There Can Be Only One!

If the vape police came and confiscated all you vape gear what mod and atty would you hide so you could keep vaping? You can only have one setup so what would it be? Mine would be my SQ 217/Reckoning setup. It's not my favorite but it's the one I use the most.  

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Reliable Thick/dark Juice Setup?

Hey, everyone. My gear: MVP, EVOD batteries, Mini PT3, Nautilus (new BVCs) tanks.

I want to be able to vape the dark, creamy, butterscotch, custard, and tobacco flavors that I love so much, but recently my two vape setups just taste terrible no matter what I do. I've grown sick of the sugary, fruity flavors that only seem to work in my setup and so I type this with a lip full of Copenhagen and heart full of regret (I was tobacco free for almost a month). So, what setup can you recommend so that I can get back to vaping those thick, dark juices? I will try RDAs if it is the only reliable way.


Anyone Have A Favorite Device Of All Time?

Mine is easily the kayfun prime. I’ve tried so many different devices but I always come back to that one. Not sure about my favorite mod, I’ll have to think about that one. I’d like to hear from you guys, what’s the absolute best piece of vape gear?  

A Tale Of Two Old Setups...


maybe I was bored. Maybe to much doom and gloom on all the bans of new gear and the shipping of it. I started to think - why not have some fun with some of the stuff I already have?

Cases in point - the two rigs in the picture above. I believe that all the hardware (mods and tanks) are over 5 years old. The setup on the left has a bit of a story about it.

Sitting on my desk is a few old tube mods that I wonder what it would be like to use again. I found a old (I think KFv3) tank laying around, built a very low mass 2ohm coil in it, filled it up and went and tried it out on my old 15W tube mods. Sadly not a one of them liked the KFv3 and would register the 2ohm coil. So what to do? I had a old Evic that surely could be put into power mode. While I was not to surprised that it all works (I've actually refilled the tank a few times and replaced the battery once) the vape is more restrictive than I tend to like and be it the build (or the 10W power mode) I don't really like the flavor of the unflavored juice with this. Another negative is that while it is top fill, there is no juice flow control so the atomizer get flooded each time the tank is refilled. While I could (and have) used it in a pinch, I can get 1-2 tank fills on a single 3000mah battery.

The setup on the right represents some historical firsts for me. Years ago when I first got into rebuilding a Lemo2 was one of three tanks I bought when I started. It was also my first top fill tank. Sitting under it is my first ever Dicodes mod (a #6). This mod is setup in TC mode with 380F temperature setting and 23W.

Be it the better tank or the use of TC mode, the setup on the right provides a good vape. The 26650 has enough mah to easily allow me to vape the tank dry (takes me most of the day) and since years ago I got Dicodes very over priced charger, I just drop the mod in the charger at the end of the day and its ready for more vaping in a few hours.

So, anyone else putting to use or having some fun with +5 year old vaping gear? How do you like it?


Share You're Go-to Everything!

Hi guys!

I'm genuinely curious what all you beautiful ECF members have ultimately figured out to be your general all-around favorite vape configurations that you've figured out. I know we all have different tastes and preferences, I just think it would be cool to see what others have settled on to be their ideal daily vape.

So share that yoda-like wisdom that you've discovered so far! I guess to guide in a general direction I mean you're favorite:
-mods (or battery power)
-coils & wicks
-settings (wattage, temperature, volts, ohms, regulated/unregulated, whatever's pertinent)
-Favorite E-liquid(s)
-Anything else for the setup you go to work with, sleep with, wake up with ETC.

I think we could all learn from each-other by sharing the cream of our crops per se! And if you have pics, post'em if you got'em!!!  

Looking To Get A Good New Setup, Been Out Of Vaping For A Long Time. Please Point Me The Way.

I've been out of vaping since about 2011. I'm looking to get a good setup to start up again, I might be starting a job which requires a nicotine hit now and again to keep me alert. What is going on these days? It looks like the laws have all gone stupid and I hear about people saying they only have tobacco flavors now and other lame stuff I'm hearing. I thought technology would have improved, not regressed. So back before I quit I was considering a custom titanium or otherwise setup with aftermarket batteries.

I'm very familiar with this type of stuff having been a flashlight collector and electronics hobbyist for over twenty years, but I don't understand what is going on out there these days with the laws and all the proprietary systems I see out there nowadays with the proprietary batteries. I have a lot of spare lithium ion batteries setting around, so I'd be happy to use them in custom setups. For reference the last vape setup I had was an Ego-T with the refillable tanks and that had an internal proprietary rechargeable battery. And I used to purchase my vape juice separate from custom online shops like Mom and Pop's Vape Shop. Could someone point me in the right direction so I can get a decent new setup? I'm taking it they don't have flavors like cotton candy or /pineapple-watermelon anymore? I guess that's only reserved for marijuana these days.  

