E-pipe Afficiando Thread

A place to discuss and/or showoff your epipes ... any and all epipe discussions welcome from a 10 dollar smok epipe clone to hand-crafted specialty items. Where to find them, especially ones that take 18650, what atties you use with them, do you use them all day or just for relaxing?

I used a smok clone with an Eternity RDA at around 1.5 ohms as a nice little unit for puffing on my diy cigar type vapes:

I've finally retired that one and now have a Kamry k1000+ running a berserker RDA clone:

It's an unregulated device with a 1000mah internal battery. It is working surprisingly well --- I was a bit worried it might flood the air-tube and/or leak given the low angle it naturally rests at, but it remains leak/flood free. It's running with a 0.85 ohm coil at the moment and I've been dripping either a diy cigar-ish liquid, or a moderate menthol.

I have a couple nicer 18350 pipes on the way so stay tuned, and please do show and discuss yours.  

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18350 Mech Mod Vs Vision Spinner And Aerotank Upgrades?

Just two questions.

Ive been using a Vision spinner 2 1100Mah for a long while now with a Kanger Aerotank V2 which has been very good and reliable.
I recently got a Kamry E pipe as a gift. The Kamry takes a 18350 battery.

Problem is there isnt a lot of difference in vaping between the two, this is with the same tank with the same coils on both. Is this normal? If anything the pipe loses vape sooner due to battery drain than the Vision Spinner 2. Is there anything i can do to beef up the E Pipe for a better throat hit and more vapour?

Which brings me to question 2.
Is there a good upgrade to the Kanger Aerotank? I want a new tank anyway to replace the stock Kamry one which is top fed and tastes burnt quickly, and i dont want to keep changing out tanks between the Kamry and the Spinner hence i need a good, ego threaded tank for the mech pipe. (Kamry k1000 is 510 threaded but i have a 510 to ego adaptor too)
Thanks in advance  

Pyrex Vivi Nova V1 Tank Leaks Internally

I bought a Pyrex ViVi Nova V1 tank to use on my Kamry K1000 ePipe and it leaks internally causing me to get ejuice into the mouthpiece and my mouth. That along with the intense gurgling sound is at the least annoying. I tried installing a new coil thinking that the leakage was from a bad internal seal but that did not help. There is no external leakage at all by the way. Anyone else ever have this problem or know of a cure?  

How Much Liquid Do You Lose?

The other day someone asked how much liquid people vaped. I think another pertinent question is - how much liquid do you lose through leakage? I am discounting @dannyv45 here - whose signature reads:"OH MY, I just unscrewed the wrong end of my clearo and it spilled all over me." - though that too happens often enough.

I'm more concerned with how much liquid we lose through atties, even drippers, in normal operation. I think the only tanks I own that do not leak at all are the Nautilus, the Aspire K1s and the Kanger Mini Protanks. My Subtank Mini is like a sieve and I have basically retired it. The Kanger Aerotank is also temperamental and also tends to leak through the air flow holes when the mood grabs it. The Kayfun 4 is not bad, which also applies to the Lemo 2, though they are both not absolutely watertight . Even some drippers tend to leak, although the avoidance of just that is what made me get them.

What's your experience?  

Smpl Clone Just Arrived!

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Hi Guys!!! Clone Companies!

Hey guys, new to the forum, new to vaping, second thread. I have a few questions pertaining to mod clone companies, a-mod (wotofo?), infinite, tobeco. Im wanting to get a magma clone, I have a local vape shop and they sell them on sale as of this moment for $15, its made by tobeco though, are they a reputable company, do they make good things? From what I can see everyone seems to say really good things about infinite, but are these others good? They also have a Sir Lancelot copper mech mod for $30 made my a-mod, not tobeco. I wanted to go and pick these items up today, but with a little insight, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

EDIT: Yes I realize Im talking about two specific products here, that being the RDA and a mech mod, but Im really just curious about the quality and whether or not these other clone companies are reputable, so I made the decision to post this thread in 'Gerneral Vaping Discussion'.

Mech Mod - https://kcvapespot.com/product/sir-lancelot-copper-clone/
Magma RDA- https://kcvapespot.com/product/magma-rda/  

Test Your Safety Knowledge!

Due to a recent rash of vapers using mech mods without proper knowledge. here is a simple test for vapers who want to use unregulated devices, if you can confidently answer these questions, you just may be ready to take the plunge to a mech or unregulated box mod. If you cannot answer all of the questions, don't be discouraged, use the test as a base for the knowledge you may need to acquire.

1. Define ohms law using a short paragraph, and show the equation below.

2. Define watts law using a short paragraph, and show the equation below

3. Draw a simple open circuit.

4. Draw a simple closed circuit

5. Find the resistance of a circuit running at 3.9 volts with a 20 amp current

6. Find the voltage of a circuit running at .54 ohms with a 5 amp current.

7. Find the wattage of a 4.1 volt circuit at 2.3 ohms

8. You are wrapping a dual coil set up, while pinching your coil with metal tweezers you accidentally press the fire button,
the leg of the coil you are wrapping fires bright and then disintegrates, why has this happened?

