I Think I Know The Meaning Of Tootle Puffer

I think it means taking small puff but chaining it.Like Puff time is less then 2 second but you vaped it quickly.That action sir/madam,it’s tootle puff  

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Are You A Tootle Puffer??

Hi everyone!

Ok, you've seen the term on a few threads now, and you've scratched your head thinking...... "What in the world is a Tootle Puffer?!?!"

You're not alone. Many are wondering. Yet, there are a several people who know exactly what it means, and have smiled their way into the Tootle Puffers Club.

Let's have some fun. Let's find out who actually IS a Tootle Puffer, and let's define it!*

Are YOU a Tootle Puffer? What does that mean!!!

*And before you ask, no, I'm NOT making another spreadsheet!  

Tootle Puffers, Part Three! (the Sequel Of The Redux)

TPuffers!!!!!! What have we done! Part Three? Already?

Hello to all the old and the new Tootle Puffers! Welcome to our newest abode. Please make yourself comfy -- there are drinks at the bar, and snacks on the table. We've even got a T-shirt and a wristband for the 1st person to come in here.

(oh, that'd be me. sorry.)

After more than 30 THOUSAND posts, we're still going strong! (Altho I'm not sure we know the meaning of "Tootle Puffer" yet...) (and we might never know! )

If you'd like to offer up what it means to you, then go for it! If you'd like to discuss the color of your water heater, ride a camel on Wednesdays, or divulge the secrets to a great love life, feel free!

So turn down the wattage and blow some wispy little plumes! Have fun, make friends, learn and teach vape, and Tootle On.

And please join CASAA!!!!!!!!!!!! www.casaa.org

Thank you sincerely, my sweetie pies, one and all, for making this one of the most incredible threads on ECF! I appreciate every single one of you very much.

And without further ado or hoopla, here ya go...... TOOTLE PUFFERS, PART THREE! (The Sequel of the Redux)

Hop on!

And for those who would like to trip down the memory lane...............

Part 1: Are YOU a Tootle Puffer??

Part 2: Tootle Puffers, Redux (The Sequel)

Link to her story of how the Tootle Puffers came to be:
Tootle Puffers, Part Three! (The Sequel of the Redux)​

Puff Bars Are Back. Now With Tfn.

So it looks like Puff Bars told the FDA to Pound Sand. And Now they are Back with TFN.

Puff Bar Defies FDA Crackdown on Fruity E-Cigarettes by Ditching the Tobacco

About Puffbars

Will it Work?
Will Congress have a Hissy Fit?
Will there be a Ginormous Legal Battle?
Will a Bunch of Lawyers get Rich?

You Tell me.  

Scared Of Device

I posted this in another user's smok m80 thread. I hope it's ok to post here too. I'm really concerned, and would like to know if this has happened to anyone else. Here is the post unaltered:

I loved the device at first, but now I am scared to use it. I had an Atlantis 2 on it, and at first, it consistently read the ohms as .39. Then it started jumping all over the place from puff to puff. It went anywhere from .39 to 1.2, always different with each puff. At one point, it even changed the watts on its own (it kept dropping them down from around 30 to around 25; it did stop doing this). So I put my kanger Subtank nano on it, at 24 watts. It read anywhere from .55 to 1.5. Then, on the last puff before I shut the device off, it read 2.62 and burned my throat really bad at 24 watts. Since it reads different with each puff, and I don't get the new reading until after I've hit the button, I cannot check what it will be before I've inhaled. I've been vaping for years, and never felt anything like this. My chest hurts, and my throat feels very sore. Contacting the vendor now, but I don't know that I would even want to use one ever again. This was scary for me. The device had the updated chip, and was not even used for more than a half a charge. (The two tanks are fine on my other mods.)

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Atlantis V2 Question

Not sure where to post this so if someone could redirect it that'd be great, anyway to those who use an atlantis v2, after you take a puff do you hear a small sizzle? Its barely noticeable and i dont think it affects anything but if i take a long puff i hear it. Vapes perfect, no gurgles, no leaks, no liquid in mouth, etc. Has anyone noticed it? (.3 85 watts)  

Puff Bars?

