Anyone Vape Just Before You Go To Sleep?

Do you have problem sleeping? Do you just plan and put off your vape before sleeping?  

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So I'm trying to quit smoking, it's only been a few days now but ever since I started vaping I haven't been sleeping.. at all.. maybe 2-3 hours a night. I believe it's because I used to have a smoke before I go to bed then I'd be headrocked to sleep.

does anyone have any tips for me. I don't want to smoke but I feel like that's the only way I'll be able to sleep.  

I Wonder, Is Fasttech Safe?

I've placed a couple orders with Fasttech over the last couple weeks. I just found 2 fraudulent charges on my credit card from "Elite Souvenir." All I can find on them is they're an Indonesian shop, which I've obviously never even heard of. So all I can really trace it to is my fasttech purchases.

I know tons of people order there with no issues, but if I don't get an assuring answer from the Chase fraud crew, I might have to just assume that's where this problem derived from. Scary! Now I should be sleeping for work in 5 hours, but I need a drink!  

Cheap Vape Question

So, I recently came across this cheap vape mod in aliexpress and thought i'd give it a try to see if i would enjoy vaping,and later on upgrade to a better one.
This mod is a 2200mah,3.0ml tank ,Wattages are 40-80-100w and i can only cycle through them. The coils that it comes with are 0.5ohm,does that mean i will only be able to vape at 40watts?
I plan on ordering 0.2 ohm for the same device of course,but for the time being will i need to only vape at 40w?
This is the device  

Taking It A Step Further

In addition to quitting smoking, I thought I would take it a step further and get an activity/sleep/food tracker to sync up with my android phone.

I am about 50 lbs. over weight and am a computer programmer, so my job is basically sitting on my butt all day followed by getting home and sitting on my butt all night...

I picked up a jawbone UP24 ( Buy UP24™ by Jawbone® | Make fitness a habit. ) at a local store. I chose this one because it has no display, is not bulky on my wrist, and is among the top activity trackers.

It tracks my steps taken, my sleep, and I can enter my daily food intake by either scanning the bar code, or doing a search for food items. It also scores what I eat based on the amount of sugar/sodium/fat/calories/etc... It also has alarms you can set to make it vibrate to tell me to get up off my butt and do something, and goals I can set.

I really didn't have high expectations, but since I got this thing I have been so much more conscious about my activity level, sleeping, and eating habits. I am surprised at how many things I should NOT be eating, and how much sodium and sugar is in foods.

I also found an app that you can use at the food store to scan items, and it tells you the items score, and the good and bad things that are in them.

So far, it seems to be causing me to make better food choices and get up on my butt a lot more.

Just wanted to share the point that we don't have to just stop at quitting smoking...  

Do You Really Feel Better With The Switch?

I'm sure this question was ask before, but I can't find it.

For the people who use to smoke cigarettes, did you really feel a change health wise after switching to vaping?


Lungs capacity
Less tired
Sleeping better
General well being

I know it's been only 12 days for me, but I can't really see any changes health wise.


The Cigarette That Won't Go Out...

The only issue I have with using an e-cigarette is the darned thing doesn't go out.When I smoked the stinkies at least when the smoke got to the end you butted it,waited a while then lit another.With these e-cigs they don't,I keep on puffing and puffing.I find the only time I'm not using it is when I'm outside working in the yard,eating or sleeping.I'm propably getting more nicotene than I ever did with the stinkies.

Anyone else experiencing this?  

Temperature Control. Have I Been Missing Something In My Life?

I just discovered that my Hcigar VT Inbox has a temperature control setting. Question is why. Is this why I haven’t been sleeping good at night. Why my clothes don’t fit right. Why I don’t know the answer to all the questions. (Being sarcastic).
Really though, curious minds want to know.  

Anyone From Colombia?

I will be traveling to Cartagena next week. Is there anything to plan for with vape gear? Are the laws like the US? I plan on only taking cheap stuff in case it gets taken or I need to get rid of it in customs.  


Got the idea for this question reading another post.

Did anyone have sleep issues when switching from cigs to vaping? My sleep has been horrible the past few months (quit in May) but I honestly don't know if its a quitting symptom or ifs its unrelated.  

Help To Fix The Problem.

Hello friends, I bought vape a week ago. After that, after 2 days, suddenly my vape fell to the ground, then after that my vepe couldn't power on again. I tried a lot, but the problem same. Plz.. anyone help me to solve the problem ??