Which Is Your Favourite Place To Vape

Which is your favourite place to vape? Do you mind if non vaper or smoker is around?  

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Who Is Your Favourite?

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Your Favorite Place(s) To Vape

Starting this thread with main intention for people to post where it is you enjoy vaping the most. Post that as a response and I, as OP, will be satisfied. If a particular situation matches that place, then feel free to note that.

As I enjoy vaping in multiple places and vaping everywhere, with respect, here would be my top places:

1 - vaping in my car while driving - at times I think this is the best place to vape, especially when I am driving alone. Feel a lot of freedom when vaping here.
2 - vaping at home while doing one of three things: a) watching sports on TV, b) playing a video game or c) how can I not mention vaping while visiting ECF
3 - vaping in public - in a hospital (makes the hospital experience a little better, and is one of the easiest places to vape indoors, with respect to others). Or vaping in any public place where I know I have full permission to do so. A bar would likely be prime example here, but I do not frequent bars, so not sure really and is why this is last on the list.

And you?  

Ohms All Over The Place For Vw

I'm not that fond of VW because I find most inboard ohm meters are all over the place. It's either low or way too high. I know, the resistance changes as to the voltage applied, but I don't find it so convenient as VV. As for now is mostly vape by taste, and I can never be sure if it's going to be good or mediocre, just depending on the ohm readout. Just now, an 1.8 ohm head Nautilus is reading 2.5 on my iStick 30, 1.7 on my IPV mini and 2.0 on the Sigelei mini. I just can't understand how you can vape on this, I thought it was my rebuildables, but no, it's the onboard ohm meter.  

Best Standard Set Up?

with no interest in sub ohming or rebuilding at this minute what is the best standard tank to use for liquids?

I currently use a nautilus and a vision spinner 2 and have done a for a while now. The problem I have to be honest is better liquids like flavours by Joe burn the nautilus coils out within a couple of hours and fusion vapours (my personal favourite) last only days which I know isn't normal.

so to someone with a limited knowledge of vaping and looking for very easy set ups rather than technical building, what are the best tank and battery to use for a swap out coil and generally not a high power Vape ( I tend to 3.8 it)  

What Do You 'crave' The Most About Vaping?

Most people justify vaping to smoking because it's healthier, and to some, cheaper, but what is it that you enjoy most out of vaping? The nic fix, the shiny mech mods, the high powered box mods, the clouds?

Personally, I love the flavor of vaping the most, along with my house and vehicles not smelling like an ashtray. I'm sure a lot of other people can attest to this too, but having a big collection of gear is pretty cool, too. I figured there would come a time when I'd cut back on spending, but it seems like with the selection of vape stuff out there today, just makes me want more. It's like it never ends.

Whats your favourite part of vaping?  

Do You Have A Special Place To Vape?

Hey everyone!
I was just wondering if you had any places that you like to vape at or that's just been really awesome!
I personally like vaping when I'm outside a lot more than when I'm inside.
I thought it would be cool to start this thread because I haven't found one yet and I bet you guys have vaped in some pretty cool spots!
Vape on and have a great day!  

What's Your Favourite Thing To Do While Vaping?

Personally, I like to watch any videos about vaping and just sorta sit there thinking about life. Sounds cliche, I know, but it's totally worth trying. One of the most relaxing things I've tried, it's like how I meditate because my attention span is terrible.

What about you?  

Cigalikes Are Garbage

Any veteran vaper will tell you this truth.
We have all probably tried them at first. I know I did. I can tell you a universal and undeniable truth about them.
They are garbage.
They are nothing more than a most introductory lesson into vaping. I know of no vaper in my circle of friends that started with a cigalike and continue to use them. They have many flaws and 1 in particular comes to mind.
In the cartomizer, the unit that holds the 'liquid', no one has any idea what is in there. Sure, the package might tell you but how do you know? These cigalikes were the only product used in a study in 2008 to determine what was in the liquid. The results were disturbing but not surprising. They found formaldehyde, cyanide and other toxic chemicals usually found in cigarette smoke. So, yes, they really are cigalikes. But at the same time, painted the entire industry with a broad brush so now everyone thinks that vaping is just as deadly, if not more so, than smoking analog cigarettes which is nothing but one gigantic lie. Any vaper will tell you that.
Why were these chemicals found in a vaporizer? Because most cigalikes are, and have been, produced by Big Tobacco. They don't want to lose customers or money. They want every former smoker to be just as addicted to their cigalikes as they were to their cigarettes. There are several videos on YouTube of interviews with BT representatives that say this very thing.
Don't buy the garbage because it's cheap. Go to your local vape shop and talk to someone who was in your shoes.  

Certified C-365 Vape Juice

A company called Certified created a Vape juice called C-365. It is a Butterscotch & Vanilla mix and I love it.
I purchased this product from a company called Interstate Vape.
Recently, I tried to place an order and it looks like both places may be out of business. Does anybody know about this.

If they are out of business anyone know how I can make something similar myself?
Thank You,

Totally Not Vape Related But...

Zyn nicotine pouches. Wow. If you aren't able to vape in a particular place or time, these things kick hiney. Tobacco free nic salt pouches use like snus. They come in 3 and 6mg. 4 flavors, and of course I like peppermint best. Tobacco, cinnamon and menthol are the other choices. I know this is not vape related but....ya know? Its doable in the right circumstances. And I never had hiccups from nicotine until today. These things a powerful and stop a craving fast. Ok, back to vaping again, carry on...