Need Some Advice On A New Setup...

Hello ECF, I need your help once again! I'm going to be taking a mini vacation in July and want to get a new setup for my trip. My current gear-

IPV2S, BCV XXIX, Freakshow Mini, Tobh, Atlantis and a SubTank Mini.

I find myself using the IPVxSubTank Mini combo most often due to convenience, and will be taking that setup on my trip as well as whatever new setup I end up purchasing. Problem being, I want/need bigger juice capacity and longer battery life. Most of all, I need something that wont break the bank.

Was looking into something like the eGrip but not sure if 1500mAh will be enough. Or the Evic VT once it's available (been dying to get a temp control device).

Thoughts? Suggestions? Any input is appreciated!


Triton Mod

Hey everyone. I got my triton today. Going to load up 2 geysers on it, as it is a dual atty, parallel battery mod. My question is this, does this setup draw individual powers from a dedicated battery to the atty atop it, or is the parallel power running both attys, in which case what should I know about building my rdas for this setup? Can I have 2 different resistences, 1 for each rda? I did see this in a video and thought why would anyone do that? Also, does this change the allowable resistence? I'm using 35A batteries (mxjo) so the math suggests .12 as the lowest safest res single battery. (I rarely dip below .3). And no i don't want to start a discussion on whether or not those are actually LG's lol. I'm aware of all that hubub. Thanks!

Sent from a cool but overpriced phone on TapaCrack at yo mama's house.  

My Complete Setup (mod, Rda, And Juice)

Hey everyone, I just wanted to post my setup here, nothing to fancy so just take a quick look and feel free to leave a comment or reply.

To kick things off I've got a Seeker Mech Mod by EHPRO. It's a sleek design, all copper, and easy to press button. Little short and thick for those of us who like our setups to look beefy.

Atty- The Tobh Atty. It is a pain in the butt to take apart from the get go but once you get a bit of juice on all the O rings it comes apart fairly easy. Good deck to build on all pre-drilled holes on the three posts 1(+) and 2(-) (Obviously). Deep basin to hold plenty of juice for our drip and drivers safety. My current build is a dual single coil coming in at 0.28 ohms. Using a regular cotton wick.

Juice- "Bliss" made by The Artisan Vapor 100%VG This juice is an explosive flavor of fruits, and for being 100%VG it has a heavy flavor. 39ml bottle runs at 20$ not to bad for a good juice. When I drip with a full basin it lasts roughly an hour, and I heavily use my vape.

Battery- This thing is one of the best right now but I'm still limited on what builds I can do. My 0.28 is safe, however my 0.22 is unsafe (Go figure) ANYWAYS! (Specs) MNKE IMR-26650 3.7(low) 4.2(High) 3500mAh.

So I think that's all. Thanks for reading guess, and questions or comments just drop it down below. Goodbye and VAPE ON!

Setup Recommendations For High Vg Mtl?

A bit of a background, I started vaping with a disposable and eventually switched to a pod mod with the Frenzy. I liked it a lot but eventually switched to the Vapefly Jester after finding out that it has a rebuildable deck. The Jester kinda set the standard for me when it comes to how I want to vape but my only gripe with it is that the battery doesn't last and it's very hard to fine tune when it comes to the flavors that I vape. I also wanted to buy something that's more modular so I could replace the bits and pieces without having to re-purchase the whole setup should it die.

Fast forward to now and I decided to buy a Geekvape Lucid kit. It's really cheap where I live and offers a wider variety of atomizers in terms of size because it has support for 24mm diameter as opposed to the Eleaf iStick Pico 75W's 22mm. These are dated mods I know but the pool for mods and atomizers in my country aren't really as vast, albeit they can be a lot cheaper. Anyways, I decided to pair it with the Ammit MTL RDA and so far I'm liking it. The draw is perfect and the flavor is about as good if not a hair worse than my Jester. My current build on it is a 0.6 ohm Kanthal 26ga and I vape it at 20W. I vape 0mg freebase liquid with the ratio usually being 70/30 or 80/20 VG/PG depending on the flavor.

What I'm looking for is a setup that can pretty much accommodate higher VG liquids that can improve on the setup I have now while still maintaining that tight MTL draw. Typical mtl setups that I find are more geared towards higher PG ratios whereas the sub-ohm options typically have looser airflow and really wide drip-tips which I don't like.  

Innokin Mvp 2.0 Drip Setup?

I bought the MVP 2.0 Starter kit from Mt. Baker. I like the tank it comes with, but I feel like using a drip fits me better. I started with a eGo like everyone else and recently moved to this Box mod when I saw it for so cheap on baker.

I want a drip setup because I don't vape all the time, but when I do, I like to control how much I vape so I don't binge on juice.

Any setups for "Drip"

Prefer to keep it nice and cheap, as a college student, money is a big problem.