tobacco flavors..area code 70726.  

Finally! No More Urges To Buy New Gear!

Finally! I've tried so many sub ohm tanks with a shelf of them to prove it along with box mods and I've found my perfect set up that I'm 100 percent happy with. That urge of "must have more" and "must have the latest and greatest" has finally subsided after 100s of dollars spent. I can finally relax on hardware and focus on enjoying good juices. I still stay up on new tech but I'm finally happy on my go to juice vendor and hardware. Oh what a good feeling!

My goto set up: Atlantis V1 with cotton coils and 5ml upgrade and ipv mini 2 at 32 watts. Any higher then 32 and the vape is too warm to enjoy. To justify this, I personally own the following:

Atlantis V2
Subtank mini using both Occ and rba
Delta I I using both coil and rba
Lemo 2
Arctic tank
Starre tank
Herakles tank
Kay fun v4

Ipv mini 1
Istick 30
Istick 20
M50 with 65w upgrade

My go to juices are all from itcvapes. 20$ for 120ml for the win.

Time to sell off old items or give them to friends to help them quit smoking.

FYI I'm so busy that rebuilding isn't an option for me. It's much Cheaper, and I have a ton of kanthal in different gauges with a big bag of Koh Gen do, but I'd rather pay for convenience of coils.

Wonderful feeling!  

What's The Best Duel 18650 Batteries For 30-45 Watts Of Vaping?

Hi, so I have several different brands of 18650 batteries but I'm getting ready to pick up the new Geekvape Aegis X, I wanted to get some new batteries. I have been reading up on it but I'm so confused, I don't vape very high wattage It's always under 50 watt, 45 usually being the most, so what would be the best batteries for long activity? Any input would really help. Thanks  

Throw Up Feeling

Does anyone else get this weird throw up feeling after a session of vaping when you get up? I do sometimes and i don't know why. Its happened quite a few times now, the last time it happened I went to have a vape before my Karate training (I was ready and everything) then i felt like I was going to throw up and if i move too fast i probably would have.

Any ideas?