Are Puff bars worse then vaping? side effect wise? or just about the same, i’m just wondering if they do worse damage, because i like to hit them. let me know, thanks  

Converting People (willingly And Accidentally)

Hey guys and gals,

So I've been vaping for a couple of months after being on the stinkies for about 10 years, but my father has been in it for many years. This has lead to me skipping a great deal of rookie mistakes and learning how things work quite fast. This resulted in having a decent build in a community that has either no or bad opinions on vaping. I'm from a smaller town in Croatia, and if anyone mentions vaping it's what they've heard from the news on how bad it is (mostly the ever present study of old clearomisers fired at 5V).
After a month or two i was so enthusiastic about it i wanted to share it with my smoking friends. Trying to explain the possibilities, the fine tuning, ranging from wicking, atomizer types and coils to DIY juices. Some were interested, others were not.
Lately though, perfect example tonight, unexpected things started happening. I was out in my local pub, tootle puffing on my vamo5 and veritas and somebody i barely know came up to me asking what that was. I gave him a puff at 8W with my DIY 10mg VG chocolate peanut butter and he was thrilled. Friday night and he was like "just tell me what to order and i'm taking it right now".
I feel as if there's about to be an avalanche of vapers in my town and i'm loving it. This is the fifth or sixth person that has fully committed to dropping the analogs and switching to vaping in a very short time period, I'm gonna have to hold a class soon for all the basics

Have you guys from smaller towns had similar experiences? Because i feel that all the bad media regarding vaping is having little to no effect once a smoker takes a puff. Of course the problem is "making" the sceptical ones actually take the first puff due to the propaganda, but in my experience, once they do it's almost always a done deal!
God i hope i'll have someone recommending me flavors and atties in a couple months  

Sigelie 100w Humming?

So I took a puff and I herd a slight ringing humming noise so I put my ear to it and it is making that noise I thought it might have been something else but what is that is that bad? It seams to only do it when I take a puff and it starts to fade away after like 20 seconds? Thanks guys!  

9 Days Down, Forever To Go (& Bf Steals My Vape)

I've tried to quit smoking using vape stuff many times over the last two years or so. I've made it two weeks twice and otherwise have not made it long enough to remember. I had a dream last night that I was vaping. When I woke up I got excited about that (that I wasn't smoking in the dream). I went back to bed and woke up this morning in the middle of a dream that I was smoking. Ahk!

I know that I cannot ever have another puff if I want this to work. There is a thread about how gross smoking tastes after vaping. It's true that for me, smoking is sort of gross and leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but clearly I like it no matter how disgusting it is.

Around February, my boyfriend said he wanted to quit smoking in the spring. We quit on the same day (last Monday). He uses nicotine gum and I have my vaping. He enjoys taking a puff off my equipment. But a "puff" has turned into about as much as I use it. Last Saturday he said he only had one piece of nicotine gum because he vaped most of the time. I'm trying not to be annoyed, but it kind of irritates me a little. Mostly because I chain-vape and don't want him to take it from me. A few days ago, I noticed he kept adjusting the voltage and handing it back to me without changing it back to where I had it! I made sure he stopped doing that.

Last night he asked me what stuff I buy (the battery, clearomizers and liquid- sorry, I don't know the correct terminology for everything). He was reading up on vaping. I am hoping he's considering buying his own stuff.

I'm thrilled that he quit smoking and want to be supportive of him regardless of how he does it but I sort of want to say, "get your own!"  

Xpro M80 Plus Keeps Changing Ohms Reading On Each Puff...??

I have the Smok xPro M80 plus and I have a couple Kanger subtank minis I use with it. I usually use .5 ohm coils. Sometimes it will show the ohms fairly correctly at .54 or even .61, which seems close enough. However, as I puff, the ohms reading will tend to change after every few puffs. Sometimes it will even say up to 1.5 or 2.0 ohms on the same tank coil! One tank seems to do it worse than the other, but the two I use now both will change quite often, and once in awhile quite drastically. It sometimes helps if I unscrew the tank and screw it back on, but if it isn't really tight, the ohms read are really far off from what they should be. I'm not sure if it is the tanks or the M80 plus that has the problem. When it reads really high, if I don't catch it before I take a puff, it is horrible and burny-dry, since it thinks the ohms are so high...

Has anyone else had this problem and/or have any ideas as to how it can be fixed??

By the way, I've cleaned the connections and everything thoroughly, so it's not that...