My Tanks Won't Sit Tight On My Gen Mod

Recently my 2 Tobecco Super Tank Mini tanks won't sit tight on my Vaporesso Gen Mod. It doesn't spin, when it's all the way tight but they both wobble a little while on the mod. It's kinda annoying & I try my best to keep my thumb against the tank just to make sure it won't move while firing but just wanna make sure I'm safe to continue vaping as I can't afford a new tank, definitely not a new Mod right now. On the other hand, I have a daughter to take care of. Just trying to figure out if it's fixable & tanks or mod? I hope I explained it well enough?!  

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Ego Style Tanks

I've been out of the small scene for awhile, relying solely on dripping or my latest journey...searching for the ultimate sub ohm tank.

Anyway, my wife has been dipping her toes back in the vaping waters, and I have a Tatroe Tank set up for her on a iStick 20W. The problem she's having is leakage from the coil. We've already got a number of Kanger Protank 3's in the collection...but they are prone to leaking.

What is out there now, tank wise, that offers 1.8 ohm or so range that is pyrex and doesn't leak? Pyrex or SS is a must, as she like high cinnamon juices such as High Caliber's Flame Thrower. She also vapes as if she's smoking...mouth to lung hits. She likes the tight draw that mimics a cigarette, and would rather have the smaller diameter drip tips like those on eGo and Evod style tanks  

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Some Advice Please :)

Hey there!
I have been vaping for a little over a year now and have gone through several different set ups but am fairly happy with what I'm using atm-- I have one of those Aspire Sub Ohm batteries and have been using a Nautilus tank with it. It seems that the coils in the tank burn out super quickly because the battery is too strong for it I guess? Any way the other day my battery and tank (the whole shebang) fell right into the toilet. The only good thing was that the toilet was recently flushed so yeah... I am now in need of a new battery and was interested in one of those lil box mods that everyone in the world seems to be using lol. The tanks I have and would be using with it are my two Nautilus tanks (one is a mini) and sometimes an Innokin iClear thingy (the one with the cool rotating tip). I vape mostly very sweet caramel, cookie and cereal juices at .6 nic and am mostly in love with flavor versus cloud making if that makes any sense. I'm not at all good with any of the technical stuff so have no desire to use any rebuild-able stuffs. Oh and I have an Aspire vv battery but it loses the charge so quickly I am kinda wanting something new...

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Will A Kanger Evod Tank Last Forever?

I've been using disposable clearomizers since I started vaping, with an 808 kit, and that's been working fine for me, but I came across a super cheap deal recently for a Kanger Evod starter kit, so I bought one. I paid about $14, so it was a no brainer.

The tanks have these disposable coils, but the tanks seem like that they can be re-used forever, as long as they don't crack or fall on the ground and break, is that correct?

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Crown 4 Mesh Coil Issues

Hey everyone,

So I've had the crown 4 tank for about 6 or so months and switched to mesh coils a couple months ago, off and on. The reason being is that it seems with the 4-packs I've bought, it's almost guaranteed that 2 will be either VERY picky about how tight i screw the tank and coil on the base. It has to be JUST tight enough where the box gets an ohm reading, but any tighter it looks like it shorts out (the ohm reading blinks 0.00). I've never messed around with the coil before, i usually just end up going back to the traditional coils and dealing with the lacking taste. Any suggestions? I'm using the sub box mini v2 if that makes a difference.


Clumsy Me.. Broke All My Aspire Tanks.. Vari.. Whats Next?

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Wanting New Hardware

I currently use Halo's Triton batteries and I like the batteries but I do not like the tanks. I have been having issues with them wicking and it's annoying. I use the batteries now with the regular cartomizers because the cartos always work and I don't have to fiddle with them. The problem is they are a regular carto and don't hold much juice so I'm always topping them off. I've always like the streamlined look of the triton and ego style batteries and the battery life is ok on them but I'm tired of having to fiddle with crap. I just want to pour in some juice and be able to vape for a while without worrying about anything.

I have noticed the Isticks and they actually look kinda cool but I'm still concerned about jumping into the box mod world. My other concern is what tank would you use on them that would be better than the Triton tanks, do they make some that are hassle free and you can just vape and maybe screw on a new coil every week or two. Another thing is it seems all the new tanks out there have metal mouthpieces and I HATE those, they feel horrible on my lips. I like the regular plastic kind that don't get cold or hot but are just normal feeling (if that makes sense).

If someone could please give some advise on a tank, there are so many new things out there and I'm lost. I have been vaping off and on for several years but have never found anything to keep me off cigs for more than 6 months at a time because of all the fidgiting thats involved. Also any thoughts about going from an ego style battery to a Istick.

Thanks for any and all help. This stuff is so confusing to me.  

Xpro M80 Plus Keeps Changing Ohms Reading On Each Puff...??

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Has anyone else had this problem and/or have any ideas as to how it can be fixed??

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Can I Get Some Help Getting Setup Please?

Haven't vaped in like 8 years? So most of everything is new to me now..
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I'm looking to quit smoking and here's what I'm looking for in a vape setup.

MTL Mouth to Lung setup so I can draw in and then inhale like a cigarette, but I would like a decent cloud. Not looking for huge, just good and maybe be able to slightly adjust what gets produced with using only 50/50 juice blends.

RTA setup? I need a rebuildable coil tank system.
I need to keep my maintenance cost low, so I need to be able to rebuild new coils.

No leak tank is a must. Needs to lay down on side on table and keep in pocket.

1 battery or 2. Doesn't matter much.

Would like a smaller mouthpiece compared to the larger style so I can get a good MTL draw.

Not sure what my options are for tanks and box mods or pen style? I think I need some kind of box mod? So i can slightly fine tune watts, volts to my coils if it just doesn't feel right and needs minor adjustments? Also like the option showing how many seconds used or draws.

There's so many tanks out there, but it's hard to tell what is really good.
The battery side, I really have no idea what I would need... watts, ohms, voltage.. with all the combinations, I can figure out what I really need..

Not looking to just be easy simple. I want good quality and I can only buy once.. I can't really afford it as it is, but I need to stop smoking..
But I want to buy once and be good for long time and not wish I bought something else. I just don't have the money to play around like that..

So I hope I can get some help here or suggestions to get me looking in the right direction for tank and battery side system.

Quality brands?
Brands to pass on because there is better options?