
Maybe going to shoot myself in the foot for not just starting this but...I wonder how hard it would be to create a clone of youtube strictly for vape related stuff. There's a YouTuber that did the same thing for "other" things and I believe it took off.

Since they are smashing people down on YouTube for vape stuff, why not start a new one?

PS - Not familiar with website design  

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Youtube Vape Channels Being Deleted!

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I'm having a hard time figuring out what the strikes are for. I don't think it's for promoting links directly to vapor products because vapers know that is a no-no on youtube. Does anyone know anything more about this situation?  

Vaping With Physics, Youtube Channel I'm Starting(started)

So I started this youtube channel Vaping with Physics where I explain the physics of vaping. I figured I would let people know on here if anyone is interested, as the channel is brand new and no one knows about it yet. I'm starting basic with defining the typical electrical terms you hear. So far I have done a video on voltage and one on current/resistance. I plan on doing circuits next, specifically the difference between parallel and series and how that affects vaping. I also did a review of the hero box from drip club just to add some variety. Now i'm not a Phd so I won't be going TOO deep into things, also I want to keep it math friendly for people who aren't already into science anyway. I'm still an undergrad (one more year) but I have a pretty good understanding of most of the stuff, at least to qualify making youtube videos I would think. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea and if you have any suggestions for topics to discuss. I also am still getting used to recording myself talk so I will improve over time with that hopefully. Right now it kind of just feels like I'm talking out loud to myself lol. Anyway check it out if you'd like:  

Stocking Up Strategy?

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Vape Pen Charger Explosion

Just watched a news video... "Vape pen charger explosion"
Vape pen charger explosion causes thousands of dollars worth of damage to California woman's home
The lady was charging a vape pen and the charger "explodes" causing a nearby paint can to shoot up into the ceiling. The fire dept guy says "those lithium ion batteries..." and so on. Now wait just a minute! Technically, it wasn't a "vape charger" and they showed the vape pen looked fine. Pens don't come with a charger, just a USB cord, so it was just a universal USB charger (like for phones, ect) and the pen battery didn't explode. Also, why did she have a paint can sitting next to it? Did she leave the vape pen on (might not matter)? Was the USB cord damaged (short)? Pens use a LiPo battery not Lithium Ion. I know I'm nitpicking, but all people will really "hear" is vape pen explodes... nobody really thinks things out. Could this have happened anyway while charging a phone or something else? Right after watching this, I see an article in the local paper telling people to stop vaping immediately because of the recent events (and they don't mention ANYTHING about the real cause!) Final thought: there was also a water bottle next to where the charger was... maybe she spilled water on the charger? I'm like Peter Falk in the old TV show Columbo... "but what got me thinking was..." Maybe I overthink things, but at least I do think (and ask questions)  

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Any 3d Printing Ideas?

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Do you have any 3D printing vaping related ideas?

Oh by the way haha I want to share a little story with you, don't read it if you don't want to

So I woke up one day and said to myself out of nowhere;
"Ima flippin vape"
I had no experience in vaping at all at the time, but I could at least do some stuff in engineering. (I'm double licensed in electronics and mechanics)
So I lit up a cigarette and began designing the body of the box mod. I had no idea how I was going to make it but basically, I was going to print the whole thing, including the atomizer (RDA style, I didn't even know it was called an RDA haha) but I had no resistance wire. So break the hairdryer, I did.
After a hell lotta designing and stuff, wrapping the wire around a piece of cotton, (yup) hooking the battery up, but... well... it was a drill battery, I'm talking about 12 volts.
I then bought some glycerin (100% VG) from the pharmacy, and all I was looking for were them fat clouds. Oh man, fat clouds did I get. But also the first vape hit in my life was a dry hit.

After coughing my lungs out, I looked at the cotton, obliterated it was.
Instead of reducing the voltage, I just threw like 10 more windings to it and since, it was the best vape I ever had somehow, ooh I also bought some flavouring and it just tasted like I was eating the real thing.

Then the plastic melted  

Is This The Future For Youtube Vape Reviewers?

RipTrippers now on Youtube Kids.

Now that's diversification!


Low Budget Shinyitis

"Cheap is small and not to steep, but best of all, cheap is cheap...
I'm on a low budget!
I'm on a low budget!
I'm not cheap, you'll understand;
I'm just a cut-price person in low-budget land"
--Ray Davies, "Low Budget"--

A few months ago, I got back into vaping after a two year absence. I figured that I wouldn't really need to buy much more gear than what I already had from 2014-2017.

Well, a lot that old gear still works and I use much of it frequently. I was using it, doing just fine, when I decided to get a new high power mod to replace the ailing eVic-VT, whose built-in battery is dying a slow and agonizing death. Can't run subohm coils on a Provari.

So I decided to buy a mod...

I'm good at finding closeouts, liquidations, etc. It's one of the ways I keep costs low for my guitar business. Much of which comes from China. With vaping, we have a whole industry located almost entirely in China. Most of the major manufacturers seem to introduce new gear and discontinue "old" gear on an almost weekly basis.

"Who still wants that old piece of junk mod we were making last month with a measly 95 watt output. Now, for just $5 more, you can have the new totally badass mod that looks almost the same as the old one, but in new colors and...get this...105 watt output!"

So for low power me, there was all kinds of cool stuff. I don't care about TC, 'cause I vape too cool for it to work. Just give me variable wattage or even VV. Last month's model is OK.

So I'm finding all sorts of cool stuff, and started seeing a lot of good stuff for under $50. A lot of good stuff under $35. Some really cool stuff for under $ of course I can buy that mod. Doesn't cost half as much as that carton of cigarettes that I didn't buy this week.

So here's a cool starter kit (mod with tank) for under $25. About half of the list price that nobody paid in the first place:

The Sigelei Sobra is a cool looking, long lasting, 200W monster. I love the Moonshot tank it came with. I added the heat sink all by myself. But it has a fatal flaw for tootle-puffing me. Minimum output is 10W! I frequently vape at 7W, so this setup just won't work for me all of the time.

So I really needed to get another mod, this time a high ouput device with a minimum output of no more than 5W...

I can't deny it--I quickly developed a bad case of low budget shinyitis. Not too hard to click on "Buy" when it's so cheap--such a good deal--and what's another $25, anyway? If it's less than $15, I swear, sometimes the "Add To Cart" button clicks itself.

Here's a bunch of low budget gear that looks cool, works well, and none of it cost more than $35. I also bought all of it in the last 3 months:
Low budget shinyitis is a common affliction. Some folks collect different pod systems in all of the available colors. Some folks just can't resist a good $20 RTA. Some people start collecting mech clones...
HCigar "Turtle Ship" clone with a custom built Subtank. Good quality, really. The only thing that gives it away as a clone is the engraving, which was left rough. Of course, I sanded and polished it, and now it's much smoother.

So low budget shinyitis is real, it's dangerous (to your wallet), and is perhaps a far more widespread affliction than previously thought. Now somebody please show off your low budget (under $50) shinies, so I know I'm not alone!  

My Parents Don't Like Me Vaping

So I'm a 19 year old guy, started smoking when I was 14 and finally quit cigarettes 3 months ago. My parents like that I quit smoking but they think vaping some sort of gateway drug that will make me want to, and I quote, "smoke {OTHER STUFF}". What I don't understand is that both of my parents both smoke a pack a day. I even tried to convince them to switch to vaping but they said they don't want to smoke that "{OTHER STUFF} device". Even when I vape in my room, they come in and get pissed off because they're tired of smelling my "fruity {MODERATED}". How can I convince them to get a better understanding of vaping and potentially start them on it too?