Small Things We Do While Vaping That Deserve No Explanation

Hello everyone.

Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.

What small things we do while vaping that deserve no explanation?

Myself I have the quirk (hope this is the right word) of only liking to set my wattage in some specific numbers and/or sequences:
2-7-12-17-22-27-32-etc or numbers ending with 9.

What else... I have a thing for black mods and black atomisers.

Anyone else have some things that fit the topic that want to share?

Stay safe. Have fun.  

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Do You Deserve To Vape?

I agree thats its not fair we are being attacked from pretty much all sides.
But fact of the matter is we are.
So what are you doing about it?

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What are you going to do, to deserve to be a Vapor?

I hope all who read this will get involved and do something about the situation we are facing. No matter what you do grate or small at least do SOMETHING!

Also big big ATTA BOYS all around for all of those already involved and taking action.  

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or,should i say i didn't do it,no one seen me do it,they can't prove a thing?


Wicking Speed And Liquid/atomiser Temperature

Hello everyone.

Now that I'm stuck at home I have been observing some things that I never realised before.

Where I am now it has been very cold (0°C and a bit lower sometimes) and my wicking is behaving differently.

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Any thoughts on this?

Stay safe everyone.  

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Hope everyone is having a good day!  

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