9. Your mechanical mod is getting extremely hot, is making odd noises, and has an odd smell, what is happening
and what is the procedure in this situation?

10. What is the lowest safe resistance of a 4.2v lithium ion battery rated at 20 amps?

11. You have been using a battery for several hours now, and have noticed a sharp decline in vapor production,
why is this happening?

12. You wrap a coil that reads .42 ohms on your multimeter, what important factor should be remembered while using this coil?

13. You are using 2 stacked 18350 lithium ion batteries in your mod, what kind of circuit is this? what changes because of this?
what does not change?  

So I Ran Into An Old Friend Today

So I ran into a good guy I hadn’t seen for a long time who vapes DL. He’d recently busted his main vape and had picked up a SMOK as a quick emergency backup.

I suggested an ageis legend and a Doom atty to him, but he wants light weight, which is a specialty of neither of those devices. He can wrap and wick an RTA, has a lot of kanthal to use up, and wants a tank bigger than 3ml. The more the merrier I suspect. His batteries also suck.

So if it would please the participants, I’m looking for suggestions.

- light weight. Small would be nice to
- reasonably high quality. He doesn’t need ruggedized necessarily but he wants it to last.
- Low cost (he’s willing to work with Chinese no-names and to shop China channel. He likes Ali-express)
- 2x18650, though I suspect a 1x2x700 would also suffice. He vapes DL so a certain amount of power is needed
- No Blinky Lights (this one is absolutely non negotiable)

- DL
- Doesn’t leak (yeah I know. Anything will leak.)
- Capacity over 3ml

I’d personally like to add no paint or gold electroplating over pit metal. He didn’t ask but they suck bad.

Gonna mail him a link to this thread.

Dude is an old ECF member and his account still works!
The person I was asking for is @rigorist

He will have more accurate data than me.  

I Think I Did A Good Thing.

So, I was traveling for work today, and I had to stop at a gas station to grab a drink and use the restroom. As I was checking out, I overheard one of the other customers asking the clerk if he had any vapes. The clerk told the customer they only had the Vuze e-cigs. The customer was bummed out because he had forgotten his setup on the counter of a vape shop in Sacramento, which he was sure was gone by now, saying "Those things aren't cheap," and I told them I know all about it, lol. He was waiting for some food he ordered to be ready, so I went ahead and made my purchases and went outside to take a vape break. When he came out, he lit up a cigarette, having succumb to the urge and the not having a vape. We got to talking, and he told me that he was a veteran, having been discharged after his Humvee was blown up by an IED, leaving him with a TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury. He has a hard time remembering things, and that was part of the reason he left his vape behind. He told me he was using a mechanical (I deduced that after he told me it was a metal tube with a button on the bottom) with a cheap clearo that had a very tight draw. He didn't really know much about vaping, he just knew that it had help him go a month without smoking. I showed him my setup - a Smok Xpro M80 Plus with an Artic tank using the .2 ohm coil, filled with Vape Wild's King Cake at 65/35 VG/PG 3mg nic - and he was pretty impressed. I let him try it out, and he was just blown away by it. He really enjoyed how well it hit, how much he could taste it, and how much vapor it produced, saying he could really feel the nicotine, even at 3mg. He told me a guy at the vape shop he goes to gave him a box mod, and he showed it to me, a simple unregulated box mod - an 18650 Hammond box with a missing back, no MOSFET, no nothing. I told him he should get a couple batteries and find a back to go on his box, even told him I would be on the lookout for one. I also gave him one of my drippers, a TOBH Atty clone, and told him about coil building, and how drippers work. I also gave him a couple bottles of Vape Wild's Dragon Juice 3mg, 65/35. The last nice thing I did was to tell him about this place, telling him that everyone here is more than happy to help answer any questions he might have, and to give him some advice. Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys a little about my moment of Vape It Forward tonight. Hopefully he ends up showing up here someday. Support the troops, guys and girls, they need it.  

Clone Or Lemo?

I recently bought a Squape R clone from Fasttech,its ok but not what i was expecting, so i'm looking now to kinda move up in the RTA world, I can't afford an original svoemesto, erlkonigen or taifun, but is it worth getting a clone of one of these? my clone experience so far hasn't really been amazing, obviously its hard to differentiate between it being the fact its a clone or that, heaven forfend, i just don't like the squape style.

So heres the rub, do i try another clone of one of these other styles as a cheap way of seeing if i prefer another RTA style, or do i just stick the money into an original like the Lemo 2 ?

I'm not certain of what i really want to be honest whether its dual coil i need for the flavour and clouds i'm not getting from my squape r or if its down to the build deck/airflow/chimney/whatever but the hit from the squape only satisfies if i pre-heat it for a second and only take a quick puff then. otherwise its low flavour dry throat hit.  

2nd Build

Okay so not sure if this is the right section or not but its the only relevant place I could find. .

My first build was okay coils turned out fine but the wicking and position of the coils where terrible. So I decided to have another go.

Opinions appreciated.

Using smok xpro m80
Plume veil v1.5 clone
26gauge kanthal
Wrapped around a 2mil precision screwdriver.
8 or 9 wraps can't remember.
And reading at .46 ohms

P.s don't know why the coils look like there glowing purple but I promise their not haha.