Aspire Breeze Auto Firing..

So do any knows if aspire figure out why the device is auto firing on it’s own. If not I been sitting and trying to figure out why? I been reading a lot and seeing people saying it’s a button malfunction, but I been messing with it. I seen that the air draw switch on top of the device goes inside air hole under the tank which controls the draw to auto activate was tilt and had juice around it. So I clean it and I reposition the switch back to the center. Mash it down to see if the auto draw react and it did and now it’s working properly. It could of been just me or aspire just didn’t understand there own device.. ‍♂️  

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Uwell Caliburn Auto Fire Delay And Airflow Problems

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And lastly, which is not a problem, but it is not feeling OK, second Caliburn pod latching thing feels more loose, where on the first, when I push pod into the slot, I can feel and hear distinctive click, on the second, just a very little bump and very shallow click.

Would first, auto fire delay constitute good grounds for warranty replacement? I got it less than a week ago.

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Now, few days ago, I noticed I had to pull harder for the device to activate.

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